Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von dancelady
Hello Ladies,
I enjoy reading your little stories. But I don't spend much time with the computer, so don't expect me to write often. I will be in the chat Sunday at 19.00 hrs and hope to meet you there again.
As you know, I'm busy getting ready for the move, constantly cleaning cabinets etc out and sorting things I want to keep, and throw out or give away other things.
Yesterday, I was invited at my youngest daughter's place and I enjoyed so much being with the little family.
Today with the rain, I spend more time packing things and this evening I'm going out for dinner with some English friends. We used to have a Bowling group, all English speaking people. All the ladies, except me, were English and some of the husbands were Swiss, German, or also English and my husband was American. Some of the people that were with us more than 40 years ago, have passed away or left Switzerland. New people joined on and off. As we got older and older and everybody had some problems with shoulders, knees, hips etc. we decided to give up our monthly Bowling session but would go out for a meal together about once a month. It's always fun!
So I hope to see you on Sunday in the chat. Until then, have a nice weekend!
Regards Yvonne

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Honeybee1 vom 15.05.2015, 10:30:30
What a great idea this Campus Galli.
We are due to visit our friends in Rottweil. We could invite them to come with us to visit the site. It is barely an hour away.
I had good looks at the plans and the idea of the campus. Very interesting and thanks Hildegard a lot for posting it here.

Our fluffy friend a chaffinches

Had to look it up
if you need a good program
He makes a big noise to get some goodies. Not shy at all.

Picture taken in front of our camper!
Here is a little story about a blackbird.
When I lived in the UK I had a little garden. Each time when I turned the earth before planting this blackbird came to help. When I uncovered a worm I had to stop for him to get it. This happened 3 years in a row. At the end I noticed that the blackbird had some grey feathers on the side of the head.
Do birds go grey as well?

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 15.05.2015, 12:18:41
Hello to all of you,

I know I had to write again.
Several interesting topics you are writing.
Yesterday I couldn´t open the link "back to the Middle Age". My computer was blocked again.Today I looked it up. It´s a very interesting project. I think above all for children and the youth.

The weather is sunny. Yesterday and today we were cycling around a lake with a beautiful landscape. It´s a former mining area with some lakes. We discovered a breeding ground of a swan in the middle of a reed. The female swan was breeding and the male was defended his area. We hadn´t to approach to much.
In my garden in front of the wintergarden there is a blackbird breeding like every year. Often the magpies tried to steal the eggs. Sometimes the cat tried to catch the young birds. It makes me sad.
BTW: I don´t know whether birds go grey. Maybe you look it up in the encyclopeadia.

I will be in the chat on Sunday in the evening.

Bye for now - Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von bukamary
Hello all together.

I actually wanted to repot my summer plants. But somebody seems to hinder me doing that by keeping the water tabs on. I´ve got three large plant pots in front of the house, two of them with a self-made spider web. It´s simply only wet, wet, wet.
Magret, I´ve got quite a few blackbirds here too, but they are very shy. Besides the other birds I´ve got quite a few other birds flying around here. I suggest about 3 pairs of robins, at least 2 and quite a few sparrows, they all seem to love my balcony railing. I just love watching them.
Do birds go grey as well? That was your Question Yoli? I asked an expert the same at least 40 years ago. I remind him telling me, that the plumage fades off a bit, birds don´t go grey. Quite a few birds have a grey outfit anyway (at least partly). I just researched a bit. Some blackbirds are supposed to have a silvery border
Yoli, yes the Campus Galli really seems to be a very exciting project. Most people visiting the Campus Galli told about it with great enthusiasm. At first I was quite skeptical about it. But that wasn’t the reason why I didn´t visit it. Health reasons have so far prevented me but I hope I can make it this year.
Yvonne, that’s really nice of you taking the time to post a few lines. You are surely very busy mucking out. I don’t envy you for it, but somehow it´s a sign for something new.
I think it is very nice and a good thing having friends you meet regularly even though the original purpose of the meetings has changed in the meantime. And having a meal together with other people is certainly always very good thing. That is something I´m missing sometimes, but I've probably been roaming around too much
He, I actually was not intending to write a book. There are still a lot of other things I should do (for example mucking out). No I´m going to have some supper no (a vegetable curry).
I guess we´ll hear us at the chat?
See you ladies. Have a nice and not to rainy time.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf bukamary vom 15.05.2015, 18:42:13
I hope you had a nice Chat. We had an dear visiter (uninvited) but very nice.
Sorry to have missd you all.
Till soon again
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf yoli vom 17.05.2015, 21:46:27
I am still watching the kestrel family. Now the “new” male takes his duties very serious, brings food and sits on the eggs to keep them from cooling whilst the lady (here Susi) goes and eats what has been brought to her by Strolchi. Any day now the first chick will hatch. I read that after the 3rd egg (24th April) has been laid normally the female kestrel will start the hatching and it takes something like 28 to 30 days.
Maybe things will be a bit different, because there has been a change of fathers in-between.
Enjoy :-



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.05.2015, 11:13:37
Hello @ all
I will not be in the Chat this sunday. We will visit Hungary for 2 weeks.
I am sure you will not let this thread go to sleep
Take care

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.05.2015, 11:13:37
Hello altogether,

This week was busy. I had a lot of terms and an appointment with the doctor.

Yoli, I tried to open the "falken-foermchen". It´s only possible if you register. I didn´t it. But I could look at the pictures.

I´m looking forward to Whitsun. On 25 May is the birthday of my second grandson. We already celebrate it on 24th. Therefore I won´t be in the chatroom. I´m going to bake a "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte" for him.
On Saturday I want to look after my fifth grandchild. She will be 4 years in June and is well-behaved.

I wish all of you a happy Whitsun.

Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 21.05.2015, 20:46:21
Hello altogether,

I won´t be in the chatroom this Sunday and perhaps next Sunday.
I´m going on holiday from 30 May to 7 June.
We´ve a holidayflat in Werder near Potsdam. It´s a good area for cycling. There are the river Havel and Havel lakes.
I hope we´ll have sunshine during the next days.

Recently we debated wheter birds go grey, but I know that cats are getting grey in the old age. The cat of my grandson is 13 years old. I noticed that she is getting grey on the back.

Have a nice time.

Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 29.05.2015, 16:14:00
Dear Bärbel
I wish you a beautiful time in your holiday. As I wrote before I am in Héviz enjoying myself in the healing water and walking in the lovely countryside.
I hope the weather will be OK for you. We had quite cold weather till now but today it turned warm and sunny.
It seems that only you and I are writing here. What a shame. But we keep it going..yes Bärbel?
Take care and come back healthy and happy.
