Internationale Politik Eine Initiative für EUROPA
schreib deinem Abgeordnetem. Lehre ihn zu gehorchen. Wir, die Bürger, haben das Sagen. Die Politiker müssen umsetzen, was wir wollen.
schreib deinem Abgeordnetem. Lehre ihn zu gehorchen. Wir, die Bürger, haben das Sagen. Die Politiker müssen umsetzen, was wir wollen.
So ein Schmarrn, Einzelmeinungen seinem Abgeordneten schreiben, ein guter Vorschlag, der lässt das einfliessen, mehr nicht.
Daran leidet die Demokratie, daß manche die politische Mitarbeit für Schmarrn halten.
manche ja.
Die Demokratie ist die schwierigste Staatsform, daran leiden ist immanent, gut so.
Die Demokratie ist die schwierigste Staatsform, daran leiden ist immanent, gut so.
Re: Eine Initiative für EUROPA
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
Bescheidene Frage... gibt es die Demokratie überhaupt?
Als CH - Bürgerin habe ich echte Zweifel... das immer mehr.
Als CH - Bürgerin habe ich echte Zweifel... das immer mehr.
die hat viele Ausprägungen, aber das Maximum kann genauso furchtbar sein wie das Minimum an Demokratie (oft nur Pseudo).
Re: Eine Initiative für EUROPA
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
Pulse of Europe in Prag
Hello Europe!
We are proud to announce that Pulse of Europe has also made a start in Prague, thus adding the Czech Republic to the list of European countries where the movement is well and truly alive and active. The weather in Prague was pretty horrible today. Strong winds initially prevented us from hanging out the European flag in the way we planned and heavy showers made us run for cover. But, finally, we set off on our walk from the Vítkov monument in Žižkov district. From there it went through the city centre, passed the Václav Havel heart by the National Theatre and proceeded along the Vltava river Náplavka embankment to Vyšehrad fortress. Along the way we unfurled our giant European flag wherever possible. We explained to passersby what the Pulse of Europe is all about, and handed out leaflets containing the movement’s 10 core statements in Czech and English.
We enjoyed the activity and felt very much heartened by the knowledge that we were not alone since all around Europe similar events were taking place at that precise moment. Although initially cold and wet and beaten down by the whims of the weather, the participants finally left the event not only with a satisfied sense of a job well done but also having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
We very much look forward to the next event, on 2 July, and hope – having made an impression on the general public – that other people will join in and that there will thus be a few more of us participating.
Let’s be the Pulse of Europe!
Hello Europe!
We are proud to announce that Pulse of Europe has also made a start in Prague, thus adding the Czech Republic to the list of European countries where the movement is well and truly alive and active. The weather in Prague was pretty horrible today. Strong winds initially prevented us from hanging out the European flag in the way we planned and heavy showers made us run for cover. But, finally, we set off on our walk from the Vítkov monument in Žižkov district. From there it went through the city centre, passed the Václav Havel heart by the National Theatre and proceeded along the Vltava river Náplavka embankment to Vyšehrad fortress. Along the way we unfurled our giant European flag wherever possible. We explained to passersby what the Pulse of Europe is all about, and handed out leaflets containing the movement’s 10 core statements in Czech and English.
We enjoyed the activity and felt very much heartened by the knowledge that we were not alone since all around Europe similar events were taking place at that precise moment. Although initially cold and wet and beaten down by the whims of the weather, the participants finally left the event not only with a satisfied sense of a job well done but also having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
We very much look forward to the next event, on 2 July, and hope – having made an impression on the general public – that other people will join in and that there will thus be a few more of us participating.
Let’s be the Pulse of Europe!
Die morgigen Parlamentswahlen in Frankreich werden zeigen, ob es Macron gelingen wird, für seine Politik genügend Unterstützung im Parlament zu finden. Die Prognosen geben ihm überraschend gute Chancen. Ich drücke ihm die Daumen.
Re: Eine Initiative für EUROPA
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
Da drücke ich kräftig mit. Könnte ja wirklich ein gutes Experiment sein, ein parteienunabhängiges Kompetenzteam zusammen zu stellen.
Daumendrücken everywhere, stopp exiters.