Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 19.08.2014, 23:11:41
that's a great relief for me what Yoli writes here. I totally agree with her. Dear Bärbel, everybody can understand what you are saying. In case you are not satisfied with your knowledge you would have to contact a native speaking English teacher in your place. This might help to gain more wordpower.
But for us here in this forum it is plenty!
Have a good and successful Wednesday! Rosemarie

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 20.08.2014, 10:29:39
a big cuddle all around
Take care and enjoy life the way it is.
Love Yoli

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.08.2014, 11:39:26
Dear Rosemarie and daer Yoli,

Rosemarie, thanks for your help.
Yoli, thanks for your consolation.
We´re on different level. I´m be short of experience. But if I had worked more carefully, I wouldn´t make less mistakes.
I would learn English more quickly if I went to Britain or an English speaking country. Well, I´ve never been there.
I´m going on an English course in September. It takes 12 weeks.

Rosemarie, I think the English name is football, isn´t it?
Amerikan English uses only soccer to avoid confusion with Amerikan football.

A big hug to both of you!

Love, Bärbel



Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 20.08.2014, 16:34:11
There you go Bärbel, if you have never been in the Country to learn a language it is difficult to remember.
Do profit in September by writing more to us and we will keep at it with you. I am sure it will help you a lot.
Today we have a lovely sunny day. Alas still cool, but we have clothing for that reason
In the afternoon we go to friends and play Dog
We have a lot of fun; get nice cake to eat and supper towards the evening.
In 2 weeks’ time it is our turn.
Yesterday some people we met in Morocco came to lunch. We thought they would leave again around 4pm. No way! When the Lady went to the loo, (at 5.30 pm) we stood up and started to clear the table. It worked..hihi
Take care
Love Yoli

I am not sure about Soccer or football? It seems that I heard them call the ballgame soccer in England and the other American football. Mind, I am not sure about that

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 21.08.2014, 11:12:54
Hello to both of you,
Bärbel, never mind all the English grammar - keep on reading Engl.books where you can mark new expressions and use the words you know: practice is the method to keep things in mind. And we are your pen-friends, aren't we?
Afterwards I will look up your dog-game Yoli, I wonder what it is.
Today we meet our Schafkopf-friends again after a long holiday-break. Normally we meet once a week at theirs or ours in turns. We always start at 2 pm with coffee/cake and chat about politics and all sorts of concerns and then we start playing cards. Three of us really enjoy it - but the wife of my husband's cousin hates loosing. So she always complains about not getting good cards and keeps loosing the games. We only pay 5 ct or if you play "Solo" it makes 10ct per person. The utmost she lost was 2,0 € (within 2 years!) which made her really cross. For relaxation we always have supper and a glass of wine. Today we need to play less tough to encourage her for future games.
Tomorrow my husband and I have his female cousin here for playing Rommé or Skip-Bo. She is 85 now and needs to train her remembrance and she is quite enthusiastic about playing these simple games.
Yoli - I would like to join in the chatroom bistro-pub more often. But Sunday evenings are not very convenient for me. Do you think, we could make "Karl" to open that chatroom on a different day?
Have a good time! Rosemarie

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 21.08.2014, 11:50:47
Dear Rosemary, now it is my turn to look up Schafkopf. I have found it On the wide net and will read about it presently.
Rommé and Skip Bo Are both great Games to Keep the memory active. We play it a Lot in the camper. It never gets boring. I notice that you Pass the gaming afternoon in the similar manner As we do.
I too have a problem with the time and day in the chatroom. First of all it falls in our TV time so I am in the middle of a film and forget!
There is a problem, because we have Doris from Canada and someone from the USA. I would have to look up the difference in time.
But a Lot of the chatrooms Are empty. We could just Go and invite each other into one of them. What do you think about that solution?
Greetings to all of you and till soon again
Love Yoli



Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 22.08.2014, 17:49:58
Hello pen-friends,
In former time we also played cards with friends. But our friends moved back and now we have a visit each other from time to time.
I never heard from a dog-spiel. I looked it up in the internet. I read the rules of the game. It was developed in Switzerland in 1982.
On Tuesday I went to the orthopaedist because of my aching knee. I got an injection and a referral to radiology. I´ll get the result in October. That´s a long time.
We´re going on holiday at the end of August. I hope I´m able zu ride my bike and the knee gets better soon.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 24.08.2014, 17:21:05
2011 Viskosupplementation mit Ostensil Plus Kniegelenk re.
I had an injection once a week for 3 weeks directly into the gap under the kneecap. It helped me for 2 years. Then it got repeated. Again I had nearly 2 years of painfree.
I still had to have an Operation but at least I managed to prolong it. I wish you all the best.
Tell us about your forth coming Holidays Bärbel, please.
TOnight we have the english Chat again. I will try to look into it for a while. ON sunday we usually have telvision evening. That is a shame wehen I have to leave my hubby alone.

Re: Dear Bärbel and dear Yoli,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 24.08.2014, 19:27:50
Hello altogether,
My knee gets better. The injection have an effect. So, we´re going on holiday on August, 31st. The destination is Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg. It´s on the river Nahe near Bad Kreuznach.
If the weather´s good, we´re going to stay two weeks.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von dancelady
Good morning Ladies,
I just read some of your comments. I could join in on your discussions occasionally. I'm generally not much in the ST other than in the English chat on Sunday. What day (evening) would be convenient for you? You could make a suggestion. Doris from Canada has six hours time difference and Bill from Ohio is the same if I remember right. I don't think you would have to start in another chatroom. The Bistro/Pub is especially for that and you wouldn't have to ask Karl. You could always ask around what day and what time would be good. For me, Monday evenings are out. Other evenings would be ok too.
I have to go now and hope to see you on Sunday to find out, what day or time would be tactical for everybody.
