Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 15.09.2014, 08:42:09
Hello Regina,
what a shame - we persuade you to join us in the pub and nobody is there besides you! I must confess, I intended to come but: There was a phone-call from a very nice classmate, whom I haven't spoken to for a very long time. We had a long chat and I forgot all about our English-chat in ST. I'm ever so sorry!
We agreed on a new time for this chat: Sunday 6pm to 7pm, or longer.[i][/i] It's a little group of 4 to 6 people who join the chat and I do hope to be there next Sunday, too.
Have a good time - see you! Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 15.09.2014, 09:16:34
hello @ all
Shame Rosemarie and I were there until nearly 7.30.
Next Sunday I willl be travelling and probably already inh France . I doubt it if I have Internet there. I will think of you and hope you will greet the ladies und the Gent for me.
UNtil then, lets just Exchange some words here.
You know one can go into the Chat room at any time if there are at least two of us (you)
Take care
Greetings Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 15.09.2014, 22:23:34
Yesterday when I just wanted to write here my laptop was blocked.
I hope it doesn´t break down again.
Today the sun is shining. It´s a very nice summerday.
Yesterday was the beginning of the Englishcourse, but the course was cancelled. There are no teacher. What a pity! I could go in another course, but it´s overcrowded. The Urania is looking for a new teacher. Perhaps I have luck.
Greetings, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 17.09.2014, 16:52:44
Dear Bärbel what a shame about your English course.
It would have been fun for you.
Maybe you find some similar people in your area to just have Eng. Conversation together.
I am afraid I will not join you here very often in the next time. It is not easy to get internet abroad. Then you pay for so many bytes. That is often used up by just reading ones mails.
Please keep this thread gong under your selves. It would be a shame to let it fade away.
Maybe Regina will come an d write some and Chris as well. You Bärbel and Rosemarie are active here.
We will drive to the Ardeche on Sunday to visit my brother he lives there since many years. Then we travel through France Spain Portugal and enter Morocco about middle of October.
We have packed the camper will have to put the motor scooter on the trailer tomorrow. TI am looking forward to being a dame on wheels.
Take care you all.
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 19.09.2014, 19:56:44
Hello @ all,
Yoli is on tour. Hopefully the rain will stop. Yesterday we had 11 cm of rain and today it´s still raining. I think the phrase is "raining cats and dogs".
In the evening I won´t join the chatroom. Maybe next week I will try it.
I wish all of you a nice evening and a sunny week.
By for now

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 21.09.2014, 17:08:18
Hello Bärbel,
Of course I won't leave you alone here in this subforum. And when Yoli will be back I am sure she will tell us a lot about all those wonderful reagions, we do not know. I just wonder, how she is going to transfer her camper from Gibraltar to Marokko - she will tell us.
Have a nice evening in spite of all that rain - maybe together with your love or friends or some smoothing music.
Bye dear! Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 21.09.2014, 17:28:33
Hello Rosemarie,

Today I tested an English course with 16 participans. I think I`ll enrol at this course, although it´s a quite a number of people. It´s the same female teacher I had before. Wait and see.

Today is the beginning of autumm. In the supermarket you can buy gingerbread and other sweets for christmas already. It´s awful. It´s two months too early.

Have a nice evening.

Bye - Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 23.09.2014, 19:15:21
Hello Bärbel,
I'm glad you found a new comunity für learning English. And don't be afraid of 16 members: my experience is that they will reduce very soon to an acceptable lot of people. Main thing you feel alright with the teacher and the other students. I think they are important, too. For if their level is too good or too bad - neither of it would help you. Just wait and see. I wish you a good start and nice collegues!
Love Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 24.09.2014, 12:28:40
Hello you two faithful writers here 
I greet you from the south of France, a place called Fontignan near Sête. Very lovely, but today it is raining and very windy. Actually we wanted to move on, but stay because of bad driving conditions. We move slowly towards Morocco. Around middle or end of October we ship over from Algeciras to Tanger Med.
I do not have to write such details if you do not want to follow me on the way. Just a word..hihi
Yes Bärbel, just check it out your class. Normally there is something for all in a greater class.
Great, that you work on your language.
Hi Rosemarie, I enjoyed your mail with some detail about your earlier life. Makes fun to get to know some of the past of you all.
I leave you now, as it gets boring to read too much.
Take care


Re: Purpose of this subforumm
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 29.09.2014, 10:35:39
Hello Yoli,
I´m pleased to hear from you. It´s a long journey you make. I hope the weather will be good next time. You need it.
Have a save journey and a lot of fun.
I´m looking forward to hearing from your excursion again.
BTW: It´s never boring to read too much!

Today 25 years ago we´re thinking of the emotional and significant moment when the Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher stepped on the balcony of German Embassy in Prague to announce an agreement on the refugees´voyage to West German. I still get gooseflesh.
These events are commemorated by a golden statue of a Trabant car in the garden of the embassy.

Greetings to all of you - Bärbel
