Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Hello to all of you!
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf chris33 vom 24.03.2014, 23:25:40
Hello English-comunity,
just like chris33 I found out, that nowadays at my advanced age I prefer literatur different from former days. Now I like humorous literature, poems and no way the so-called "female literature", which I think is often only ridiculous.
I mostly read three or four books at the same time varying according to my mood.
How do you handle this?
Greetings from Rosemarie

Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von Maxi41
No, I never read three or four books at the same time, at the most two ones. Every day I read in bed at night, I´ve a reading lamp beside the bed. I read "cross-country"(?)- (querfeldein). But you are right female literature is often ridiculous. Soon I want to dispose of books, because I have to many of them. I decided to keep only a few books in my library. Some because they have sentimental value, others I´m always re-reading them.
Well, however when I want to find out something, I turn on my computer, type in the key word or words, and everting I need to know appears on the screen of the internet. Recently I discovered "leo-org". It´s very helpful.
Nevertheless I still continue to buy books. There is no elektronic substitute. I got an e-book-reader from my husband. But I don´t like it. I prefer books of paper.
Have a nice, sunny weekend.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 28.03.2014, 14:31:45
Greetings @ all
I am happy to be able to convers in English. I do have some friends who speak the language and I read books in English.
Is there a thread where we can just talk about God and the world in this subforum?
Have a good time
hello from yoli



Re: Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 30.03.2014, 23:49:24
Hi Yoli,
there you are! I'm happy when the comunity increases - that gives us more items to "talk" about. We are just a small group but contact fairly often and I always try to find additional pen-friends. There are a few more threads in English - just have a look!
Right now I'm off to meet friends for plannung a big journey. Don't know yet, if we would match in a 2-weeks-holiday, being together 24 hours a day. We'll see.
Bye for now -hope to find another letter from you when I'm back.

Re: Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 31.03.2014, 15:32:13
Hello Rosemarie, what an adventurous Lady you are going to travel with not well known People. I am sure you will have fun and I look forward to hear about it when you return. I have done a similar thing a few years ago. Have been on a sailing trip with 9 properly Unknown. It worked out very well.
Yes it does good to be able to convers in English.
Have fun and till soon
love yoli

Re: Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf yoli vom 01.04.2014, 10:37:56
Good gracious - your English is really perfect! I can't keep up with you. And your jokes are ever so funny!
T'is good to have you in the our comunity!
Love from Rosemarie



Re: Hello Rosemarie,
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 02.04.2014, 14:53:20
Dear Rosemary, don’t worry, whereas my English is OK, I should be better in writing without faults in German.
I have been abroad for many years and have neglected the language I ought to call it my mother language. That is not even true, because my mother spoke the terrible Ticino dialect. I could understand it, but decided not to speak it when young.
So please just be happy to speak a foreign language as well as you do. >> Respect !! Chapeau !! or Hats Off? Here I am not sure if the English truly say that
Warm greetings

and thank you for the compliments

Re: Hello to all of you,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 02.04.2014, 14:53:20
First, welcome dear yoli. Nice to join us. You are very good at writing. I´ve been learning English since I´m a pensioner and I´ve still problems. Once a week I go to an English course. It´s a conversations course. All participants are senior citizen. Writing a letter takes a long time for me. Well, I hope to improve my knowledge soon.
Once a week I do sport in a gym. It´s exhausting but I always have fun.
Rosemarie, when is the beginning of your journey?
Enjoy the sunny weather.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
Hello to-night!
As I described in my profile, I normally don't like travelling in a group. But this time someone offered a journey to Dubai via Istanbul. And since I'm very interested in the oriental culture - though I really dislike the Islamists as far as we get knowledge of them - I persuaded my husband to join the group I think we'll be safe there. We have enlisted only yesterday and are about to collect as much information as we can about the country, the people and how to behave properly. The journey will last 10 days in next November.It is said, that the climate is at it's best then. And I do hope, that there won't be too many of the 30 participants, who only want to buy rubbish in the bazars or sit in cafes so that we might be able to visit the most spectacular mosques and palaces and museums.
Well, I want to look forward to it and put aside all concerns.
And by November we shall have done the reparation on our house, which we have ordered.
Good night to all of you - I'm going to dream of Hagia Sophia, Topkapi-palace,of Palm Jumeirah, Burj Al Arab (God knows how it is pronounced) of Burj Kahlifa and the desert with its oasis.
Love from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 02.04.2014, 22:59:32
Hello Bärbel and Rosemarie
You do so well Bärbel in going to language classes and….being able to keep what you have learned. That is not as easy as you make it sound. I speak out of experience. I have learned Spanish when I was younger. I even passed an exam in that language. Now I try to make easy conversation here in the Spanish thread. Well I can almost forget it.
Rosemarie, what a lovely journey you will make in November.
I have been to Dubai for a few days. There you will be surprised, that everything is the biggest the most beautiful the most of everything. We toured on a open bus and managed to see a lot of what there is to see. We were on top of the Burj Khalifa. One has a lovely sight from there and realise that almost everything was dessert until the end of the 1960..s when oil was discovered.
In Dubai itself, you realise little about the religion.
I know the Islam from Morocco. I tell later about that. (About our travels with camper)
Keep up the good writing. It pleases me.
