Benutzerprofil von Honeybee1
Hallo.liebe Debi! Habe mich sehr über Dein nettes Gedicht gefreut,und mich,in den Worten wiedererkannt!Liebe Grüsse von Magret. :)
Honeybee1 hat auf das Thema Re: Der 3. Oktober 1990 war für Deutschland... im Forum Aktuelle Themen geantwortet
Hallo Tina!Das Datum hat für mich,immer eine ganz besondere Bedeutung! Ich habe die Wende und den Mauerfall,am Fersehen verfolgt.Während der Berichterstattungen,habe ich jede Nacht vor dem Bildschirm verbracht.Für mich war die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands ein sehr beeindruckendes Erlebnis,das ich nicht vergessen werde.
Thanks Yoli!I had been worrying about that ugly smiley,because the same thing happened to me once before,(in this Forum).It was my attend to send a smiley,to someone likeable to me.Unfortunately I klicked the wrong button.I got a very angry reply.As soon, as I turn up ,that person disappeares- rihtaway.I was very mad at myself,as the same stupid thing happened to me again!When I started on my PC.,everything seemed strange to me,as I had to learn a Lot about it - a very difficult task. I had to find out by myself,because nobody there to give me some hints.I'm already using my PC. for a year now,and I'believe I've managed, so far.Since my husband and our eldest son passed away 2010,my Life has changed totally.Have a nice week! Love-Magret.
I'm very sorry-a little ugly face peeped in my letter.I can't imagine how! Love-Magret.
A happy weekend to all of you! :( Wth lot's of good feelings and sunshine,of course! :) From Magret. I'm going to enjoy it!
Hello Yoli,hello everybody!Greetings to all of you,from Magret (living in Menden NRW).Yes I would love to join you!Unfortunately I've forgotten a lot of the english language.I am able to read and understand,most of it but have problems with the grammar.It's long ago,since I was able to speak and write it fluently.Anyhow,I'll have a try
I'm very interested in your Life-Stories.I'm also looking forward to Maxi's report about her hometown Leipzig.I never managed to visit it yet.Greetings to all of you-Magret
Hello,all of you!I am very glad,your hand is better now,yoli!About the sunday-chat-I have problems getting along with it,alltogether.It is very quick going and I very often,cannot follow.To be honest,it is no fun.Nice Summer-Hollidays to all of you,from Magret.
Hello Bärbel!Please enjoy the exhibition of your friend!I also wish you a very nice and sunny weekend.Leipzig must be a very wonderful town,I have never been there,even though I would love to go there.I live in a little town called Menden,this area is called the Sauerland,with many hills and forests around the place.I like the forests very much,not very much the hills :)Bye,bye now-Magret.
Dein Frühlingsgruss hat mich sehr glücklich gemacht,vielen Dank!Es grüsst Dich-Magret.
Thank you so much for your very kind words,good morning to all of you!Yes it is a good idea of you Yoli,talking about every days life and places,we live in, happenings etc.-it is so very nice to share. I very much enjoyed the little story about Susi and Strolch!I love birds,as I love all animals.As I stayed in hospital,my birds missed me,most of all,because they were used to be fed,every morning,not later than 8 oclock in the morning.Some Blackbirds already were waiting for me ,sitting on the balcony,not a bit shy,as if to say,this is my place as well :)As it is Spring now,I moved the Birdhouse away,my Flowers are waiting to be planted.I love to have flowers,of all kinds on my balcony,they are so pretty! Nearly every day,I throw a handful of raisins out,very shortly after,my birdies are there to get them,of course,saying thankyou with a lovely song,afterwards! :)I say bye,bye for now,wishing all of you a happy and sunny weekend! Magret