Benutzerprofil von dancelady
Hello Ladies,
I enjoy reading your little stories. But I don't spend much time with the computer, so don't expect me to write often. I will be in the chat Sunday at 19.00 hrs and hope to meet you there again.
As you know, I'm busy getting ready for the move, constantly cleaning cabinets etc out and sorting things I want to keep, and throw out or give away other things.
Yesterday, I was invited at my youngest daughter's place and I enjoyed so much being with the little family.
Today with the rain, I spend more time packing things and this evening I'm going out for dinner with some English friends. We used to have a Bowling group, all English speaking people. All the ladies, except me, were English and some of the husbands were Swiss, German, or also English and my husband was American. Some of the people that were with us more than 40 years ago, have passed away or left Switzerland. New people joined on and off. As we got older and older and everybody had some problems with shoulders, knees, hips etc. we decided to give up our monthly Bowling session but would go out for a meal together about once a month. It's always fun!
So I hope to see you on Sunday in the chat. Until then, have a nice weekend!
Regards Yvonne
Hello Rose,
I wish you an enjoyable time at the meeting with your fellow Dubai-travelers. I' m sure it will be very interesting to relive the trip! I will let the others in the chat know, why you won't join us tomorrow! Have a nice evening and tomorrow a pleasant day!
Regards Yvonne
Hello Marget,
Good you found us. I'm not very often in the forum. I have been chatting on Sunday evenings in English for many years, always from 21.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs. It would be fun if you would join us. You can read my profile on my home page. I hope to meet you next Sunday evening in the pub/bistro in the chat.
Regards Yvonne
Hello ladies,
I always enjoy reading your letters. I can't really advise Rosemarie for their travel plans, as I travel with groups. My latest trips were on ships. In 2013 I traveled from Passau to the Donau-Delta, with many bustrips along the river. Last year I took a boat from Berlin to Prag, also a beautiful trip. I also love Prag. I have been there before and it is beautiful, so is Budapest. I always loved to travel and see countries and cities. I never really cared for beach holidays.
I have been to Spain and Portugal many years ago with my husband. But since we never owned a car after we moved from USA to Switzerland, we traveled with organized tours most of the time.
I hope you're all well and maybe I'll meet you again in the Sunday chat!
That's all for now!
Have a good time!
Hi Bärbel,
It would be great if you could find the time to join us in the pub for the chat on Sunday. We had to change the time back to 21 hrs for the sake of our friends from overseas. I hope to meet you soon, and maybe some other English speaking friends. Regards Yvonne
dancelady hat auf das Thema Re: English chat in the pub/bistro Sunday evenings 21 hrs im Forum English geantwortet
For many years we have been chatting in English every Sunday evening at 21 hrs (Europe time) till 22 hrs.
A while ago, we changed the chat time to 18 hrs on request of some ladies. But, sorry to say, we didn't really gain any new chat friends, but we lost some of the "old" chat buddies from overseas because of the early hour.
Therefore we are going back to the usual time for us, 21 hrs till 22 hrs. and hope that we will recover some old friends and gain new ones at the same time. We welcome anybody who would like to join us. Your English doesn't have to be perfect. We're glad to help if desired! We hope to meet some of you next Sunday, Nov. 12
in the pub/bistro at 21 hrs.
Yvonne and Doris
Dear Rosemary, as you know now, we will try to chat Sunday evenings (our time) from 6 pm to 7 pm. Yoli and Bärbel will find out when they are back from their holidays. I will inform Bill from Ohio. I have his private e-mail address. May be some others might join earlier Sunday evenings.
Thank you for your good wishes for my Birthday. I had a lovely day with my complete family.
I'm looking forward to see you and the others next Sunday at 6 pm in the English chat in the "Bistro/pub".
I meant to say practical not tactical! Yvonne
Good morning Ladies,
I just read some of your comments. I could join in on your discussions occasionally. I'm generally not much in the ST other than in the English chat on Sunday. What day (evening) would be convenient for you? You could make a suggestion. Doris from Canada has six hours time difference and Bill from Ohio is the same if I remember right. I don't think you would have to start in another chatroom. The Bistro/Pub is especially for that and you wouldn't have to ask Karl. You could always ask around what day and what time would be good. For me, Monday evenings are out. Other evenings would be ok too.
I have to go now and hope to see you on Sunday to find out, what day or time would be tactical for everybody.
Herzlichen Dank für all die lieben Grüsse und guten Wünsche zu meinem Geburtstag am 31. 8. Ich hoffe, dass es allen lieben STlern, welche mir zum Geburtstag schrieben, gut geht und sie, wie ich, die Schönheiten und Freuden des Lebens hoffentlich noch lange geniessen können. Mit lieben Grüssen Yvonne