English Purpose of this subforum
Good evening Hans-Joachim,
I really enjoyed reading that you had a fine birthday. The meal seems
to have been delicious!
Differently to your cloudy sunday we spent a day with much sun -
suitable to the name of the day! - but it was rather cold. Nevertheless,
I walked for half an hour and returned with a red nose and red cheeks.
After having read about the number of your books I started to count
mine. Although I cannot compete against you I can also offer about
400 books. I didn`t catalogue them. But like my friend did I put them
on the shelves sorted alphabetically by the names of the authors.
So it`s easy to find a book.
Contrary to you I don`t like books written by Dan Brown. I once
started to read "Illuminati" - but that`s not my cup of tea. But
recently I read a book by Ken Follett which I liked. And "Die Säulen
der Erde" and "Die Tore der Welt" are still waiting to be read by
me! But there are so many pages and I`m not sure if these books
will be the way I like. However, so many people were fascinated
by the story. Some day I shall read it (when there is no other
book available)!!
Kind regards,
I really enjoyed reading that you had a fine birthday. The meal seems
to have been delicious!
Differently to your cloudy sunday we spent a day with much sun -
suitable to the name of the day! - but it was rather cold. Nevertheless,
I walked for half an hour and returned with a red nose and red cheeks.
After having read about the number of your books I started to count
mine. Although I cannot compete against you I can also offer about
400 books. I didn`t catalogue them. But like my friend did I put them
on the shelves sorted alphabetically by the names of the authors.
So it`s easy to find a book.
Contrary to you I don`t like books written by Dan Brown. I once
started to read "Illuminati" - but that`s not my cup of tea. But
recently I read a book by Ken Follett which I liked. And "Die Säulen
der Erde" and "Die Tore der Welt" are still waiting to be read by
me! But there are so many pages and I`m not sure if these books
will be the way I like. However, so many people were fascinated
by the story. Some day I shall read it (when there is no other
book available)!!
Kind regards,
Good morning, Dörte,
the morning sun is shining, temperature is pretty down (some -8 degrees outside), and I have to stay inside, caught by an ugly spastic bronchitis
Just to complete my "field of reading activities":
My absolute favorite fantasy-writer ist Markus Heitz and I think I own some 15 books from him.
I do hope you don't find this too kiddy.
Have a nice day.
Kind regards Hans-Joachim
the morning sun is shining, temperature is pretty down (some -8 degrees outside), and I have to stay inside, caught by an ugly spastic bronchitis
Just to complete my "field of reading activities":
A couple of years ago I accidentally got an issue of "Lord of the rings" (Herr der Ringe) and I was fascinated by Tolkien's description of the characters as well as of Middle Earth and this literature was for me the entrance into the wide world of fantasy books.
My absolute favorite fantasy-writer ist Markus Heitz and I think I own some 15 books from him.
I do hope you don't find this too kiddy.
Have a nice day.
Kind regards Hans-Joachim
Good evening Hans-Joachim,
I do hope that meanwhile you feel better and that you can go
outside to enjoy the sunny weather - if it is the same where you
live... Today it really was fine outside - not as cold as
during the last days. When I did my daily walk it felt a bit
like spring! The first snowdrops and crocus could be seen and
it was not necessary to wear a cap or a shawl.
As to the books - I think it is good that many people like
different books whether fantasy books or thriller. As I don`t
like fantasy books I don`t know Markus Heitz. I`m sure you
don`t know the writers of the books I like either!
Get well soon and have a nice weekend.
Kind regards,
I do hope that meanwhile you feel better and that you can go
outside to enjoy the sunny weather - if it is the same where you
live... Today it really was fine outside - not as cold as
during the last days. When I did my daily walk it felt a bit
like spring! The first snowdrops and crocus could be seen and
it was not necessary to wear a cap or a shawl.
As to the books - I think it is good that many people like
different books whether fantasy books or thriller. As I don`t
like fantasy books I don`t know Markus Heitz. I`m sure you
don`t know the writers of the books I like either!
Get well soon and have a nice weekend.
Kind regards,
Hello Dörte,
please let me know which books or which authors you prefer???
Please excuse the shortness of this contact, as a result of a funny, but hard day's work in my motobike-shop.
Have a nice Sunday, and take care for yourself
Kind Regards
please let me know which books or which authors you prefer???
Please excuse the shortness of this contact, as a result of a funny, but hard day's work in my motobike-shop.
Have a nice Sunday, and take care for yourself
Kind Regards
Hi, Dörte and hi Hans-Joachim. It’s easier to write to you both. You both have a very interesting correspondence. Very good because I can profit from you. Momentary I have the feeling my head is emty.I lost all the English words. All what I want to write is disappeared. OK now,what shall I do? I hope it’s get better soon.
I discovered,we have the same taste relating of books. At the moment I did better to learn English. I think it is more important than reading books. If everything will go as I hope I will visit my family in Shanghai.And to learn Chinese would be more difficult than speaking English.
