Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf bukamary vom 21.04.2015, 23:34:41
Hello Hildegard,
what a nice surprise to have a new member in this forum! I haven't checked in for weeks, since Bärbel was on a cure and yoli on a big camping trip for months. But now we can get on exchanging bits of our daily life just for practising our English.
May I introduce myself to you? Most of it you can learn from my homepage in "Bilder - Beiträge - Blog". Besides that there isn't much to tell, just that I have two grown-up children, a boy and a girl, and from the latter we have a 10-year-old grandson.
My husband and I live near our hometown Munich and love going on holiday. This year we haven't planned yet because we are responsible for an old lady who is quite helpless now. But we hope for some solution in the near future. And then we will fly, fly , fly...
But as to your person I wonder what language you are familiar with? Your Christian name definitely sounds German; but you said you didn't like this language. So: where were you grown up and which is the third language you can/could speak? And your nickname makes me curious as well. Please, tell us a bit more about your life - seems to be interesting!
I am looking forward to hearing from you! Love from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 23.04.2015, 17:30:16
Hello you lovely ladies

Here comes the 4th in this group.
Nice to read you two Bärbel and Rosemarie and nice to be able to say hello to you Hildegard.
I am sure that there are more people in this forum who write English.
Let me just say a few words about me. I am Yoli >> Yolanda born in Switzerland of a Ticino Mother and a Swiss German Father. I have 5 brothers. I married an English man and lived in the UK 18 yrs.
My husband died and I married again in 2002. Together we have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.
I worked as a nurse all my working live and loved it.
Since my husband Emil got pensioned off we travel with our camper. More about travels later on!
I should work on my homepage…but hmmmmmmmm
Lazy me

Take care
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 23.04.2015, 20:25:41
Hello ladies,

Yesterday I took the last antibiotic and now I nearly recovered from my bronchitis. In the evening we celebrate the birthday of my daughter in law belatedly. Tomorrow is a belated celebration of the birthday of my second son. Both birthdays were during my cure.

Hildegard, I think you are a very activ woman. Your nickname "bukamary" makes me curious too. My nickname "Maxi" comes from the name of the cat of my grandchild and "41" is the year of my birth.

Great, we have some movements here.

Have a nice weekend.

Greetings to all of you - Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 25.04.2015, 14:23:22
Hey Bärbel, good to hear you are Feeling better. What a present to bring back from a cure... a Bronchitis. Maybe they should really warm their swiiiming pools more to accomodate people who need to get better there.
The weather has changed here. NOw we see clouds and there will be a Little rain later. I know it is good for the nature.
Take care all of you and if you want to join the english Chat on sunday at 9 pm you are all welcome. It is in the Bistro/pub
I will try to be there.
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 25.04.2015, 14:32:46
Hi to altogheter,

today it´s rainy the whole day. The nature need it.

I think of the poor people in Nepal. The area has been afflicted by a strong earthquake. I hope the rescue teams are able to help the victims. They need international help. We can only donate money.

I think I´ll be finnished my travel report by the end of the week.

I´m excited because of the football match Bavaria Munich vs. BVB in the evening.

Bye for now - Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von bukamary
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 28.04.2015, 16:57:27
Hi Ladies,

Who did´nt join the chat on sunday? I was there and met not one of you three!!!
Bärbel I watched the match Bavaria Munich vs. BVB as well, at least partly. I got in during the 2. half and of course the extra time and the very exciting penalty shoot - out. By the way the first and only game I ever seen in a stadium was BVB vs. Schalke04. That was in Dortmund about 1974. I studied and lived in Dortmund at that
My parents were both German. My mother was from Nort Rhine - Westphalia, my father was a true-blue swabian, so that´s why my christianname sounds very german.
By the way, you were quite curious! Look.........The first link you´ll find a hint about my nick.
And now I´ve got to prepare a meeting taking place tomorrow afternoon.
Have a nice day.


my birthplace

mein zuhause



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf bukamary vom 29.04.2015, 22:29:32
Hi Hildegard

yes sorry about the Chat. I got home halfenhour too late.
Did you have a good time.
Some ladies from the Chat read here as well, but sadly do not write. We could use a few more of us.
Will have a look at your birth and living places in a Moment.
Thanks for sharing

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 30.04.2015, 00:21:57
Hello Hildegard,
thanks a lot for the hint. I didn´t know Bougainville and I never heard of the island of Buka. There are many languages. What´s your mother languages? Bougainville is the name of a plant with very nice blossoms. I have such a beautiful plant of my own.

In 2015 Leipzig celebrates the 1000th anniversary of his first documented. It will also celebrate 850 years of traide fairs - the world´s oldest commercial fair. Any time soon I will write about this event.

Have a nice weekend and a good start in the month May.

Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von bukamary
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 30.04.2015, 14:58:18
Hello Ladies,

the start in the month of may was simply nasty. At least here it was cold and it rained all the day. It was of those days to place yourself in the wing chair or on the sofa with a good book and a pot of hot tea. You know those days? And today it´s not really better.
I did it yesterday and had a look in a 3 books of the cartoonist Peter Gaymann, 2 of them "Yoga für Hühner" and "Katzen" are a present and fhe "Das Gelbe vom Ei", a cooking book together with Lea Linster. I´ll it keep myself. I meet Gaymann two weeeks ago at an exposition. He made quite a few cartoons on the theme Dementia, a very interesting exhibition and appropriate. I had Gaymann signing the books. He signed them with his hens. Simply great.

Bärbel you are certainly going to have quite a few festivals

Rosmarie, where are you, you are missing.

and last but not least
Yoli(Y ist the second last letter in the alphabet)
I´ll try to be in the chat tomorrow.

I´ll be quite busy next week with different meetings and I,ve got to prepare a few things.

Hoping to hear from all of you again.

Bye for now

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von bukamary
Good morning, all of vou. The first I heard in the news this morning was that there was a strong earthquake 7,5 magnitude near my former hometown including a tsunami warning. Eventhough it was that strong it seems that not that much has happend - see the link.

Have a nice day

