Each of us must be Cousteau
The Huffington Post
June 8, 2010
What Would Jacques Do? One Hundred Years of Oil
By Wallace J. Nichols, Sarah Kornfeld, Jake Dunagan and Stuart Candy
Jacques Yves Cousteau spent halcyon days gliding above and beneath the ocean. He lived among the largest mammals and sea drift. He was the master educator and voice for the sea. And so, on this, the 100th anniversary of his birth, it is a sorry state of affairs that we cannot celebrate the legacy of his ocean life, but instead it is the centennial of our own legacy with oil, plastic and associated toxins we must confront. One hundred years ago, 1910, the fossil-fuel-based plastics industry was born, as was Cousteau, and thus began the first plastic century.
The time is now for us, the lovers of the sea. We cannot wait for a great tide to take the oil, and our need for it, away to a magical place. And, we can't wait for the memory of great people to inspire us to change. We must honor their memory by doing something great ourselves.
Each of us must be Cousteau -- we must embody his legacy with a vision for the future: one that includes a world with a healthy, thriving sea. We must embody his memory -- a person who wanted a healthy, thriving future for the planet.
Ask yourself, "What would Jacques do?" Act as he would. Because we are all ocean activists now.
Wallace J. Nichols, Sarah Kornfeld, Jake Dunagan, and Stuart Candy, are a hybrid art- science-futures collaboration. Their installation Plastic Century is an interactive installation created for the California Academy of Sciences that explores the relationship between plastic, people, and the environment over the 100 years since the birth of Jacques Cousteau. The installation will be at the California Academy of Sciences June 3rd and June 10th. The Plastic Century Team is currently in residency at the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts (GAFFTA), in San Francisco.
Kommentare (3)
A Louisiana judge overturned Obamas ban on offshore drilling. They want to continue their search for oil.
The Interior Secretary Salazar will issue a new drilling ban.
The only thing I can think of is to start a petition.
a. stop the offshore drilling
b. start to accept and involve ALL offers, worldwide, to clean up the horrendous mess.
Who will work with me to get it started?
A Louisiana judge overturned Obamas ban on offshore drilling. They want to continue their search for oil.
The Interior Secretary Salazar will issue a new drilling ban.
The only thing I can think of is to start a petition.
a. stop the offshore drilling
b. start to accept and involve ALL offers, worldwide, to clean up the horrendous mess.
Who will work with me to get it started?
Immerhin duerfte dieser Titel "interessant" genug sein, dass man hinein schaut.
feeding sensationalism...mir graut
Wenn man sich die verschiedenen Artikel ansieht, wundere ich mich, was uns Senioren beschaeftigt...
Es wird viel kommentiert, es werden Misstaende beredet, zerredet...Wozu eigentlich?
Wem dient es?
Aktion ist gefragt!
Aber dazu haben wir keine Lust, ist ja auch verdammt unbequem!
Diese Schweinerei im Golf von Mexico, Aegypten und andren Ortes, macht sich gut zum diskutieren.
Dass es unsere Weltmeere, die Tiere, letztendlich unsere lebensnotwendigen
Naturprodukte betrifft.
Wo ist der Aufschrei zu handeln?