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The name refers to my experience of over 30 years of treating illnesses with the cabbage leaf which I have discribed in my book

"Kohltherapie - der Weg zur Selbstheilung"
(Cabbage Therapy - the road to self-healing).

Neem - the miracle tree from the tropics

To judge from several sources the products of the Neemtree are supposed to be a kind of all-purpose healing remedy for protection of plants.
Not only is the see (used as spray) supposed to help agianst lice, white fly, spidermites, frost moth (geometrid), caterpillars and mildew but also against slugs.
The ingredients are not poisonous but have, because of an unpleasant smell a repellent influence on gardenpests.
To make and use the spray is quite simple and would eliminate the time-consuming preperation of liquid plant manure and teas.

You can find out more about this useful tree via