Yesterday,I went with my little dog about the fields I saw 5 swans sitting on the very cold earth of the field. We had 13 degrees minus. First I thought they are ill but then they flew away very elegantly. It was a impressivly sight.
Yesterday(25.02.) we had the first time +degrees. Only +3 but the sun was shining. As I made my everyday walk,I never before I saw so many people. All who has 2 or 4 legs was en route. I couldn’t hardly believe it. This morning is cold again, -5 degrees but the sun is shining. So it looks very beautiful.
Dörte,you must be very happy that your daughter lives nearby. So you can see her and little Motitz very often. And indeed your son-in law too. Time passe so quickly and the childrens grown- up before you realize it. But that’s life.
If you want learn a little bit,French or English, Dörte try it again with www.francais facil.com or the lernen mit Spaß or Spaß am lernen. There are really very good programms.
I’ll stop for now have a good start in the new week with lot of sun
I discovered,we have the same taste relating of books. At the moment I did better to learn English. I think it is more important than reading books. If everything will go as I hope I will visit my family in Shanghai.And to learn Chinese would be more difficult than speaking English.
Yesterday,I went with my little dog about the fields I saw 5 swans sitting on the very cold earth of the field. We had 13 degrees minus. First I thought they are ill but then they flew away very elegantly. It was a impressivly sight.
Yesterday(25.02.) we had the first time +degrees. Only +3 but the sun was shining. As I made my everyday walk,I never before I saw so many people. All who has 2 or 4 legs was en route. I couldn’t hardly believe it. This morning is cold again, -5 degrees but the sun is shining. So it looks very beautiful.
Dörte,you must be very happy that your daughter lives nearby. So you can see her and little Motitz very often. And indeed your son-in law too. Time passe so quickly and the childrens grown- up before you realize it. But that’s life.
If you want learn a little bit,French or English, Dörte try it again with www.francais facil.com or the lernen mit Spaß or Spaß am lernen. There are really very good programms.
I’ll stop for now have a good start in the new week with lot of sun
Hello Hans-Joachim,
this time it took some days to answer your question. As I didn`t
feel well during the last week I preferred just to read and not
to write. But now everything is fine. So here I am again!
As to the books I read: I like to read thrillers f. e. by
Joy Fielding or Mary Higgins Clark or books about Australia
by Patricia Shaw. Then I bought a lot of books by Nora Roberts -
although during the last time she wrote more mysterious stories
which - as you know - I don`t like very much. I also read
historical novels like "Die Wanderhure" or other books by
Iny Lorentz. And, of course, I like to read real novels
for woman where situations are described about which I can
laugh! When I look at the writers I guess you don`t know
any of them, do you? Or perhaps your wife likes to read
the same or similar books like I do.
Do you still have fun with your motorbike? Did you drive
it already? Take care of yourself!
Have a nice week!
Kind regards,
this time it took some days to answer your question. As I didn`t
feel well during the last week I preferred just to read and not
to write. But now everything is fine. So here I am again!
As to the books I read: I like to read thrillers f. e. by
Joy Fielding or Mary Higgins Clark or books about Australia
by Patricia Shaw. Then I bought a lot of books by Nora Roberts -
although during the last time she wrote more mysterious stories
which - as you know - I don`t like very much. I also read
historical novels like "Die Wanderhure" or other books by
Iny Lorentz. And, of course, I like to read real novels
for woman where situations are described about which I can
laugh! When I look at the writers I guess you don`t know
any of them, do you? Or perhaps your wife likes to read
the same or similar books like I do.
Do you still have fun with your motorbike? Did you drive
it already? Take care of yourself!
Have a nice week!
Kind regards,
Hello Regina,
that`s good news that you will visit your family in
Shanghai. I guess it might really be rather difficult
to learn Chinese! Maybe you should have started
earlier to learn this language...
It was nice to see you in this forum again after
some time. And I don`t think that you have forgotten
all the English words. It doesn`t look like that!
Indeed we also saw many swans when we drove to
our apartment at the North Sea. On several fields
they could be seen and even more than five. I wonder
where they want to go.
You are right I really am very happy that my daughter
lives next to us. But maybe you mixed something.
She isn`t the mother of Moritz. My son is already
a "Daddy" and he doesn`t live just round the corner.
But nevertheless we may see Moritz every two or
three weeks . So for this Sunday we have been invited
by my son and daughter-in-law to come for coffee.
Of course, we very much look forward to that day.
Thank you for your information about the French
programs. I`ll try it again.
As I have already written different mails this must
do for tonight.
Have a nice week.
Kind regards,
that`s good news that you will visit your family in
Shanghai. I guess it might really be rather difficult
to learn Chinese! Maybe you should have started
earlier to learn this language...
