Mitgliederübersicht dita

Benutzerprofil von dita

Dabei seit: 13.07.2010

Besucher: 14828
Freunde: 0
Forum: 15

dita .

hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello Dörte and Regina As you are curious to know about the "Flying teacher", this is how it works: The teacher and I are practising real situations such as press conference, hotel reservations, etc. He plays the part of my opposite partner and asks questions which I have to answer. After the initial meeting I will have lunch with him twice a week in Zurich. 45 minutes costs CHF 86.00, 1 hour CHF 115.00. However I myself don't have any costs as "my" PR-Agency is paying 12 lessons for me. I would also take part in practical and realistic communicative written tasks - the teacher would take my drafts with him and make his corrections on the pages. This costs a little bit extra. But the whole thing will enable me to achieve my goal. Dörte, thank you for the good wishes - I appreciate them! Enough for now and enjoy all the goodies that Christmas brings *g*. Dörte, Regina and Papa_Joe: Have a nice Christmas time! Kind regards, dita
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello to you all I just had a quick look in this Forum and saw that you were all quite productive. Dörte, thank you very much for your nice text. At first my warmest congratulation for the birth of your grandson Moritz - what a lovely name. Let's hope that you can see him often. Yes, with a Flying teacher one has private lessons, for example he can come to your home or to your office. Other options are learning on the train, learning at lunch or by telephone teaching. If he has to travel to you it would be more expensive. I am curious to know how it works as I will start on the 10th of December 2010. Without question I have now to refresh my Business English. Mohrenköpfe: This factory exists for more than 50 years; the actual owner is the son of the founder and he runs the business since 1970. He looks like the deceased artist Jean Tinguely and is also a racing driver. I am not a big chocolate eater but I like very much the Truffes du jour from Sprüngli in Zurich. Christmas time is coming; so we are now looking forward to the new Christmas illumination of the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich. As I unexpectedly can carry on working in January 2011 I would try to look into this forum periodically. Dear Dörte, Regina and Hans-Joachim, have a nice time! Best wishes to you all dita
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Good evening to you all! Dörte, Waltenschwil belongs to the district of Muri (Aargau) and is not in the Canton of Zurich. It's a rural village (2436 inhabitants). A factory there is producing a chocolat speciality called "Mohrenköpfe" - they are sweeter than sweet *g*. Congratulations on becoming grandparents. Let's hope that all goes well; you will feel very proud, believe me! Regina, we are training twice a week: Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Before a tournament we are training a little bit more. Golf is also a very nice sport - we have got some lovely golf courses near Zurich, but one has nearly no chance to get a membership. Hey, Regina, you are joking! You are still young - my father is 93! * * * * * * * * * * * Your thread inspired me to organize a "Flying teacher". With this person I will have conversation, but also written lessons. I am starting on the 1th of December 2010. This is because I am returning to a 60% paying employment in January 2011. So I would not have time to continue in this forum. Thanks for your hospitality. Take care - dita
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello Dörte, thank you for your nice welcome. It's quite late now; so I will answer your and Regina's questions later on, most likely by the end of next week. I wish you all a nice weekend! Take care - dita
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Thank you for your warm welcome, dear Regina. I am quite impressed by the activities of you all and - like Regina- envy Dörte for her singing. We are already grandparents, but our grandchildren - 2 little girls of 4 and 1 - are living in Melbourne/Australia. So we see them very seldom. Like Regina I am reading a lot. All kind of books, e.g. fiction, biographies, crime novels but also non-fiction books. Our main hobby is our Archery Club which my partner and I founded in 1995. The Club Members are 30 adults and 12 juniors. For the Summer season we have lovely outdoor facilities and during the Winter season we are training in a sports hall. By the way: The time problem with writing ST-contributions can be resolved when one writes the text first as a normal email and then makes a copy of it and insert this copied text here. Don't worry, i also had this problem *g*. Bye for now. dita
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Hello to you all I enjoy looking on this thread. My partner is English. However living in the German part of Switzerland, our conversation is mostly in Swiss German which means I do not often get a chance to practice my English as much as I would like to. While surfing on the internet, I found this "cosy corner". I myself am of Swiss nationality, born in Berne, and now living by the lake of Zurich, 27 km from Zurich-City. I am now fully pensioned, but still involved in different projects which takes up most of my free time. This is why I can only look at this thread periodically. I look forward to reading this thread again. Bye for now - dita
hat auf das Thema Abschied nehmen im Forum Blog-Kommentare geantwortet
Lieber Christoph, als ich von meiner Mutter Abschied nehmen musste, war ich 4 Jahre alt. Sie war bis zum letzten Atemzug um unser Wohlergehen besorgt. So besorgt, dass sie im Spital den Vieruhr-Tee abwartete, um meinem 6-jährigen Bruder und mir ein paar Minuten vor ihrem Weggang noch ein Stück Zwieback in die Hand drücken zu können. Sie bleibt mir unvergesslich und ich bin ihr immer noch unendlich dankbar für die Liebe und Fürsorge, die sie mir in meinen ersten Lebensjahren zukommen liess. Zeig deiner Mama einfach, dass du sie lieb hast, dass du ihr sehr verbunden bist. Ich begleite dich gedanklich und wünsche dir für die kommenden Tage viel Kraft. Mitfühlende, liebe Grüsse dita
Momentan lese auch ich die 2. Auflage von "Deutschland schafft sich ab" von Thilo Sarrazin. Auch für sehr liberal eingestellte Menschen ein Augenöffner - eine Aufforderung, mal genauer hinzuschauen. Erschreckend, wieviele Parallelen da zur Schweiz bestehen. Absolut lesenswert!
Nach dem Lesen deines Gedichts verspürte ich eine wohltuende innere Ruhe und Zufriedenheit. Dafür gebührt dir grad nochmals Dank! LG - dita
Ich lese zurzeit "Sabina Spielrein" von Sabine Richebächer, eine fundierte und spannende Biographie über Sabina Spielrein. Richebächer erzählt, wie aus dem jüdischen Mädchen aus Rostow am Don eine eigenständige Wissenschaftlerin ersten Ranges wird; eine Pionierin in der Erforschung der kindlichen Seele. Ein unruhiges, mutiges und bewegendes Leben, das unter Hitlers Mordkommando ein frühes und tragisches Ende findet. In emphatischem Ton, jedoch nie die nötige Distanz verlierend, gelingen Richebächer lebensvolle, berührende Bilder. So liest sich diese Biographie wie ein packender Roman - und die Autorin befreit Sabina Spielrein endgültig aus dem Schatten von Jung und Freud. Mir gefällt's - natürlich nicht zuletzt, weil sich ein Grossteil des Geschehens in Zürich abspielt.
