Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Welcome, Ingrid. Nice to to have you here in the English-forum. We all try to improve our English a little bit. And when not, it doesn't matter. We do it just for fun. OK welcome again. Till later Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
Good Morning To All Of You,

and Regina, many thanks for your welcome. Last night is was snowing here so I have to be busy cleaning the pavement first this morning.
Best wishes for today.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Papa_Joe
als Antwort auf indeed vom 14.12.2010, 09:46:33
Hello Ingrid,
I hope you've been successful when cleaning the pavement.

Welcome in this little "English club" also from my side. I think at the time being I'm the only "boy", living not too far away from Stuttgart and ....why don't you take a look to my ST-homepage for some more details.

Your English is by far more then good enough to join this subforum; I think, when reading the postings carefully, we all can upgrade the one or the other lack in knowledge. In my case it concerns more or less the grammar rules which I should take care of.
But I think primarly it should make fun to think and write sometimes "in foreign tongues", shouldn't it?

Looking foreward to your next posting




Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
To Hans-Joachim,

many thanks to you too for your posting and welcome to me. I followed your advice and
I'd a good look on your HP. You have taken lovely pictures and some of them are just marvelous.
For myself I discovered photography only lately, let's say for about the last two years and I enjoy it very much. But still I have to keep occupied with it seriously as I want to learn much more about it.

Since 1998 you and your family discovered the north of Old Germany for your favourite location, especially the East Sea and Fehmarn, not for permanent living there but to spend holiday on that part of earth. Well, in June next year I will be on that country side as well for almost a fortnight and I'm looking forward to it.

I'm born in Hamburg but now I'm living near Xanten in NRW for the last 28 years. On earth there are plenty of very nice spots but of course I prefer my originally home. I believe this is a feeling which have most of the people.

In fact the pavement is cleaned up by this time again until it starts snowing again It's nice for kids, it's really a beauty view but very bad for the traffic.

Yes, I think you are right to take this opportunity having English conversation at least to keep up the language knowledge.

Best wishes to you and all members of this club.


geschrieben von Papa_Joe
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 12.12.2010, 20:16:25
Good morning Regina,

just to answer in brief on your enquiry according "Kaffeekränzchen" in English: My proposal is "Ladies Coffee Club" or "LCC" as a code. Sorry, but I didn't find an according translation reflecting the familiar, funny meaning of the German "Kaffeekränzchen".

I do hope that you as well as Dörte, Dita, and Ingrid are doing well during the cold winter time, don't you?

We both, my wife and I, are still working on Christmas preparation, a job which is quite substantial according to 7 (!) grand children in the age from 1 to 15 years!!!

Christmas bakery is done, turkey is stored in the freezer, I for myself still have to purchase the presents for my wife's birthday (3 days before Christmas Eve!!) and for her Crhistmas gift; but I think:"Yes, I can!!!"

Hoping to read something before Christmas.

I remain with kind regards,

Papa Joe --> Hans-Joachim

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hallo, Joe,thank you so much for your help by the german word " Kaffeekränzchen ".Next Monday would be my next LCC. But my friends and I ,we decided to give up our intention. It is too difficult for each of us. The road conditions are too unsure. I am a little bit sorry about it.We meet us every year short before Christmas. This year it would be the 40th time.Incredible,isn't it?
Joe, you and your wife are really busy. Great respect.
My children live far away. Momentary in Shanghai. In Berlin we have only the family of my husband. There are also 4 children but they have their own grandmothers and fathers. I only have to wrap little pacels.
Many greetings to you all,have a nice evening Regina



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
Hello Regina,

may I offer you a bit of help? The word "Kaffeekränzchen" - translated "coffee party", but in England i think people rather prefer their cup of tea in the afternoon. "Kaffeeklatsch" is a "gossip over a cup of coffee" or (ladies) "afternoon-(tea)coffee-party".

I believe, this information will satisfy you?

Best wishes

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
Hi Ingrid. Thank you so much for your help. But know I was a real nosy parker.( it's a slang for neugierig )So I looked in my clever dictionary for Damenkränzchen= ladies circle or coffee-klatsch.Mostly I am too lazy for looking up in a dictionary.But this time I would know it exectly. Coffee-klatsch is very funny.Isn't it??
OK now till soon again Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von indeed
Hi, Regina,

I haven't heard of coffee-klatsch. Of course I know that also Kindergarten became Kindergarden in English. Well, a language is not stuff and it is developing itself too.
To be honest, if I have to look up for any vocabulary I rather prefer Cassel's Dictionary because to my experience it comes even nearer praxis purposes than the one from Langenscheidt.
But I shall remember your translation as well.
So long,


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf dita vom 02.12.2010, 02:58:15
Hello dita,

thank you for the description of your English lessons
with the "flying teacher". It sounds as if these
practical lessons will be very helpful for your
new job. As "your" PR Agency will pay the costs
it doesn`t matter if the lessons are expensive...
You surely are excited when thinking of the new job -
aren`t you? Once more I wish you all the best for
a good start.

Maybe you will write how you will spend the Christmas days. Anyway I wish you "merry Christmas"!

Kind regards,

