Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
A big HALLO to you all. I hope we can start again with new fun and pleasure . I hope you all had a wonderful time with our families and friends. My Engish course would start soon but I dicided not to go there. I'll take the next course. I needt my car because I live far from the school. It isn't difficul to go by car, but it's difficult to find a place for it. All is covered with much snow. And how it seems there is no end to see. Have a nice time, till later Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 02.01.2011, 14:34:19
Hello Regina,

I had the same thought like you. It seems as if all of us
are still shocked because of dita`s death. But life goes on.
So I wish you a very happy new year with much health which
is very important.

So you will start your English course later. I do understand
that you prefer to go by car when the snow will have gone - as
I hope - very soon! The street where I live is full of snow or
better ice at the moment. It`s really dangerous to go by foot.
After all the delicious meals during the last time some sports
might be necessary!! But walks are impossible at the moment.

Did you have a merry Christmas? My husband and I had a nice
surprise as my daughter and her boy-friend got engaged on
Christmas Eve. Their marriage is planned for August this year.
So there is a day to look forward to! And, of course, we got to
see our grand-son Moritz. Each time we meet him we can see
as he has grown further. But in fact mostly he is still sleeping!

Did you have the possibility to see your grand-children?
Could you talk to your son via internet?

With kind regards,

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
Good Morning to All of You,

the sun is shining into my office and I’m sending my best greetings to all of you in this still so very young new year wishing you a healthy and succesfully and happy 2011.

Though I did not know Dita at all I feel sorry that she had to die and think you will keep her in your loving memoriam.

My very beloved girlfriend (we have known us for more than 50 years) died on 28th Dec. and her furneral will be today. As it is 400 km away I will not be there
due to the dangerous traffic situation presently. But a candle is lightend for her.

Such is life and not always it’s easy for our acception but there is no other choice than to just to do so.

Any day which is inviting me for a lovely walk into the country side I’ll take my chance and afterwards I feel justified und happy. Nature is spending a lot of spirit and positive thoughts.

Best regards
from Ingrid



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi, Dörte! Nice to learn all the news of you and your famlily and little Moritz. What for a funny name. I am sure,Moritz will be a very lucky and exiting boy and you will have a lot of fun with him.I never had much from my grandchildren because they lived always very far from us. And now they are nearly adult.16 and 17. As you know they live momentary in Schanghai and I only can skye with them. But they don't do it very often.I think,life is too interressant for them in China.

You are right,Dörte. Momentary life is really dangerous. All streets and ways are not passable. But unfortunately my little dog wants her long walks. No matter where we go,it's everywhere difficult to walk.The streets are not good they are covered with salt,but going over the fields is very uncomfortable.
But what shall we do? For my little dog it isn't important where we go.Only we do it. She is a little Parson Jack-Russell Terrier and very wild and lively and young.

Hi, Ingrid,it was nice to chat with you all together.Unfortunately I had a date with my dentist.Now I have a wonderful new tooth.However a very expensiv new tooth.
Till next time greetings to all of you Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf indeed vom 05.01.2011, 10:18:15
Hello Ingrid,

it was nice to read from you in this new year. I also wish you all the best for 2011 - especially good health which is so very important for all of us.

I feel sorry with you that you lost your good friend.
It seems as if we have to live with these losses the older we are getting.

But let us think of funnier things! Today our street
has been free of ice and snow for the first time for
several weeks! I hope this will be so for a long time.
I really enjoyed to have a walk while the sun was shining. And the weather forecast is good - with temperature of about 4 degrees during the days. I wish to all of you that you also can walk without any danger any more!

Today hasn`t been funny all the time. Always at the
end of a year or better at the beginning I choose all the photos I want to get developped and send them to a drugstore via internet. As I do it only once a year
each time again it is rather difficult. Today it didn`t work at all! It seems as if I have to wait some time more until I can place the photos into the album.
Maybe the server of the drugstore didn`t work - I really hope so. Otherwise I don`t know what to do.
Or I have to address the photos to another drugstore...
What about you - do you also like to hold the photos in your hand or do you just want to see them on the computer? Or aren`t you interested in photos at all?

