Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 24.05.2014, 17:40:40
Hi all together,
Today is ascension day. It´s raining cats and dogs. Very sad for the men. Some rivers in Saxony are overflowed. The poor people living there have been hit by the water and mud tree times for the last ten years.

Yesterday a Russia Soyuz rocket carrying a crew of 3 persons to the International Space Station has launched in Kazakhstan. A Russian, an American and a German by the name of Alexander Gerst scheduled to stay in orbit for six months. On TV I watched the preparations of the mission. I wish the crew much success.

Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 29.05.2014, 14:14:17
Hello Englisch-freaks,
these days we are viewing our 300 fotos from South-Tyrol. And I try to select a few for my ST-pictures. As soon as I have collected them I'll show them to you.
Love from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 30.05.2014, 14:44:16
Hello to all together,

At the moment in Leipzig takes place the Germany´s largest automotive trade fair, called AMI (Automobil International). AMI is an ideal platform for world, European and German premieres as well as for showcasing car-related innovations and trends. At the exhibition you can see luxury vehicles or sport cars of the highest class, classic models. You can get a hands-on experience and take the driver´s seat yourself. There are test drive opportunities from various models and numerous manufactures.
It´s very interesting for my sons and the grandsons.
I rather go to the book fair. It takes place once a year in spring.

Rosemarie, I´m looking forward to see to the picture of South-Tyrol.
I tink Yoli enjoyed the holiday, the sun and the beautyful landscape.

Greetings, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 03.06.2014, 16:57:53
Hello Maxi,
Leipzig is now very well-known place for all kinds of fairs. And what you can see on TV, the town must be quite pretty, too. But in fact I am not very much interested in cars - for me a car is an article for daily use - main thing it works properly.
As to my South-Tyrol-fotos: There are some more to be installed, arranged and described. It takes some time, which I'm short of now.
Bye for now - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 03.06.2014, 19:02:36
Yes, Rosemarie, the town of Leipzig is unique.
Leipzig has been a trade city since the time of the Holy Roman Empire, sitting at the two trade routes known as the Via Regia and Via Imerii and at the confluence of the White Elster, Pleisse and Parthe rivers. Leipzig is a city of music, Art, culture, university, too.
There are the most modern zoo of Europe. You can discover three continents under one roof in a part of the zoo called Gondwanaland, and come into close contact with the tropical rain forest of Africa, Asia and South America with 90 exotic animal spezies and approx. 500 different plants.
Leipzig is known for its independent music and subcultural events, too. L. has for 20 years been home to the world´s largest Gotik festival, the annual Wave-Gotik-Treffen (WGT).
Thousands of fans of electronic music from all over the world, e.g. from Mexico, Potugal, Israel, Brazil and Australia gather in the days of Whitsun. More tha 250 bands and artists from various backgrounds play at different locations in the city of Leipzig. Over 20.000 visiters are expected at Whitsun.
At the same time takes place a city festival, where expected add. 300.000 visiters.
We need good weather for all the events.
But I think the weather will be fine on Whitsun.

Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 05.06.2014, 13:28:10
Hello you Dears, we are back home now. As it is the WM we will all stay quiet a bit. After the football we hopefully will have conversations again.
I do hope you are well and happy.
Take care
Love Yoli



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 16.06.2014, 22:45:38
Hello yoli,
it is great to have you back here again! Have you had a nice vacation in Montenegro (or is it Herzegovina?) I've been thinking of you because of the rain which was proposed for this region. I do hope it didn't affect you in any way. You must tell us about your journey some day!
And to Bärbel: Your description of Leipzig stimulates for a trip there! Maybe, one day we visit your town.
Football is in the air! My husband is keen on watching the most interesting games on TV - thank goodness not every little match of nobody-teams! But I too like watching good matches like the one from yesterday evening: Germany : Portugal. Obviously everyone hangs before TV these days - the evenings were never so quiet before!

Seems, that there is nothing more important than the WM - not even the negotiations between the politicians of Russia, America, Europe - and above all the Middle East! We shall see, what they will deliver when the public wakes up again after the WM.
Well, let's enjoy the games and have a good time - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 17.06.2014, 16:24:56
Welcome back yoli, hi Rosemarie,

nice to read from you again. I hope the holiday was super and the waether was bearable.

At the moment I spend a lot of time in front of TV watching the football World Cup in Brazil. I´m a football fan and keen on watching the games. After the first play in group G Germany won against Portugal 4:0 I´m looking forward to the second play on Saturday against Ghana. I hope Germany will be the winner of that game. The first was a hight-tempo game. You ought to consider that there are very heat temperature and a high humidity.
I also watch the other games.

The orther spare time I´m busy making jam with the fruit in the garden, e.g. raspberry, strawberry and blackcurrants.

Bye for now - Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 19.06.2014, 16:42:09
Hello you dears, I thought I wrote a Little text?? Well just to say I will have a look here again once in a while. Back to the TV and the round ball

Happily wave

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 16.06.2014, 22:45:38
Hi yoli, nice to have you back again! and hello to Maxi: I think we (or our partners) suffer from tv-mania these days. But in about 3 weeks there maybe a bit more time for this subforum again.
Yesterday I had a meeting with some of my old class-mates and you can imagine, it was as big chattering. One of them is the owner of a traditional restaurant in Bad Tölz and every year in June she keeps one day off just for us - baking and cooking just for us - hmmm !!!
It was a delicious and a very happy afternoon and evening.
Next week will be quite busy for me - but I'll meet you again soon.
Love from Rosemarie
