Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 29.05.2015, 16:14:00
Hello Bärbel,
Thanks for telling us - I wish you pleasant days in wonderful landscape and most of all: beautiful sunshine.
Have a good time! Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Hannover
Hello everyone . . . I just discovered this subforum and recognized several nicks who have visited the Sunday English Chat. It is, in my opinion, the preferable communications method, i.e. instant comments and answers. We are now meeting Sundays 19.00 hrs. Europe time. Would love to see any and all of you there. Hannover = Doris

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Hannover vom 07.06.2015, 20:42:15
Hey, Doris! What a nice surprise to find you here in this thread! It is a lot easier to write and answer here than in the English-chat. And the difference in time doesn't matter a bit.
Today I have been watching TV many times since we have the most important politicians here in Bavaria: Besides our chancelor Angela Merkel Barack Obama is here and the presidents of France, England, Holland, Italy, Japan and tomorrow there will still come some more from Africa. The weather is beautiful and so they can enjoy their stay in an outstanding place in our mountains.
Maxi1/Bärbel is on a holiday these days and so is yoli/Yolanda. But I guess, they will soon be back and be as glad as I am to have you here. And there are some more who come into this forum sometimes.
I am glad you have found us and am I looking forward to correspond with you.
Love from Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Hannover
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 07.06.2015, 23:09:29
Just to set the record straight: you mentioned 6 of the G7 leaders, leaving out #7, Canada's Steven Harper (I'm a Canadian citizen). Actually, he's an embarrassment to the country, and, as I said, I mention him ONLY to set the record straight.
Those politicians are always staying at the very best resorts, at taxpayers' expense, of course. The News broadcast stated that there were thousands of police officers in Grainau, guarding these 7 people for a couple of days . . . that must have cost millions of euros!
Here, in Toronto and in other cities, there was just a major arrest of drug trafficking gangsters. It took more than two years, and $14 million, to get enough evidence for this arrest. My daughter's partner, an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer was involved in collecting evidence for these two years, such as hundreds of hours surveillance, as well as in the arrest itself.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf Hannover vom 08.06.2015, 17:19:32
Hello to everyone,
@Hannover (shouldn't it be "Hanover" for you? ), I'm not quite sure if @rose, strictly speaking, meant the G7 leaders because she mentioned the "president of Holland" who is not a representative of one of the member states. Maybe she just listed several attendees.
But you're right. Those summits are way too costly. It's a "Merkel-show" because she loves the mountains and goes hiking in summer and skiing in winter. The location clearly was her personal choice and it obviously didn't matter to her that the costs spiralled from around 60 millon € in Heiligendamm some years ago to over 300 million this year.
I watched the TV special, too, and just noticed how Merkel seemed to have enjoyed the fine weather and her brunch with Obama and all the photos for the media. Just watch how she kept smiling and compare her facial expressions with those when meeting Putin. What a difference.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Hannover vom 08.06.2015, 17:19:32
Hallo Doris,
I agree: it is inexcusable to have forgotten your Steven Harper, who is just the same important as all the other 6 politicians. But I must correct you in that point of only being 7 people. Every one of them had a team of important politicians with him - alone Obama's staff counted up to 1'1000 individuals! The reason for that huge amount of policemen was the desaster we had in Heiligendamm some years ago when the demonstrations caused many deaths and injuries, having too few police available (of course it costed less, as well) though the green lobby is known to be very aggressive. And: Didn't you see, that the police now in charge provided them with drinks and snacks, while it was very hot on Saturday?
Weeks before the event had started, the "greens" wanted to rent a big place for many thousands of demonstrates what the community rejected for reason of possible overflow. The green comunity went to law with it which made the comunity of Garmisch-Partenkirchen allow them. Then Saturday night we had heavy thunderstorms all over the region and the place was totally overflown so the demonstaters fled Bavaria and the rest was only a few trying in vain to rescue their tents and personal belongings. People from GAP took them into their houses for help. But the policemen had to stay in their suits first in the hot sun then in the storm.
In the end I think Merkel wanted to have a pleasant surrounding for the G7 to have good moods for good negotiations. And she obviously
was successful. Isn't that the main thing for peace in the world?
Good bye for now - yours Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 09.06.2015, 10:26:03
1'1000 individuals it wrong of course;I meant to say 1000 one thousand!

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Hannover
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 08.06.2015, 18:08:11
Hi, "Hannover" is my birthplace in Germany. There is, indeed a town "Hanover" here in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I did not see a detailed report on the Summit, glad to hear though that the Greens are keeping the issue of climate change in the public eye. In the Canadian Parliament, there are only two lonely Members of the Green party. Said Steven Harper does not care about the environment just about "the economy" that puts lots of money into his corporate friends' pockets.
I did see a picture of Angela Merkel with widely outstretched arms and Obama. She looked like the famous picture of Julie Andrews in the movie 'Sound of Music', with alpine meadows and mountains in the background.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Hannover vom 09.06.2015, 16:59:48
Hello altogether,
I´m back from holiday. Bicycling on the comfortable bicycle paths along the River Havel and around the lakes is an joy. Our accommodation was a few minutes from the shore, surrounded by magnificent countryside. The River Havel has had top-quality bathing water for years, but the water was to cold for swimming.
The weather was sunny, sometimes oppressive.
well, I´m at home. I found plenty of work to do. The soil in the garden is dry because it hasn´t rained for weeks. Plants and lown are dried up. We need to water the garden every day.
Have a nice week.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 10.06.2015, 19:08:21
nice to see you back Bärbel in the hope your knees feel better?
