Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Thank you for your support! It's so nice to have found somebody who is able to talk in English with me!
Are you willing to tell me something about your life? In each life there are ups and downs, you know now the main down of my life, let me participate a little in yours.
I have friends around and we have found: if one of us has a problem, the other one takes and throughs it away because the problem doesn't concern the listener. It's very simple but it works! I wish you a nice evening and a relaxed night und stay here with
warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 09.02.2012, 10:14:25
Hi Gabi,

as you can read in Regina`s answer we both are very happy to find a new writer here!
I learned my English at school and later within the schooling for a secretary for
foreign languages. But in fact I didn`t use my knowledge very often for my later
jobs. When my children went to school I could refresh English, French and Spanish.
However, I am not able to talk the last language. I can understand a lot when
I am reading. My husband and I liked to spend our vacation on Gran Canaria or
Teneriffe. But I have never dared to talk Spanish as I couldn`t speak fluently.
Now here we have a good chance to refresh our knowledge. Even if we make
mistakes - it doesn`t matter! - Besides - there is also a forum for French.
There you will surely be welcome, too!

It is nice that meanwhile you have recovered from your loss and have returned
to life. Fortunately I don`t yet know how you feel in such a moment. But
I can imagine that it takes a lot of time to return to normal life.

As to the warm fire: a fire in the chimney is burning just now!
The link-tipp can`t be opened by me either. I just don`t know why not.

How do you spend your time? Do you have special groups with whom you meet regularly
like a choir or a sports club?

Kind regards,


good morning to you all
geschrieben von ginabeate
how wonderful now we have again a livly corrspondence beween us. Dörte,its good to read that you can't open the Link. Is the same with me. And I have no idea why.My family Its my husband Horst and my littl dog Lilly are still sleeping. So I can write a bit during I have a cup of coffee. Dörte, I can't what means " aufraffen " in English? to write in French For me it's much easier to speak in french than to write. I have forgotten too much.
Gabi,most importent from me you can read in my HP ,otherwise I have a very boring life, my hobbies are reading books, playing golf (as I was younger I played tennis very activly) my little dog .It is now a Parson-Jack- Russell Terrier. But it is not really a dog, I think from time to time she is a little devel.

Well, it's enough for a cold morning my dog is waiting for her next adventure

Many greetings to you all Regina



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Hi Regina, thanks for your good morning greetings! Sich aufraffen = to brace oneself up for something.
Not only your doggy is a devil, my cat(woman), too.
Last night it was snowy and this morning the man for snow clearance was working during I got up. What a luxury!
A long time ago there was a cousin in the States (he died with 30 years) and he visited us in Germany when he was about six years old, he told us the following rhyme:
Uyguy (pronounce uigui) was a worm,
a noble worm was he.
He sat on the railroad track,
the train he didn't see - uyguy. (It's like igitt in German)
So many years have gone but those things stay in memory!

May luck pursue you!

Have a nice day.
Warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
What for a nice story.yes,our funny pets.We can tell a lot of stories about them. Lilly is my 5. dog the first bitch and the little ( oh,sorry i have really all forgotten.I mean, she is the kleinste dog I ever had. The other dogs were bigger. Germans shepherds.
But I wouldn't tell stories in the early day, I want only say hallo.Dörte, how are you? Are you better now? Have all a nice day Regina

Gabi, many thanks for your help " aufraffen " and uyguy I wrote it down. It's good to know. Thanks and bye,bye

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Shenaya

Good Morning, Ladies!

What about some lovely poetry in this beautiful sunny morning?
Hope you'll enjoy it the way I do this very moment,
tasting a nice cup of coffee...

Khalil Gibran - Friendship

Fondest regards - Shenaya



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Good day, dear Shenaya,
Dörte and Regina,
how wonderful, Shenaya, that you know Khalil Gibran, too. I love his wisdom and its truth!
Indeed, it's a beautiful sunny day, right now I bought raisins for the blackbirds, they like apples and raisins
and are very hungry. Still it's cold outside (where else?) and I'm happy to have warm feet in a warm home.
Has anyone seen the movies "A Good Year" or the "Straight Story"? I really can recommend them. There is another one but it's very Bavarian and has no English title, it's called "Drei Herren" and really very special.
Also I recommend books of a wrighter named Michel Birbaek, for example: "Was mich fertig macht, ist nicht das Leben, sondern die Tage dazwischen". Or "Beziehungswaise". That's light literature.
Now ladies, I wish you a wonderful relaxed weekend with sun outside and in your hearts.
Take care

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 11.02.2012, 09:53:59
Hello to all of you,

there are so many new contributions. It really takes some time to read all of them.

Meanwhile I really feel better, Regina. Maybe now I profit from often going into
the sauna so that my immune system is pretty good - although not good enough
for getting no cold. When you are writing about your little dog I always must
smile. She keeps you busy, doesn`t she?! But by this way she keeps you young!!
As we don`t have either a dog or a cat I cannot tell any stories about them.
I only could write about moles, voles or pheasants in our garden...

Shenaya - thank you for the link to the poem about friendship. I really enjoyed
it. It would be nice if friendship was always in that way.

Today we haven`t seen any sun. It was a rather cloudy day - but without snow.
I hope it will rest dry also during the next days and look forward to - finally -
spring with higher temperatures and flowers.

Have a nice Sunday!



Re: good morning to you all
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 10.02.2012, 08:58:26
Hi Dörte,
just this moment I found your answer of my contribution! Almost too late. You asked what I'm doing the whole day. I,m engaged in voluntary work: Twice a week I look after childrens homework here at school. I meet friends, visit old women and care for my cat. Just now I try to produce a crochet quilt. Time after time I visit my daughter in another town, where she is a doctor of Biology at the university. As you can imagine, nowadays people have to work hard to survive. So we see each other rare.
I hope you forgive me that I didn't find your contribution at once after coming out!
I wish you a wonderful rest of Sunday und send you
warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
One limerick a day keeps the sorrows away:

There was an old man with a beard,
who said: "It's just as I feared!
Two owls and a hen,
four larks and a wren
have all built their nests in my beard!"

Take care all of you
