Mitgliederübersicht Hannover

Benutzerprofil von Hannover

Dabei seit: 30.01.2010

Besucher: 501
Freunde: 0
Forum: 11

Hannover .

hat auf das Thema Re: Words to meet the day im Forum English geantwortet
He who cannot do what he wants must want that which he can [do/want]; because, to want that which he cannot [do/want] would be silly. Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo does have a very good point, I think. Wanting what one cannot have is the root of much stress and strife. One of the Ten Commandments says the same thing.
hat auf das Thema Re: Answer a question and ask another one im Forum English geantwortet
I am definitely not a member of the majority, i.e. those who watch sports on TV or attend hockey or football (the American kind)games. I don't like crowds of any kind and would not think of attending protest rallies even though I might totally agree with the need for that protest.
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hallo, Praline/Doerte . . .glad to hear from you. The Sunday chat is only one hour long, starting at 19:00 hrs. Europe time. Please join us whenever you have time and inclination.
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hallo . . I'm sorry that you consider the English chat "no fun" and "nonsense". However, tonight, you participated throughout and appeared to be interested in the conversation. Frosch, Dancelady and I established the chat years ago, with the understanding that it should primarily serve practicing language skills. For a while, I would correct grammatical errors for the purpose of learning/teaching since I am speaking English every day for 50+ years. I haven't done that lately. I am assuming that the originator of this Subforum had somewhat the same purpose in mind.
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hi, "Hannover" is my birthplace in Germany. There is, indeed a town "Hanover" here in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I did not see a detailed report on the Summit, glad to hear though that the Greens are keeping the issue of climate change in the public eye. In the Canadian Parliament, there are only two lonely Members of the Green party. Said Steven Harper does not care about the environment just about "the economy" that puts lots of money into his corporate friends' pockets. I did see a picture of Angela Merkel with widely outstretched arms and Obama. She looked like the famous picture of Julie Andrews in the movie 'Sound of Music', with alpine meadows and mountains in the background.
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Just to set the record straight: you mentioned 6 of the G7 leaders, leaving out #7, Canada's Steven Harper (I'm a Canadian citizen). Actually, he's an embarrassment to the country, and, as I said, I mention him ONLY to set the record straight. Those politicians are always staying at the very best resorts, at taxpayers' expense, of course. The News broadcast stated that there were thousands of police officers in Grainau, guarding these 7 people for a couple of days . . . that must have cost millions of euros! Here, in Toronto and in other cities, there was just a major arrest of drug trafficking gangsters. It took more than two years, and $14 million, to get enough evidence for this arrest. My daughter's partner, an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer was involved in collecting evidence for these two years, such as hundreds of hours surveillance, as well as in the arrest itself.
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello everyone . . . I just discovered this subforum and recognized several nicks who have visited the Sunday English Chat. It is, in my opinion, the preferable communications method, i.e. instant comments and answers. We are now meeting Sundays 19.00 hrs. Europe time. Would love to see any and all of you there. Hannover = Doris
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
As a "charter" member of the Sunday English Chat, I was somewhat taken aback by being called "strange". Now, if the purpose of this subforum, at least partly, is learning, I think it would be helpful if the more glaring errors in a post are corrected by another participant (using "antworten"). What do you think about that?
hat auf das Thema Validation im Forum Blog-Kommentare geantwortet
Validation, im Englischen, bedeutet so etwas wie Bestaetigung. In dem Sinne ist sie daher nicht nur anwendbar in einer psychotherapeutischen Situation, mit psychisch Kranken. In ganz alltaeglichen Umstaenden kann man z.B.einen Gespraechspartner "bestaetigen", d.h. seine Position/Meinung akzeptieren, ohne sie fuer sich selbst zu akzeptieren oder sie zu bewerten.
Die Kanadier, die ja nun eine gemeinsame Grenze mit den USA haben, und dementsprechend ihren Nachbarn sehr gut kennen, sind ebenso erfreut wie die Deutschen, dass Obama weiterhin im White House agieren wird. Was sollte eigentlich die Bemerkung, Frauen waeren Obama zugeflogen, bedeuten? Die Analyse der Wahlergebnisse hat gezeigt, dass ueberwiegend Latinos, und natuerlich African-Americans, fuer Obama gestimmt haben. Romney dahingegen hatte vorwiegend weisse Maenner auf seiner Seite.
