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THEMA:   SHOUTcast - Country Music MP3 Streaming Technology

 3 Antwort(en).

James begann die Diskussion am 22.04.05 (17:36) mit folgendem Beitrag:

ShoutCast USA Internet-Radiostationen
Genre Country

Volle Qualität, sowie Mitschnitt-Möglichkeiten, gibt es
mit der Software WinAMP, z.B. Playlists, CD-Brennen,
CD-Ripping etc.... :-D

Ein Paar FAQs dazu:

L1. Help! I get audio skipping when I listen!

Answer: Your connection to the Internet is too slow to handle the amount of data
that particular SHOUTcast station is sending. Try looking through the SHOUTcast
directory for stations with a lower value in the bitrate column. You can also
select your connection type on the SHOUTcast directory (modem, DSL, etc.) and
the directory will present stations most likely to work on your type of connection.

L2. I'm having problems tuning in with RealPlayer

Answer: RealPlayer does not support the full gamut of SHOUTcast stations. For
optimal listening, download and install the Winamp audio player for Windows
(https://www.winamp.com) or one of the other recommended players listed in
the shoutcast.com online documentation.

L3. I've installed Winamp but RealPlayer keeps stealing SHOUTcast.
How do I get Winamp to play SHOUTcast tracks?

Answer: RealPlayer is more aggressive at positioning itself than Winamp for
control of streaming media. The problem is RealPlayer performs poorly at
tuning in SHOUTcast channels. The solution is to disable Real's SmartCenter
by right-clicking on the real icon in your system tray (bottom right hand
corner of the Windows screen) and select Disable Smartcenter. Install the
latest version of Winamp once you've done this, and Winamp will have control
of the stations again.


Internet-Tipp: https://yp.shoutcast.com/directory/index.phtml?sgenre=Country

 Babette antwortete am 23.04.05 (09:34):

hallo James,
try it with this freeware:


Internet-Tipp: https://www.phonostar.com/services/download/playerdownload.php

 Babette antwortete am 23.04.05 (09:47):

excuse me, James, this Link isnt for Country-music

 James antwortete am 24.04.05 (16:43):

Noch mehr...



Internet-Tipp: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internetradio