Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 05.01.2012, 14:01:07
Dear Regina,

although already several days of the year 2012 have passed I still wish you a happy
new year, too.

As I haven`t read anything from you during the last time I hope that you feel fine and
have recovered from your trip to Egypt. How did you like it in that country and did you
see a lot of monuments during a sightseeing-tour? Or did you just have a bath-tour?
What about revolution there? You see I have got a lot of questions!

Our family spent some nice Christmas days - although without Moritz. We haven`t
seen him for more than six months. You know about the situation.
On New Year`s Eve our daughter and our son-in-law came to see us and to eat
"Fondue" with us - just like every year. But now I am happy that the normal
life has come again. These special days are fine. But when they have passed I am
also glad! What about your son and his family? Did you spend Christmas together
with them?

During the last days I have stuck photos from last year into an album. I prefer
to have them printed to just have them on the computer. Therefore I collect
them during the year and at the end I choose those which I want to have printed.
Because of the wedding of our daughter there were 164 photos which I had to
stick into the album. You can imagine that it took some time! But by now I
have finished.

When you returned from your trip your little dog surely was quite happy. Have
you missed her, too?? During the last weeks we have had a lot of rain - which
still is better than snow. Have you become wet quite often when you had to go
with your dog? Usually I go by bike wherever I have to go. But very often
my husband had to bring me by car because of the rain.

I hope to read from you soon (don`t be too lazy!).

Kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi, Dörte,I was very pleased to hear that you are well und you have had a wonderful x-mas with your family. Sorry to read,that you havvn't seen Moritz. Really, I can't understand it.Little children grown up and change so quickly.I am so sorry for you.I am sure you are very unhappy about this situation.

Our trip to Egypt was not so good for me. I hate such boring holidays.I did it only for my husband.Fortunately we were there only for 10 days. ( to long) I had nothing to do. The hotel was very good. The green area like a very big park. The restaurants were very good. There were many swimming-pools . But only one was a little bit warmer. All the other one had 18 degrees. Too cold for an eldery lady. And in the warm pool were only children. It was not possible to smim. Most of the guest were Russians. and an oteher bad point. It got dark at 5 o'clock p.m. All together, not a good holiday for me. The last 3 days ,Horst got a terrible cold. I was very lucky being at home again. OK I think our next holiday will be more interessant.

I am sorry,that my English is so bad. I stopped going to school. It's the same with french. In this thread it is momentary very quiet too. Shortly I'll write you a PN, Its easier to explain what happened. I'll stop for now till next time Regina


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 16.01.2012, 18:31:42
Hi Regina,

I really liked to read from you again. I`m sorry that your trip to Egypt wasn`t so
good for you. But even before the time started there you already wrote that you were
not happy to go to this country. And it seems that your fears came true!
Do you feel quite well again after you got the cold?

You are right I am rather sad about the situation with Moritz.Unfortunately there
will be no change in the near future - I fear. I hope that my daughter will soon
have a baby. (Fortunately she doesn`t read this!!)

Have you already decided what to buy - an e-book or a tablet? Have you got any
more information about both? I didn`t know that it is possible to get the books
loaded by the library. That surely is the cheapest way to read a book - isnt`t it?

The French forum seems not to work any longer as nobody is writing. In fact - it
always takes a lot of time to remember the French vocabulary. I guess only Shenaya
can write immediately without having to think about the words very long.

I`m looking forward to the announced PN. Have a nice week!

Kind regards,




Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Hoping to find all of you well and healthy und also hoping to become a member of this "exclusive club" I'd like
to introduce myself: They call me Gabi, I'm living in one the most beautiful parts of Germany (Bavaria). Since my beloved Peter suddenly passed away I survive with positive thoughts and optimism. Talks with friends are helpful and so I also hope to get in conversation with people of the English subforum for some exchange of ideas.
Wishing you a warm home in these cold times I send you warm regards.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von tinamarie
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 08.02.2012, 21:29:21
Hello Gabi,

It is nice to see a new face in this foreign language section. I tend to overlook this area since it is not readily visible. I just want to tell you that I am sorry for your loss. You are probably going through a difficult time right now. I also lost my husband in death about ten years ago. They say time heals, and I found that to be true.

Best Wishes,

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ehemaligesMitglied30 vom 08.02.2012, 21:29:21
Hi Gabi,

you are very welcome in this forum! It is nice to read about different persons.
As you surely have seen we are only a very small "club". In the beginning
many people started to write a contribution. But by and by only a few of us
continued the English conversation.

Contrary to you I live in the northern part of Germany - near Bremen. Till
now we haven`t had much snow. But it is said that tomorrow it will begin
to snow. In fact I am not so very happy about that and hope that the forecast
will not come true.

I feel sorry with you about your loss and hope that you will find some
people in this forum with whom you can get in conversation.

By the way just like you I like reading and listening to music - by
for example Reinhard May or Dirk Busch. But I even prefer baroque music
especially concerts for trumpet. Which music do you like? And which
books do you read?

Looking forward to a further contribution by you
and with kind regards,




Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Good morning, dear Dörte,
thanks a lot for your reply to my ask for English conversation. About 44 years ago I studied in Switzerland. There were many English and American pupils, and because I was forced to speak English every day (the others didn't want to learn German) I was able to make the Cambridge diploma (lower degree). That's the reason why I'd like to talk with other people in English. I don't want to forget too much!
My preferred taste of music is classic, jazz, oldies, Fado, Southamerican music and swing of the 40th. My preferred book writers are Paulo Coelho, Jane Roberts but light literature, too and I like to have philosophical conversation. A black, 14 years old cat(woman) goes with me.
Have a nice day and a warm fire in your home!
Warm regards Gabi

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
I am very surprised to read what happened in our little English-Club. Dörte and I we were a very long time aloune.And so we got a little bit lazy. WELCOME! WELCOME ! Unfortunately I have forgotten the most of my English knowledge. I hope you can overlook my mistakes.
I am from Berlin. But I don't live in Berlin But very near by. Now I am a Brandenburgerin . The rest you can read in my homepage if you want. OK for the moment till soon Regina
PS Dörte are you better now? I hope so.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ehemaligesMitglied30
Hi Regina, may be your time of loneliness is over! Here I am and I really be happy to have found other people to talk in English.
In former times my second home has been an island called El Hierro which is part of the Canarias. My Peter and I didn't like to have many tourists and on this island are 100 tourists in a month much! As you can imagine, hablo Espanol tambien (I also speak a little bit Spanish) because we had been guests and it's just normal, to learn the language of the guest country. Twice a year we had been there for six weeks during winter time - what a great time!
Peter passed away on the island and I burried him there. It's a few years ago. Our marriage was filled with great harmony that's why I fell in a deep deep black whole and needed more than four years to come out (without help of other people). Last year my broken heart has been repaired and now I'm back among living people finding me in the ST and having much fun!
See you later alligator! (If you want to know the answer, ask me!)

Warm regards

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
A very big THANKS for the simpy-point. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better now. Surely it was more than a hard time. And it's very good that you now can enjoy the last years of your live. ( you are young enough to enjoy still a lot of years. Do it.Time passed over so quickly. I know it. Sometimes I can't understand where the time is gone.

Unfortunatly I can't open the Link . I must test what happened. bye, bye Regina
and adios
