Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
hi, to everybody. Dörte, its nice to read what you have done. It's wonderful that you have much fun if you are together with children That's nothing for me. Only for a very short time. I wrote it in our groupe WFT. Surely you red it. OH, damned I discovered that I have forgotten too much of my English . I think it's my age. I have to tell so much.But i have the feeling me head is empty. I am very angry about it.
Herta , you wrote in very great details how you live now. It's remain me to my mothers senioren residence.She liked it too. Mais first after a long time. Unfortunatly she died too early for enjoy it more. I'll better stop for now before I write more nonsens. Good night Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 29.02.2012, 22:19:44
Dear Dörte,
thanks a lot for your report! Last Tuesday a friend from Barcelona visited me and celebrated her birthday here at my home. We know each other since 46 years. There's another friend in Munich and we've been four girls in our school in Switzerland but one of us passed away already. So we had a wonderful birthday and much fun!
Yesterday evening we said good bye and decided that next time I'll go to Barcelona. But the first trip is to Milan where I want to see my cousin. I'll go by car, that's very easy and funny.
My poor cat isn't operated yet, this will be on Thursday. Sunday midnight she came in and cried, she was full of pain. I don't know what happened, may be she has been bitten by a male cat. I gave her a pain killer and informed the vet who is always reachable (heavens thank!) and he looked at her but couldn't find anything. Meanwhile the pain killer was working. Actually she sleeps in my bedroom. Uff!
So I wish you a nice week and send you warm regards

Take care


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 05.03.2012, 16:09:41
Dear Gabi,

in fact I had already missed your writing! But you had announced that your friend
would be coming - I only forgot it! It sounds very nice having your friend with
you for her birthday. And your plan to go first to Milan and later on to Barcelona
also sounds great. I also have a friend whom I have known for meanwhile more than
50 years. We really celebrated our anniversary. We got to know each other on our
first day of school and always have been in contact. So I can imagine how nice
it is to have such an "old" friend.

I hope your cat will feel better after Thursday - you surely too!

This morning one of my friends invited me and other ladies for her birthday
breakfast in a restaurant. You could choose between so many offers to eat. It
was excellent. For the rest of the day I haven`t needed anything more!
(Only this evening some chocolate...) I came back in time for taking part
in the weekly "Reha" sports which I enjoy very much as we always have a lot
of fun.

When will you start for your trip to Milan? Otherwise I shall miss you here
in this forum!

Have a good time,




Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 06.03.2012, 22:12:45
Hi Dörte,

it seems we are the only ones who write each other here in English conversation.

I have had a wonderful time with my two friends of the past. Did I told you, that my friend from Barcelona and my other
friend in Munich didn't meet each other since 44 years? There was nothing strange between them!
My cat is slowly waking up after the anaesthetic and she's a bit unsteady on her feet. But her teeth are clean again!

I planned my trip to Milan in the middle of May, when my friends can care for cat and house. Its difficult for me to plan journeys because somebody must watch the cat. It's impossible to put her in a boarding house for animals, she is too old (14). So I don't know when I can go to Barcelona.

Yesterday and the day before I was at school again to watch homework of the kiddys. That's always funny.
Do you know the artist James Rizzi? He died at the end of last year. We have a little gallery with works and I buyed two nouns for my daughter. I love the works of James Rizzi, have a look in the web if you don't know of whom I'm talking about.

Winter will go and springtime come, many birds are back and already singing in the morning, how wonderful. They start building nests and fight for the best place.

I'll enjoy having back warm times, sitting on my terrace and drinking a beer or something else. As you know I live in Bavaria and Bavarian beer tastes delicious. When school is over (end of July, beginning of August) there is a public festival with funfair each year near my home - that's loud but funny. I can walk and drink something without fear to loose my driver license.

Now I'm watching my cat (sleeping again after trying to find her feet).

I wish you a nice weekend with sun and warmth and send you kind regards.

Take care


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Herta1924
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 08.03.2012, 17:33:49
hello - I think it´s time to write a new contribution.
Jou´ll not believe, but it´s really a reason that I haven´t
enough time to do this earlier.Every day offers our team
interesting emploments and I like to do all this.
Last week we went for a nice trip to Leutasch by Seefeld
for a sleigh-ride, the weather was wonderful,I enjoed it
very much.
Jesterday we had a literatur meeting, by coffee and cake.
Next week we´ll have lunch outside in the country,but it´s
only for avtive occupants.
There are also different play and gymnastik,brain-training
and more.
If I would live alone in my own flat, I never could to so
many different things.

