Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 04.04.2014, 15:08:46
Hello to everyone,
I want to wish you a nice weekend.
Voli, did you passed an exam in Spanish when you were young? I´m glad to command a little bit English.
Tomorrow there is a birthday celebration of my son. For that reason I´m preparing roast lamb for the meal. I´m roast it for a longer period at lower temperature in the oven.
Today we will barbecue, regardless of the weather.
All the best to all of you.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 05.04.2014, 14:06:46
Hello Maxi,
the weather is good enough for having a nice barbecue. Are you roasting only meat or vegetables, too? And in addition have some different salads - hmm...
Roasted lamb: what a delicious lunch! Mintsauce and Yorkshire Pudding makes it perfect!
How old is your son now, by the way? Tell him my best wishes!

This morning my husband said, that he would overtake the cooking on Sunday and for that he wanted me to buy some loins and champions, which I did. Now the meat is in the fridge and he can't remember that he had promised to do the cooking - he is so busy with reading the Baedeker - ha-ha-ha. But I knew it from the beginning - he normally cooks only when I am in hospital or half-dead! Thanks God, I'm not - and so I will enter the kitchen as usual!
Tell us, how the birthday party succeeded!
Bye for now - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 05.04.2014, 18:14:26
Hi Bärbel, I can smell the lamb..mouthwatering
Yes I passed the lower Cambridge in Spanish. What ever for I can't remember. I thought I might teach the language to some poor things...hihi

Rosemarie, we have to talk to your way to treat a lovely lady. But men will be men.
Just enjoy yourselves what ever you are doing



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 05.04.2014, 18:33:57
Hi Rosemarie, hi yoli,
on Sunday we celebrated the 47. birthday of my son.
The lamb I prepared was delicious and very tender. In addition we had green beans and dumplings and one glas of wine of course. All of the guests liked the meal - it was very tasty.
BTW my husband has no ambition to stay in the kitchen, he never does the cooking. He likes working in the garden. In our garden we grow our own herbs and partly vegetables.
Have a nice week.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 08.04.2014, 16:47:27
Hello Bärbel, congratulations to having your own beans! I'm afraid I don't have a "Grünen Daumen". We have dropped all attempts to grown anything else than flowers in our garden about 30 years ago. Everytime we planted something, the snails were quicker than we were.I believe you need a lot of patience and skill to be successful at cultivating vegetables - and I am not that calm person, just can't help it!
Have a good night and sleep well - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 08.04.2014, 22:16:34
Oh Rosemarie, you are at least better than I was, when I had a garden. I used to plant things and a week later pulled it out because I thought it was a weed.
Here in Switzerland not many people have a garden as there is not enough room for every one to have a house. But it is amazing what beautiful flowers they hang on tgheir balconies.
Take care



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf yoli vom 09.04.2014, 17:32:13
No, Rosemarie, I don´t have a "Grünen Daumen", too. My husband is the gardener. He works the whole day in the garden. It´s his hobby.
We have a lot of plants and flowers. At the moment we have radish, salad and several kind of herbs. In the summertime there are some vegetables and fruit. I cook jam for the family.
Have a nice evening.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 09.04.2014, 19:56:52
There is something that bothers us a lot: From one year to the next we register that the bees are getting less. Without the bees it's of no use that our cherry-tree is fully blooming and the apple-tree is at it's start.
And another thing: every year in the middle of February the starlings return from the South and occupy our nesting boxes. But this year we have not even seen a single one near our place. I can understand that the Italian catch them because the birds are a real nuisance to them. But I don't believe that they are able to exterminate the whole lot of them. Remains the question: What has happened?? It used to be a pleasure to watch the birds breed their eggs, feed their babies and teach them to fly. It's incredible not to have any of them.
Do you have an idea, what's the matter?
Sad greeting from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 09.04.2014, 17:32:13
Hello yoli, hello maxi,
what is the purpose of this subforum? Practising a little our English vocabulary... So I try to tell you something of my every day life: Today a cousin of my husband had her 85th birthday. What can you do to an old lady, who has all she needs - and who has no needs whatsoever? Only thing she wants is some attention which she gets from us anyway all the time. We thought of going for a trip to the mountains including a cable railway, nice lunch on top of a mountain, things like that. For weeks I was seeking for a cable railway which is open now after skiing season; in the alps there are lots and lots of them. But I was told, that in April they are all out of order for reconditioning. I found just a single one that is open: on Tegelberg near Füssen. So there we went. We had beautiful sunshine and so we could first walk on the new treetop walk before we went to the cable railway a few kilometers away. You won't believe it: it had to be closed just before we arrived because up in the heith the wind had become rather stormy. So we stayed on the ground and watched children running downhill on sort of a luge run.Then having lunch in a nice restaurant at Schwangau, strolling along a lake, having coffee somewhere else and then she was ready for driving home,and so were we.Not very interesting is it? But I can assure you: it is tiresome! And main thing: She liked it! Good night girls! Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 14.04.2014, 21:06:58
Hi Rosemarie,
You wrote two contributions. Now I want to answer to you.

First, there are fewer birds than in former times. I think most of the birds are fall into cluches. Above all in the mediterranean area there are traps to catch them. It´s terrible, that over 100 millions lost their life every year. Furthermore there are a lot of birds of the corvidac family, f.e. magpies and crows catching the eggs and the young birds.
The bees find not enough food. Above all the plants are deadly poisonous with pestiziden. It´s a nuisance and a big problem.

Second, you found a nice present for the old lady. And she was touched by the event. It´s a good feeling for you and your husband, too.

Today my little granddaughter is at my place. At the moment she´s sleeping. After that we want to look for easter eggs in the garden. Although it´s very cold.

To all of you, have a nice Easter.

Greetings, Bärbel
