This is Jakobe
well, more or less
This is Timmy
"Wait, I shall get you, you silly cats!" Much ado about nothing, because he is always leashed
And this is Helmut (of course he i much more attractive in person) himself

We about us

Our circle of friends sprang to life quite spontaneously when I Jakobe Jakstein, moved from Italy to Balzfeld and realized the dream of my life, namely to grow an organic garden.
When I started working the soil with only a large hoe I recieved many sceptical and pitying looks from all sides across the fences. Neither was there a lack of commentary such as:" that will never work". 
But when I also reaped my first vegetables at the end of the summer and everything grew wonderfully until fall one had to admit recluctantly that it was possible without milling, digging up, artificial fertilizer and poisons.

Especially my garden neighbour Helmut Müller showed keen interest in this natural form of gardening. Out of this interest grew soon a close form of cooperation. With other Balzfeld friends who had been convinced organic gardeners for quite a while and who are interested in a healthy way of life a lively exchange ensued and sometimes we meet for a chat under the Beduin tent or help each other out.

Bridges are built or rather, fences which we have erected between us are torn down through gardening as a group but without giving up our individuality and self-determination.

Above all our Balzfeld circle of friends enjoys what we are doing and creating. We are not fanatics but people who love life, nature and meaningful work.