Mitgliederübersicht Herta1924

Benutzerprofil von Herta1924

Dabei seit: 09.06.2011

Besucher: 753
Freunde: 4
Forum: 266

Herta1924 .

hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
hello - I think it´s time to write a new contribution. Jou´ll not believe, but it´s really a reason that I haven´t enough time to do this earlier.Every day offers our team interesting emploments and I like to do all this. Last week we went for a nice trip to Leutasch by Seefeld for a sleigh-ride, the weather was wonderful,I enjoed it very much. Jesterday we had a literatur meeting, by coffee and cake. Next week we´ll have lunch outside in the country,but it´s only for avtive occupants. There are also different play and gymnastik,brain-training and more. If I would live alone in my own flat, I never could to so many different things. Gabi - I hope jour cats health is better now,I like cats very much. Regina - wy are jou angry abaut missing English knowledge in jour age? what should I say, I´m so much older than jou ( 85 ) Excuse all my mistakes -Kind regards Herta
Korfu L
Priester Q
Waltraud X Y Z
hat auf das Thema Re: Städte ABC im Forum Wortspiele online geantwortet
Quebeck R
Thomas U
hat auf das Thema Re: Tier ABC im Forum Wortspiele online geantwortet
Igel J
Richard S