Have a nice week!


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 05.01.2011, 19:46:16
Hello Regina,

what a pleasure to hear from you again. I hope you meanwhile got used to your new and expensive tooth...

As I already wrote to Ingrid today I enjoyed to have a walk on free streets. You surely will like to have
a more comfortable walk with your little dog, too!

What about all the invitations before Christmas?
Did you have a fine time or were you stressed by all
the meetings? It`s a pity that you don`t talk to your grand-children very often. But you might be right that at the moment their surroundings are more interesting for them than their relatives in Germany.
If the weather will be better in the next days will you meet your friends - which you couldn`t do during the last weeks?

Kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Papa_Joe
Good afternoon ladies,

how is every one of you all doing? I do hope fine.

Although the loss of snow and ice around the house and on the pavement means less work, which had to be done especially early in the morning, before having had breakfast (which is most important to me, encluding coffee, muesli sweetened with treacle from sugar beets, a slice of bread, a little bit of cheese and sausage, a nice chat with my wife and of course the news paper!), but honestly, the constant grey colour of the sky is boring, and, besides this, today it is raining "cats and dogs"!!!!!
So it's the right time to stay inside and concentrade myself e.g. on my keyboard, playing and practising new pieces of music, programming new sounds and so on. It is fun and keeps the fingers "still running".

Hope to hear/read from you soon, I remain

kind regards


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi, Dörte.Just I have phoned with my brother and my sister in law.They fly,very early,on Monday to South Africa.Near Kapstadt. They go their since nearly 15 years.But now they have time enough to stay longer. 9 weeks. They come back when the spring will come to us too.It's a bit dangerous because the heart of my brother works only for 50%.But he has the meaning it's not so important where he will die.The only critical phase is the long fly.In Kapstadt they have very good medical assistance. He is now 76 and his doc. said the clima there is very good for his healh.
DÖrte, I would write other things.But suddenly I Have got a visiter, so I'll write the rest later on. Just like a continuation.Many greetings till later, have a nice rest of the evening Regina

Greetings to Indeed and Joe

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hey,what the matter with you all? Nobody at home? Or why don't you write to poor old Regina? No, I know,we are pensioner,and pensioner are always so busy.
Some days ago,I was the first time in this year on the golf course. It was a little bit cold,but the sun was shining,and my girl-friend and I, we had much fun. Because the ground was frozen our balls are flown very far. No, this isn't right. They rolled because the earth is momentary is hard as steel.
What about you Dörte? What are you doing in your free time. I know, you sing in a choir.Do you sing in public?
So, now you will have enough of my chatter now it's your turn to tell about you. Have nice days Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 27.01.2011, 19:42:33
Hello Regina,

you are right it seems as if nobody is at home!
But here I am again!

What about your brother - did he arrive in Kapstadt
without problems? A friend of mine has lived in
South Africa for many years. She now lives in Pretoria
and wrote that they enjoy the summer at the moment.

As far as I got to know you in this forum I can imagine that you and your girl-friend had a lot of fun when
playing golf on the hard frozen ground!
As I am singing in a church choir we, of course,
are singing during the divine services several
times a year. The next time will be in March.

During the last week I was rather busy looking for
the wedding dress for my daughter - of course,
together with her. Although the wedding will not
be until October my daughter wanted to buy the
dress already now. And we were successful! The first
dress she tried on was the right one!! Nevertheless
we were in different shops and she tried many, many
dresses on - just for fun because she already knew
that the first dress was it! Yesterday we bought
it - that means it was ordered and will be there
in about 3 - 4 months. And I was successful, too...
My dress just must be shortened.

These were the last news from here. I hope to hear
from you sooner than I wrote to you.

With kind regards,
