Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf Herta1924 vom 14.02.2012, 20:28:58
Hi Herta, a welcome from me, too! It's admirable that you dare to write here in the "club of conversation" and your English is really understandable - turn on!
I'll enjoy your next contribution and remain with
warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Dörte,how have you managed it,that you can open the Link Tipp from Gabi. I can do what I want. It's not possible to open it. .The idea to chat is great. Now; definitive,I'll go in my bed. Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 14.02.2012, 22:59:41
Dörte here is an add to my previous contribution: Of course I'm interested in chatting with all of you - that sounds great. Please try to find out and inform me!
Thanks and regards again

The answer of "see you later, alligator" is
"in a while, crocodile"



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Good morning to all of you! Here comes the next limerick:

There was an old man with a nose,
who said: "If you choose to suppose,
that my nose is too long,
you are certainly wrong!"
That remarkable man with a nose.

Have a nice day and take care


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Shenaya
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 15.02.2012, 10:26:33
Oh, I love limericks - especially those by Edward Lear.

I'm afraid, currently there's little time left, but in case you're interested, some time soon I'd like to tell you something about my "adopted place of residence" - Munich, the metropolis with the heart .

Until then I'm happy to read your news and - of course - I'm looking forward to some more limericks, soon.

Best regards



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Hi Shenaya,
about 20 years I lived in Munich, I left the town 1988 for country life. But there are friends and relationship I visit from time to time. I need about one hour and 15 minutes to reach the city.
We have an Italian restaurant nearby whose owner is a Pakistani and he cooks Indian, too. And that tastes really wonderful. This evening I ate there with friends.
Now I send you warm regards and say good night until the next limerick.



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Hi there friends and neighbours,

the next limerick for the day:

There was an old man on a hill,
who seldom, if ever, stood still.
He ran up and down,
in his grandmother's gown,
which adorned that old man on a hill.

Have a nice day all of you and stay healthy

Warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Good morning and have fun!

There was a young lady whose bonnet
came untied when the birds sat upon it;
but she said "I don't care!
All the birds in the air
are welcome to sit on my bonnet!"

Until tomorrow have a nice Friday and
take care

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
[size=14]evening to you all
Because I forget my last English knowledge its better to write as often as I can do it. And you all, you are my victimes because you must read it. Take it easy.

Yesterday I bought at auction ebay an e-book reader. Archor 70 b. I hope I have done the right. I hope it's not too difficult to handel it. I am a very old lady and it is not so easy to learn something more. And unfortunatly I need moore time. And I am always so terrible impatient. The reader isn't a replacement for my beloved books. But it is very practical on holidays or in the garden or aeroplanes a.s.o. OK we shall see what will happen.

The weather here in Berlin is warmer now. But for me horrible. If I go with my dog,we walk about the fields. There she can walk without a lead. But the earth is sodden and glibbery.After our walk my white dog looks like a black grouse. And I don't look much better.
So, for learning a little bit more English I wrote enough[ Have a nice evening Regina/size]

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Herta1924
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 14.02.2012, 22:33:35
thank jou all for welcome!

Praline - my course at VHS it´s long ago, at least 10 jears.
I never used English for business but it was helpful on
journeys.For a long time I had no possibilities to practice
my knowledge,so I forgott a lot of vocabel.
Now I´m living in a Senior-Residenz in Innsbruck-Tirol since
nearly a year. I´m very glad to live here,there are a lot
of possibilities to do something. Now offer the also an
English - Conversationscours.We are only a small group
a former English-teacher is our leader.I think it will be
good for my brain to learn new things.

best regards herta