It was nice to see you in this forum again after
some time. And I don`t think that you have forgotten
all the English words. It doesn`t look like that!
Indeed we also saw many swans when we drove to
our apartment at the North Sea. On several fields
they could be seen and even more than five. I wonder
where they want to go.
You are right I really am very happy that my daughter
lives next to us. But maybe you mixed something.
She isn`t the mother of Moritz. My son is already
a "Daddy" and he doesn`t live just round the corner.
But nevertheless we may see Moritz every two or
three weeks . So for this Sunday we have been invited
by my son and daughter-in-law to come for coffee.
Of course, we very much look forward to that day.
Thank you for your information about the French
programs. I`ll try it again.
As I have already written different mails this must
do for tonight.
Have a nice week.
Kind regards,
Hallo, Dörte and Hans-Joachim! I hope you all are well.Momantary I am very lazy to write in English.I have no Idea why. But I enjoy to read what you an Jo write. So I have all your news. Although it would be absolutly necessary to improve my English because I can't speak or read chinese if I go to Shanghai. My son said me ( per Skype )that nobody there speak another language except English.And, naturally,Chinese. I hope so much that all goes well.
Dörte, some days ago I looked to the groupe of Cleseane. I saw your name.Cleseane has opened this groupe one year ago. Although she never looked to her groupe she already has now 3 members. It's very strange.Isn' it? She set up this groupe and never looked at it. Can you understand it?
For it,I only would wish you a nice and sunny Sunday it is got a long report. OK now, till another time Regina
Dörte, some days ago I looked to the groupe of Cleseane. I saw your name.Cleseane has opened this groupe one year ago. Although she never looked to her groupe she already has now 3 members. It's very strange.Isn' it? She set up this groupe and never looked at it. Can you understand it?
For it,I only would wish you a nice and sunny Sunday it is got a long report. OK now, till another time Regina
Hello Regina,
as Hans-Joachim seems to have disappeared - maybe he
is on tour with his scooter - I`m writing to you
this evening.
The question about Cleseane was answered meanwhile.
It`s really curious.
By the way yesterday I looked into francais.facil and
even tried the test - and it functionned! Unfortunately
I did it before registrating so that the result was
lost afterwards. As the test is rather long and doing
it took quite a long time I was very angry that I now
have to do it again! But I think it is necessary for
the weekly test. Otherwise they don`t know on
which level I am. I am not keen on doing it again but
nevertheless I shall do my best!
Do you already know when you will go to China to see
your son and his family? That will surely be a very
interesting tour. My future son-in-law spent some
time in South Corea and showed us many photos and
told a lot about the weeks there.
Have a nice week-end and kind regards,
as Hans-Joachim seems to have disappeared - maybe he
is on tour with his scooter - I`m writing to you
this evening.
The question about Cleseane was answered meanwhile.
It`s really curious.
By the way yesterday I looked into francais.facil and
even tried the test - and it functionned! Unfortunately
I did it before registrating so that the result was
lost afterwards. As the test is rather long and doing
it took quite a long time I was very angry that I now
have to do it again! But I think it is necessary for
the weekly test. Otherwise they don`t know on
which level I am. I am not keen on doing it again but
nevertheless I shall do my best!
Do you already know when you will go to China to see
your son and his family? That will surely be a very
interesting tour. My future son-in-law spent some
time in South Corea and showed us many photos and
told a lot about the weeks there.
Have a nice week-end and kind regards,
good evening Dörte.I'll write you again.I write again because I wrote you yesterday. A very long account of my situation. But,at the end,as I would send you what I have written, I pressed of "senden"and all I wrote was disappeared.I was so furious about myself. I have no idea what I have done.
OK,then,I start anew. I think you are right. H.Joachim is on tour with his new scooter. I can understand it very well. It is so interesting to learn that each of us has another hobby. Und each of us have a lot of fun with it.
But momentary it is difficult to enjoy because I very often think of all the incidents which happened in Japan.It is so horrible.So unthinkable.And to know that this isn't the end of all what still can happen.
But it's better to tell about something enyoable.
For example about Moritz. Moritz is a wonderful subject. I am sure you are a very proud grandmother.
I don't know when I will go to China. But when, I think in August.
Have a nice evening give Moritz a big kiss (you musn't tell him that the kiss is from me) Regina
OK,then,I start anew. I think you are right. H.Joachim is on tour with his new scooter. I can understand it very well. It is so interesting to learn that each of us has another hobby. Und each of us have a lot of fun with it.
But momentary it is difficult to enjoy because I very often think of all the incidents which happened in Japan.It is so horrible.So unthinkable.And to know that this isn't the end of all what still can happen.
But it's better to tell about something enyoable.
For example about Moritz. Moritz is a wonderful subject. I am sure you are a very proud grandmother.
I don't know when I will go to China. But when, I think in August.
Have a nice evening give Moritz a big kiss (you musn't tell him that the kiss is from me) Regina