Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 16.04.2011, 20:12:54
Hello Regina,

it was nice to read from you again in English! Just like you I was a bit lazy during the last time and couldn`t get up the energy to write a contribution.

As you write you really don`t have much time and are rather busy with your playing golf and walking with
your dog.

I don`t know whether it`s a pity that you won`t travel to China. I do understand that you don`t want to share the conflicts between your son and his children. I guess then it`s better to stay at home. Indeed I wouldn`t be interested in China either! On the other hand you surely regret that you won`t see your son. But one cannot get everything!

Your visit at the hairdresser must have been awful! It must have been shocking to see your hair in an absolutely different colour. But what about "golden" - now you look like a queen... Fortunately my hair is not yet grey so that I don`t need extra colour for it.

I am rather impressed that you are reading books in English! I know Roald Dahl and even possess a book written by him. But I don`t know the title and cannot look for it because the book is in our apartment at the Northern Sea. At the moment my daughter and my future son-in-law spend some days there.
Today I finished reading a book (in German!) written by Ildikó von Kürthy who always writes rather amusing.
My daughter is a fan of this author and gave this book to me. And another novel is waiting for me by Kerstin Gier "In truth there is much more lying..". This book also belongs to my daughter.

Next weekend after 5 weeks we will see Moritz again. I am already looking forward to Easter Monday because I am sure he will have changed a lot in the meantime.

Hello also to you - Hans-Joachim,
unfortunately I am not at all interested in scooters or cars. So I am not able to take part in your discussions. But nevertheless I wish you a lot of fun
with your "baby"!

And to both of you I wish happy and sunny Easter.

Kind regards,


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi,Dörte,and hallo Hans-Joachim! I hope you both are well. Nobody of us will write,we are really very lazy. Or is it because we have summer time? I am as often as possible on the golf-course. Next week we will go on holiday. This year we go to Bad Bevensen. These are only 320 kilometres.Last 40 years we went to Austria.We went by car.But now the way is too far for us to drive.We also tryed it with a car-train. It is very expensiv but the service is got more than bad. I think,I will miss the beautiful mountains ,and the fresh air,and all our friends which we have there.

Next semester (it starts at the beginning of Septemer )I'll start again with my English lessons. To do a little bit is better than doing nothing.

Short ago I've got an e-mail from my son. He told me that his family will return to Mannheim where they lived before they went to Shanghai. It was a great surprise for me because we skyped 2 days ago and he said not a word about it. I have no idea what happened.

Life is full of surprises.

Now I'll stop.I hope we will write oftener. I promise my lazy time is absulutely over. Greetings Regina


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 17.05.2011, 21:02:51
Hello Regina,

as I took some time to answer you probably now are in Bad Bevensen and enjoy your holidays! But when you will
return there is an answer for you.

It`s a pity that you aren`t able any longer to go
to Austria. But that`s life! And as to your friends
there - you surely can phone or write E-mails?

What a surprise that your son and his family plan
to return to Germany. You surely enjoy that - don`t you?
Then you can see them more often.

By the way - although I don´t play golf I bought
some golf trousers last Friday. They fit very well
and I guess that also non-golfer may wear them...
My friend needed a dress for a wedding and asked me
to come with her. We needed the complete morning until
we had found what she wanted. Nevertheless - it was fun.
And I found the said trousers...

Last week we had two birthdays in our family. My son
as well as my future son-in-law had their 29th birthday. For my son I made a special pudding and my
son-in-law asked me to bake a special cake for him.
So each one got his specialty.

What about you - Hans-Joachim?? Are you so very busy.
I`m sure Regina would also like to hear from you - just like me!

I`m looking forward to your next English contribution,
Regina. Have a nice time in Bad Bevensen.

Kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi, Dörte,now its really time to start our little conversation in English again.( before our letter-correspondence sleep out ) In September will my English course start again.And our teacher had threatened us to make more grammar.That means ,learning more.But you know, all I do,I do just for fun. I know, I am too old to learn something perfectly, but in any case it's good for my brain.
Another subject : I have had 2 wonderful weeks.Really a dream holiday. It fits all perfectly. The weather,the hotel,we were in a good mood,and indeed, our little dog too. For her all was a big aventure.
Have I told you,that Marco,our son,came back from Shanghai,at the end of this year. His wife,and the two children,a girl 16 years and the son 18 came back next month. What happened in reality,I have no idea. Marco, has a contract for 3 years.I suppose, he has to pay the whole overseas.In Germany they live in Mannheim.

So,now about you: what have you done during the sommertimeI Do you have any plans for holiday? What about little Motitz? Surely you are very proud of him. They are so sweet but unfortunately they grown up quickly.