Gabi - I hope jour cats health is better now,I like cats
very much.

Regina - wy are jou angry abaut missing English knowledge
in jour age? what should I say, I´m so much older than
jou ( 85 )

Excuse all my mistakes -Kind regards Herta

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 01.03.2012, 20:27:22
[b]hallo, Herta, you are right.You are older than me and do so many extraordinary things . I am always amazed about all what you do. Your life is full of activities.And I find it very ,very good.

Yesterday I have got my new e- book reader. The third one. The other were too complicated and I gave they back. Now I have an OYO from Thalia. he is very easy to handel. But it's not the same to read in an e-book as to read in a normal book. I have this reader bought at an auction at ebay .It was not too expensiv. It's just a fun.
Two days ago,I played golf after the very long winter season. Good heaven ! I have got a terrible muscle ache in my left arm. ( I am a left- handed person ) I think it gets better if I play golf ofterner. It's depends from the weaher.

I hope you all are well greeetings Regina



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf Herta1924 vom 08.03.2012, 19:15:11
Hi Herta,

thank you for your question about my cat's health, it's a she and she still tries to find her feet. I know from the last operation that she always needs a long time to become awake.
I admire your agility! Go on with doing all those things.

Let me wish you a nice weekend.

Take care


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 08.03.2012, 17:33:49
Dear Gabi,

have your friends not met each other for such a long time or have they even had
no contact to each other? But you know sometimes it is like that - you haven`t
seen or talked to a person for a long time and it is as if you have met him or
her yesterday! For how long do you plan to stay in Milan? I can imagine that
it isn`t easy for your cat to change her home!

I do know James Rizzi and also like his works. In the year before he died there
was an exhibition in Bremen and he made a special work with the "Bremer Stadtmusikanten".

When I read that you live in Bavaria I have remembered our several holidays
in Inzell. We went there during some summers when our children were much younger.
I especially rememeber the "Kneipp" place where you could put your arms in
very cold water and even walk through a low pool like a stork : taking your
feet out of the water and again put them into the water. After having walked
for some time it was a pleasure to put your hot feet into the cold water!

Yesterday in the evening I went to a concert with Irish music. There were
three musicians you could play their fiddles in such a fast way - it was
amazing. There was another group with three sisters who were singing
and at the same time playing a fiddle, a harp and an accordian. It sounded
great. My friend and I went to such a concert for the first time and we
both liked the ladies`singing but not the rest of the music. It is only
good that everyone has his own taste and that tastes differ!

After you wrote that there only the two of us who are writing here it
suddenly changed...

Have a nice weekend and kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf Herta1924 vom 08.03.2012, 19:15:11
Dear Herta,

it is nice to hear from you again. What a luck that there are so many employments
which are offered to you. I think it is great that you enjoy all these offers
and you are right if you lived in a flat you surely would be all by yourself
most of the time. So take part in as many employments as you can and enjoy it!
It will keep you young! This week I saw a television program in which was said
that we should always make or learn new things to stay young.

Some time ago Gabi mentioned that she wanted to play "Mahjong". At once I
looked what this word meant and now I am also a fan of this play which was
completely new for me. I must admit that I am not good in it. But this
doesn`t matter. It is just fun - like writing here in English. Mistakes
don`t matter!

For some days the weather has become a little bit warmer. Yesterday we
planted the first daffodils and primroses. I think we all like to see
coloured flowers after the winter time.

Greetings to you from


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 08.03.2012, 20:10:06
Dear Regina,

it seems as if you have now got the right e-book for you. Like you I think
to have a real book in your hands is better than such an e-book. But to have
it for a trip surely is nice.

I can imagine that you have felt your muscles after not having played golf
for a long time. How do you feel now? I had the same problem after last
Tuesday`s Reha-sports... However, meanwhile it is forgotten.

Tomorrow we will meet my friend and her husband for playing "Uno" as we
do every 4 weeks. I guess that will be funny like every time. On Thursday
I will again play cards with my 3 friends. Then the cards only are a
reason to meet and talk together. We are more laughing than playing...

I wish you a sunny and warm Sunday!

