Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 29.04.2014, 19:47:38
Greetings to you all
how nice to have Regina with on board. Slowly we are quite a nice group.
I have a lot to do (unfortunately) with a change in a flat. We have a flat which we let. The person who moved out yesterday left the flat more or less dirty and 2 rooms have to be painted. We are glad he left, as he threatened not to pay and not to move out. We kept quiet about the dirt just happy he gave us the keys. He still owes us money which he promised to pay in rates. So we wanted to keep him (sweet)
So off we go to clean and paint. Maybe some hours tomorrow as well and the new people are already half moving in.
Take care all
And till soon
Love yoli

Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 30.04.2014, 12:17:34
Hello all togheter!

Rosemarie, I searched through the ST trying to find a contribution about the ST-meeting and found one with a picture. Which of them are you? Wasn´t the town Munich very crowded yesterday because of the football match? Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed the meeting.

To Regina, In 1960 I was in the west part of Berlin to buy one pair of high heels. The shoes cost 39 DM. I had to pay five times. That was very much for me. After that time I have never been to Berlin. Befor the reunification did you live in the eastern or the western part of Berlin?

To Yoli, you have a lot to do with cleaning and painting. I hope you have luck with the new tenant and he is paying the rent on time.

Bye for now - Bärbel

Good morning to you all
geschrieben von ginabeate
First to Bärbel: I havn't understood why you have to pay so much for your shoes???? If shoes costs 39 DM you have to pay only this sum. Why do you have to pay so much more??

I believe I must stop writing English, my head is emty. So I'll try it later again Till then Regina



Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 30.04.2014, 19:26:02
On Tuesday I met one of our members in the morning as we wanted to see a special exhibition about Samoa and Egypt in the ethnologic museum. Then we went for a meal and after that walked to our meeting - all in the city. Yes Maxi - you are ritht: the whole city was full of Spanish people in addition to the rest of tourists who are there every day.The Madrilenas had a lot of fun and obviously enjoyed themselves. Some were wrapped in a Spanish flags or had torero-caps on their heads. They all were very nice, happy and sure of winning the match. We saw many groups of policemen, friendly watching everything and the atmosphere was happy and peaceful.
For our meeting I had found a traditional café, where I thought it would not be so crowded. But it was full and I was glad to have ordered a table.We were seven people and had a nice chat together.
I am the one with an orange t-shirt; you can see the foto in my private 'Bilder' too.
The sun has come out now, so I will go and do a little gardening.
Bye for now - Rosemarie

Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 01.05.2014, 13:51:20

Regina, I lived in former GDR. So we had GDR-mark. When you bought something in West-Germany you had to change East-marks into German-marks. There are Bureaus de Change, but same shops took GDR-marks. The rate of exchange was 1 : 5. So I had to pay 195 GDR-mark for a pair of shoes. That was very, very much money.
In that summer I was on holiday on the Baltic sea. On my way home I traveled through Berlin to buy shoes.

Rosemarie, I looked at the picture, but I hardly recognize anything. I think you are a blond woman, aren´t you?
You enjoyed the meeting in Munich. I´m happy for you.

To all of you, have a nice 1st May. Bärbel

Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 01.05.2014, 15:17:46
Hi all of you,
@Maxi: in former days we called the eastern part DDR = Deutsche Demokr. Republik. Therefore I wonder what GDR means.
and as to that mentioned foto: I used to be sort of dark blond when I was young; now I am as grey as can be. You can see it better in my 'Bildergalerie' "mein München" in the first and the almost last picture.
@yoli: some years ago I made the similar experiment with a tenant who left the flat undescribable dirty and even had moved out without paying or even telling me. I only noticed he had gone, because the door to the balcony was always open at any weather. That made me suspicious and I opened the flat accomponied by an official person.
It took a very long time to get everything straight again. And soon after we sold the flat to a young man who is very happy with it.
Have a nice evening! Rosemarie



Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 01.05.2014, 19:00:36
Hi Rosemarie,
GDR means German Democratic Republic. I think I´m right.
Good night, till soon.

Re: A big hallo to you all
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 01.05.2014, 19:34:32
Halihallo to all
Rosemarie, now we have cleaned the flat and the new tenants are already moving in. At least, we got the chap out. I never thought one could live in such a dirty state.

Today we spent with our grandchildren. That was a lovely day., We are so proud of these two Dominic and Sarah. As brother and sister, they get on well together. Nice to watch that.
I often wonder how happy one can be, when one has ones own grandchildren to experience.
Of course we are tired now. It has been a long day.
I greet you all and wish you all a beautiful month of Mai
your Yoli

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
@yoli: I wish you good luck with the new tenants - its always a game of chance...
How old are Dominic and Sarah? The grandchildren can make you happy: You don't have to bother about any problems, the parents are responsible of them. You can deal with the sunny side of childhood and are always ready to help, if necessary. Grannies are in a real enviable situation, aren't
Let's hope the weather will be better tomorrow. We intend to go on a guided walk through the woods nearby, where ancient people used to live about 1500 years ago. My expectations are not too high - maybe there is a grave-hill - main thing I make myself walk and use my old bones.
And how are you all going to spend the Sunday?
Bye for now - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 03.05.2014, 14:16:36
Hi all together,

Rosemarie you´re right. Grandparents are not responsible for (or to?) upbringing the grandchildren. That´s a bit of luck. My grandchildren get on well together, also my sons. But when my sons were children they often have had a quarrel together. The age difference is 6 years. Now it´s over. They get on very well together.
Today we were busy with contruction of a cupboard. Since morning I´ve been on my foot.
It depends if the weather is fine we´ll go for a bike ride tomorrow.

Have a sunny weekend.

Love Bärbel