Hans.Joachim,many greetings to you too. What have you done during the summertime? I can hardly wait what you have to tell us.

♥♥♥ greetings to you Reginaginabeate(ginabeate)


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 05.07.2011, 19:11:29
Hello Regina,

quite a along time has passed since I have written to you. Thank you
for your last contribution.

I am glad with you that you had such a nice holiday which - in the
meantime - surely seems to be very much in the past! As to my plans
for holiday: I don`t know whether I already told you that we have
an apartment of our own in Schillig at the Northern Sea. When the
weather is fine we spend some time there. But in this "summer" we
haven`t been there very often. Although the last weekend wasn`t
sunny at all we nevertheless decided to go there by car. It was
rainy and stormy. But as we knew that we could leave on Sunday
again we liked the time there. It only takes an hour to drive there.
That`s not so far.

During the last weeks I have spent a lot of time to prepare a newspaper
for the marriage of my daughter which will be on October 1st.
Mostly such a newspaper is prepared by the witness. But my daughter`s
witness was of the opinion that it should be written by the family.
So I decided to do so. In fact it doesn`t mean a punishment for
me because I enjoy to care for it.

Do you meanwhile know why your son and his family will come back
from Shanghai already this year? I guess you are really happy
about his return because he will be so much closer to you then.

Have a nice week and kind regards,


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi, Dörte,this time I took care,that I was booked in our Forum. So that nothing is lost,what I had written.
I hope you are well and we can start our correspondence again. The summer is over and I must stay ofterner at home as usuel.
To day was a very pleasant and wonderful day. Much sun ,no wind and 15 degree.The walk with my dog was very long.( about 2 hours ) I had the impression,everybody who had 2 or 4 feet was on the run. I have made a lot of fotos.The trees were so beautiful with the different brown leaves. Dörte,I think I'll write more to morrow.I have no idea why, but my head is emty. Until next time Have a nice evening Regina



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 29.10.2011, 20:30:03
Hi Regina,

what a surprise to read from you again! It was quite a good idea from you to sit down and write a text in English.

You are right: during the last days the weather was so fine
and really warm although it is autumn now. So you get the chance to have a long walk with your dog. I am impressed
how long you are "on tour". Mostly I walk for just half an hour and I try to do so every day. But this doesn`t always work. You know: the inner temptation!!

Tomorrow afternoon I shall have to go to the dentist for the yearly control. I only hope he won`t find anything else to do in my mouth.. Each time I wait nearly till the end of the year to go there. I think nobody likes such a visit. Only my friend has no problem to go there because she just brings her teeth to the dentist and afterwards goes there to fetch them! On the other side I prefer to still have
my teeth without being able to take them out of my mouth!!

This shall do for tonight. Have a good time.

Kind regards,


geschrieben von ginabeate
a very short answer to you. What about your teeths? Did the dentist find something do do? You are right, I prefer it too ,to have my own teeth .My sister in law has a dentures.she was very young as she got it. For me a really nightmare.But she says, it's not too bad. OK what could sche d0? Its better than living without teeth. IN Berlin the weather is absolutely beautyful.I enjoy it every day anew. Till next time Regina

Re: Dörte
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 03.11.2011, 14:48:41
Hi Regina,

the dentist didn`t find any hole in my teeth! You can imagine how happy I was when I left the practice. Now I only have to go there in about a year - time to forget about it!

In the north of Germany the weather is fine - no rain, sometimes sunshine - but also some fog in the morning, just
as it is in autumn. The leaves are coloured beautifully. Nevertheless I prefer spring and summer.

Last weekend my husband and I together with our daughter and son-in-law went to have breakfast in a restaurant and really enjoyed it there. Unfortunately our son fell ill so that he couldn`t spend the time with us.

Because of our assistance to the wedding the young couple gave us another voucher for a common breakfast which we will convert in December. As a gag they also gave us a certificate that we are the most wonderful parents of the world!! We also got a very nice book with photos of the wedding which was especially made for us - as a special edition. You see they really are thankful.

What about your photography? Are you making progress? Are you still taking a course?

Till the next time,


Re: Purpose of this subforum Hi. Dörte
geschrieben von ginabeate
[size=14][ I wish you a happy year 2012. I hope so much that we can continue our correspondence.I am got so lazy. And so I'll forget the rest of my English knowledge.The same is with the french language. And, indeed, with spanish too. I must activate my spanish because Horst and I, we want travel to the Caribbean.And there they speak spanish.
What about Moritz?? Do you have seen him recently? They grown up so quickly.
Dörte,I hope you are well,and you will tell me all the news which happened. Till next time, I hope a little bit earlier ( I have a bad consience too,because I was so lazy) Greetings,yours Regina/size]
