Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf Papa_Joe vom 13.12.2010, 09:15:51
Hello Papa_Joe,

you really are very busy going to parties!

Like you my husband and I meanwhile bought a Christmas
tree. As we always want to have a tree about 2,30 m
tall it takes some time to find the right one. But
we were successful yesterday.

Again like you need a turkey for December25 - this
"bird" is absolutely necessary for our family! We
also were successful to buy one - already last week.
Now Christmas can come!!

Kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf indeed vom 13.12.2010, 16:34:00
Hello Ingrid,

you are quite welcome in this English forum! I think
it is nice to read contributions from different

Just like you all of the present members in this
forum don`t have any possibility to speak or write
in English. So this is a good way to practice
our nearly forgotten knowledge! By the way I am
using "leo" if I am looking for missing words.
This help was recommended to me by another user
of the ST and I have found this very helpful.

I hope to read from you often!

Kind regards,


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 15.12.2010, 20:22:36
Hello Regina,

after some time here I am again! You asked for my
grand-son. Probably next Tuesday I shall see him again.
My daughter-in-law asked my husband and me to babysit
Moritz because she will have a date for about two
hours. We, of course, agreed to come and even are
looking forward to that time.

As my son and his family don`t live just around the
corner we don`t see them so often. But for practicing
to be grand-mother I "use" the nearly two years old
son of our neighbors. On Tuesday I had the opportunity
to play with him at our home while his mother could
purchase the last things for Christmas. I really
enjoyed the time with him.

It`s a pity that the meeting with your "French" friends
couldn`t take place. Unfortunately the weather is
rather bad at the moment. Today there was a special
warning for bad weather for Bremen and the surroundings. A lot of snow was expected already
in the morning so that the children were allowed
to stay at home. In fact snow began to fall only at
noon. Good for the children... But then there was
a lot of snow!! Several times my husband had to
clean the place in front of our house.

In one of your contributions you wrote that many persons of your family will come to you for Christmas
but that your son will stay in Shanghai. Will you
see your daughter-in-law and your grandchildren when
they return to Germany? Maybe they will visit the
other grandparents? I can imagine that you are sad
about not having your son with you.

On Christmas eve our daughter and her boy-friend will
come to see us and will stay here overnight so that
they can also drink a glass of wine (or two..).
On December 25 our son and his family will also be
with us for the traditional turkey. When I got to
know my husband his grandmother already prepared
a turkey for Christmas. After we had married I adopted
this tradition. - You surely can understand that
I am especially looking forward for this Christmas
because Moritz will be with us for the first time!

After several days without writing this contribution
has become quite long. So I better stop now.

Have a nice time - hopefully without too much snow!

Kind regards,



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
Dear Dörte,

many thanks to you for your kind welcome.I will write more after christmas as I'm with one toe already on my way to my children.

My best Christmas Greetings and all good wishes for a Happy New Year to all of you.



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf indeed vom 22.12.2010, 09:24:35
Hello to all members of this forum,
especially to Regina, dita, Ingrid and Papa_Joe,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Till now I have always enjoyed reading your contributions
and hope this will be so in 2011, too.

Kind regards,

Alles Gute zu Weihnachten
geschrieben von Papa_Joe
Hello Dita, Dörte, Ingrid, Regina,

after cleaning up the domicile and clarifying the wood stove I just make a little break to wish you all a Merry, peacefull Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011. May it bring a maximum of luck and pleasure and only a minimum of problems.



geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
Good evening to all of you

Sad news: Dita isn't anymore; she passed away on December 19, 2010.

See also:

A friend of hers

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
I was terrible sorry to hear of Dita's death.I had no idea that she was so ill.There is so little what I can say.That really is a sad piece of news.Although we knew her only a short time,she was an integral part of our group. Our English-forum. We will miss you Dita BYE,BYE

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 27.12.2010, 18:59:34
I just couldn`t believe that dita has passed away. First I thought it was just a bad joke... It was a pleasure to
write to her and to read her answers. I`m really so sorry and sad about her death. May she rest in peace now.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Papa_Joe
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 27.12.2010, 21:58:09
Hello ladies,

I just thought to shortly drop in and check possible mails in ST, when I saw both, your mailings and the info from Karl about Dita.
Although I did'nt know Dita personally and only for a very short time, I feel sadness.

May Dita rest in God!

