Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 21.07.2014, 17:15:23
Hello Bärbel
Hello Rosemarie
Here I am again completing our Trio.
We have been away to Interlaken for some days with the camper.
I have to learn how and where to put pictures. I could show you some of the scenery of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.
Maybe you have heard of them.
During football I looked into here once or twice, but there was so much TV to watch
I am sorry to hear about your back and hip problems Bärbel.
I am a sort of a wreck as well. Two hip replacement and now a year ago my knee.
The hip which was operated on 15 years ago is not sitting well any more. IF I wear a tight bandage I can walk.
The back is also operated on some years ago.
It is true, if I move a lot I feel less pain. We have a cross trainer. If I train on that 10 minutes I feel much better.
Movements, in a gentle sort of way are very important.
It does good to complain a bit about our general health. After having said it all, there ar many more interesting subjects to write about.
I just close by telling you about my heart condition. I have a leaking valve in the heart. A spezialist gave me a certain medicament. That attacked my lung and now I have to take one that works not too badly but not as good as the first one. In due time I will get a new valve.
But to be honest I feel well and enjoy life in full. Being 72 yrs. I feel I have done quite well till now and all that is more is a present. So please do not feel sorry for me. We all have our burdens to carry.
In two weeks’ time we will visit Elsass with the camper and a trailer with a big scooter on it. That is just heavenly. Help me please to install photos and I will show you our Camper etc.
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 21.07.2014, 21:47:26
Hello yoli,
first of all: look into your PN, I have left there instructions how to upload fotos into your ST-Bilder. Mind it will cost you some time to do it, when you have no practice yet. Take you time,it is not difficult!
And then I am keen on seing your fotos of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.
When we were very young we made a trip to Switzerland, having a look on this famous St.Moritz and we went on top of the mountain by railway(?). The peak was/is at about 4000m heith and I remember well, that I got dizzy when I left the cabin. After a few minutes recovering I enjoyed the terriffic sight. Wasn't there even sort of a snow-palace?
Switzerland makes me remember quite a few very pleasant experiences! My Swiss adventures ended in hospital in Chur, where they repaired my broken leg after skiing a bit too fast. But even the doctors and the atmosphere there left positive impressions. I think, you are lucky to be swiss-born!
So enjoy your camping-trips - the Elsass is beautiful, too - and enjoy coming back home to Switzerland!
Love - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 22.07.2014, 22:27:57
Hi Rosemarie, hi Yoli,
yes, yoli, in our age we all have our burdens to carry. And you have a lot to go through (oh, war das jetzt richtig? soll heißen: durchgemacht).
About 15 years ago I was in Grindelwald - Bernese Highlands for hiking. It was fascinating. Three imposing mountains - Eiger, Mönch and Jungsfrau and additional Wetterhorn and Schreckhorn. I remember the flower filled summer pastures. It was impressed. I also remember in Spiez my husband was bitten bei a tick. He had to go to the doctors to remove the tick. At home he got an injection. Im looking forward to seeing the photos. Take your time. I often need help from my grandson to install something.
I slowly recover from my illness.
Have a nice week, fortunately it´s not to hot anymore.
Greetings to both of you, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 23.07.2014, 14:13:34
Hello Bärbel,
As you say: at our age we have been through a lot and it affects our skeletons, too. When you wrote here this afternoon I had to take a little nap since I was really done. Tomorrow is my husband's 73rd birthday and I had to go shopping (carry the whole lot home), bake cakes, prepare the meal for tomorrow night, do the last cleaning of my hosehold and so on. Thus my back couldn't wear me any longer - I just had to lay down and I fell to sleep in a minute. And I am worn out again now and will go to bed immedeately. I just wanted to say hello to you,
hoping that you feel better by now.
Meet you again at the weekend.
Love from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 24.07.2014, 22:16:06
Hello you two Dears
It pleases me to know you have been to my Country.
To be honest I only just recently started to sightsee in Switzerland.
One always goes abroad first and forgets that the grass is not greener on the other side ..hihihi
Thank you for helping me put into the forum some photos. I will get started soon.
How are you folks feeling with your pains?
A friend of mine had sort of jumping pains and now they have diagnosed polymyalgia. The muscles and nerves send pain all over the body. She has to take high doses of cortisone for 1 or 2 years. Poor thing. In comparison, I have nothing to complain about.
Today I feel like almost a saint. I went to fetch an old lady with the car to bring her to another lady in an old people’s home. They were so happy to see each other after so many years. It does good to be able to help.
It felt a bit like home, as I have worked the last 20 years of my working life in a nursing home.
I notice that it is late, so I will go and get my beauty sleep.
All the best
Love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 24.07.2014, 23:15:28
Hello Rosemarie, hello Yoli,

Rosemarie, I hope you had a nice day and your guests enjoyed your delicious meal you are prepared.
BTW: belated wishes to your husband.

Yoli I think you´re busy preparing your next holiday. I think a trailer with a scooter on it is a motorscooter not a skateboard, isn´t it? Years ago we also went to Elsass, when we were able to hike.
We´re planning to go on holiday the end of August, perhaps to Rheingau. We´ll to think it over.
After reunification of Germany in 1990 we were keen on travelling to the western abroad. Now we stay in Germany. There are beautiful landscape on it. My husband won´t be widely travel anymore.

Yoli, nice of you to take care of the elderly. The old ladys were very happy and you´re happy, too. I think you have the patience like a saint.

I´m waiting of my third grandson. He have to carry heavy things and move it to another place.

Have a nice weekend.
Greetings, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 26.07.2014, 14:42:13
Hello Bärbel and hello Rosmarie.
IT is raining today but softly as if the rain was kissing the earth.
Bärbel look after your health and do not overdo it with carrying things. Let us know about your grandson I so do love children and of course my own children and grandchildren the most.
You know we have 4 little ones. The oldest is 12 and the youngest 4. Such a great luck in life. Do you feel the same way too?

Dear Bärbel I must congratulate you on your English. It is not your spoken language from home and you manage to convers so well.
I am happy to be writing here.
Take care
love Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf yoli vom 26.07.2014, 16:48:40
have a look Rosemarie, I have strated to put in two Fotos of Interlaken. Thanks to you I managed that

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 26.07.2014, 16:48:40
Hi Yoli,
my third grandson is 18 years old. The two elder grandsons are 22 and 25 years old. The both girls are 12 and 3 years old. I love it all together. The 18 years old one was our problem child. When he was a child I often looked after him. But now he is a nicely and properly boy. I´m glad.
The first one is a craftsman, the second one is a student. He is studying at university political science and sociology.

Yesterday I looked at the pictures of Interlaken. Beautiful!
When I was in Bernese Highlands I visited Interlaken, Schynigen Platte, Männlichen, kl. Scheidegg, Thuner See and so on. A beautiful landscape.

My husband is cycling. But I´ve problems and have to stay at home.

Have an nice Sunday.
Greetings, Bärbel

Especially greetings to Rosemarie.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 26.07.2014, 14:42:13
Thank you, Bärbel for the birthday-greetings to my husband. It was a good party with nice guests - but too much food. I gave bits and pieces to my son and daughter, to friends and the rest landed in our stomachs. I won't check the scale the next days.
Wish you a fine week - Rosemarie
