English The truth about Brexit
very interesting reading ... and: Yes l agree wholeheartedly. It does not do the UK any good at all ..
please click here
I am not sure what to say or even think
We, the Swiss are not in the EU and the folk does not want to join. Even though the EU tells us what to do and what leave.. The Swiss pay enormous sums just to keep the EU sort of happy.
50% of the UK residents want to leave the EU
true about the 50% don't quiete understand why it is draging out.
Yes more than 50% voted leave, but many of them found out that people like Nigel Farague and Johnson just didnt tell the truth about the consequences.
well, what does one think now..
it is amusing for People not involved
Kindly let me add my thoughts.
a. all info we receive from media will be partisan.
b. Mr. Hardway (in the attachment) writes about more than 70 trade partners but approx 50 % of British exports go to 7 countries and the US (the most important partner) is already eager to conclude a trade treaty with GB.
c. Majority of Brits voted to leave, so we should simply respect it.
d. The decision is understandable under historical aspects: Did British fathers/mothers or forefathers die in wars against Germans just to be ruled again by an another political unit from the continent?
e. Because of Brexit, Germany is requested to pay additional 15 billion Euros per year! Did Britain really win as an EU member? And we should take into consideration EU dominated regulations forced onto GB.
f. What about British fishing industry? I read that Brexit is a disaster for German fishing industry. Thus, it most probably boosts the British.
g. What the future will bring is another story. If Britain turns out to be better off without the EU, what a disaster would this be for the EU.
h. There are numeros European nations outside the EU. Why not GB?
i. contrary to other nations, GB faces post colonial problems: e.g. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar and other minor issues.
j. Werner777
Hi Werer
I sent your thoughts to English Friends. I wonder what they think about it. They do not want to leave the EU.
Here are some of the words they wrote me
That is the 50% of the NOleavers thoughts..maybe.
We Swiss think differently about the EU. We (the folk) do not want to join.
Various reasons, but some of the, just fear.
Thank you for your thoughts Werner