Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 03.05.2014, 17:35:08
Hello Rosemarie
Hello Bärbel
Hello @all

We had a lovely day with Sarah and Dominic. Dominic will be 12 in October and Sarah 9.
Both are a lot of fun. We went to a children museum here in Baden near Zürich. All of us came out with shiny eyes and pink cheeks due to pleasure

Funny enough, we talked with the children about grandparents spoiling or at least allowing certain things that parent’s wouldn’t.
They do know the difference between serious things and others.

Bärbel, will you soon come to an end with your "building"
I am sure it will look super. A photo would be great.

If any of you two or others will join the English Chat this evening, could you excuse me if I am not present at 9pm. We are going to friends . They live in a beautiful little town called Stein am Rhein.
Have a look

Take care all of you
Greetings from yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 04.05.2014, 11:25:35
where is the Englsh Chat at 9pm in the evening? I didn´t found it. Neither at "Chatveranstaltung" nor at "Chatterforum". Nevertheless I´m not able to write immediately. My writing takes a bit longer. But I only want to have a look at this chat-forum.

Love, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 05.05.2014, 14:50:24
hello Maxi,
as I'm very new in the chatter forum myself I can only try to give you some hints - you must try by yourself, how it works.
first of all you klick the green button on top of any page. There openes the front page - obove the red curtain there are a few links to start with. Here you have to register with your nick-name.
The English chatter forum takes places only once a week:
Sunday evening from 9 to 10 p.m.
That's the time, when I mostly watch TV, but there are always some people chatting.
Maybe, we can meet there at some Sunday evenings.
Wish you a lot of fun and good success in chatting.
Bye for now - Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 05.05.2014, 18:04:07
here are the INfo's about entering the English CHat. As Rosemarie wrote you press the green button the first time you enter your nick name. Do not fill out the part about info about yourself. I sent it back empty.
Then you klick on Unser Chat
here you klick on Bistro/Pub
and you are in. Have alook in any chat room just to learn if you like.
I did not make it this time on Sunday.
As far as I heard there are 2 ladies around the age of 80 and one or two other nice folks.
Take care
love yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
Hello everybody,
my goodness, this was a day! Yesterday evening I had an E-mail from a tenant, that the pipes in his bathroom seem to be blocked. So: off we went to Munich this morning with a big basket full of tools. I'm so glad that my husband - this time - didn't complain. He tried over and over again to blow the pipes free - me always near to give him a hand whenever neccessary. We started at 10 a.m. - in between bought new pipes and at 2 p.m. we were so desperate that we phoned a workman to help us, but he recommended another workman. This one promised to come round within a quarter of an hour - he let us wait 1,5 hours. His work was done within 10 minutes, but the pipes still dripped a very little bit. But at 4 p.m. we just let it be as it was with a big bucket underneath. I guess, we will have to have another workman to fix it. At least: forthe moment the sink works again properly.
The trip home in rush-hour from one side of Munich to the other took us another hour - we were home at 5 p.m. without having had anything to eat.
My husband staggered to the bathroom to have a shower while I prepared some mixed salad for supper.And now I'm ready to have a deep sleep.
Good night to you! Greeting from tired Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 06.05.2014, 22:04:42
Poor Rosemarie,
I can well imagine that you were very tired and exhausted after a long day and trouble yesterday. Hopefully it´s o.k. now.
You and Yoli gave me the hint about the English chat, thanks a lot. But on Sunday in the evening it´s an inopportune time. I´m often watch TV and my husband would be against the plan.

It just occured to me. I´m interested in sport, special in football. Last Saturday the Leipzig team RB (Redbull) won 5 : 1 against Saarbrücken and is promoted to a higher division - 2. Bundesliga. There was a great event in the city. I´m glad everything turned out very well.

According to the weather forecast the weather will be fine next days.

Greetings, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 07.05.2014, 14:16:34
Hello to you both
Poor, poor Rosemarie! I feel with you. We had a similar thing just a few weeks ago. My husband likes to do things himself as well. He fitted a mixed tab to a bath and the water it just would not stop running. Well dribbling, but just the same. IN the end we had to get a sanitary to do the proper thing.
Bärbel, just enjoy your TV on a Sunday eve. It does not really matter who writes in there. I have not been able to write last Sunday either. As far as I could see the one time I was there it is a very nice little group of people.
Maybe I will try and go into the chat this Sunday, as the family come and visit during the day.
We are starting to prepare ourselves for our next trip with the camper. This time we may drive down towards Italy as far as Bari and ship over to Dubrovnik or Montenegro. Friends of ours will travel further to Macedonia to have their teeth’s done. We don’t fancy that and will meet them later on somewhere.
Well are you thinking about travels as well?
Take care
Love yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 08.05.2014, 16:05:57
Hello friends,
to have change we have booked an appartement for a week's stay in "Südtirol". From Sunday to Sunday we intend to walk in beautiful surrounding of the Dolomitis, and just relax a little. Skiing is over for us, so I hope there won't be any more snow.
And yoli, have you been to Montenegro before? We were there about 25 years ago and it was a super holiday. Dubrovnik with its solid wall around - the "Bucht of Kotor", the little villages there, founded from pirates, the shore and beautiful isles and....

When we are back, we will have our fence renewed: The wooden fence isn't any more good and we shall have a metal fence then. And just in between we'll check the pipes in Munich.

And then: Soccer-Worldcup on TV! In those weeks there is nothing more interesting for my husband - but I also like watching the games. Maxi, we will meet you again after the championship here in this forum, won't we?
Sun is shining brightly - hope it does also in Südtirol!
Bye for now - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 08.05.2014, 17:16:20
Desr Rose, have a lovely time recuperating in the Süd Tirol.
You will enjoy it both of you
No I have never been to Montenegro or Dubrovnik. We are looking forward to it very much.
So I wish you a lovely time with no pipes that run..hihihi and only the feet if necessary.
Football I don't watch anymore since I left England. There I liked it very much. Now I have no team to support..*g* I could support Bayern München maybe
Take care
love yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 08.05.2014, 22:32:56
Hello Rosemarie,
have a wonderful holiday in Südtirol. 20 years ago we were in the Dolomits for hiking. It was an unforgettable holiday.
Next week I´m going on holiday, too. We booked an holiday flat for 5 day´s stay (16.-21.5.) in Pirna. Pirna is situeted on the River Elbe. It belongs to the Elbe Sandstone Mountains and is a part of Saxony called Saxon Switzerland.
About two years ago we had our fence renewed from stone to a metal fence. It looks very nice.
Hi yoli, could you tell me what´s the meaning of *g*? I didn´t found nothing about.
Greetings to all of you. Bärbel
