Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Hi, to everybody
geschrieben von Regenwurm
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 14.03.2014, 19:29:17
Hello all together,

Rosemarie, I wish you much pleasure at the jazz concert

I have also used the beautiful weather.
Yesterday we went for a walk in a spa in our neighborhood. We walked around a large lake. Many ducks and a swan swimming in the water. Some ducks were flying over the lake. It was beautiful to look at. I made some photos. Our dog was there too.
Today I cut the grass this season for the first time. In my garden I have much pleasure in the flowers: Hyacinths, daffodils and many more.

I wish you all a nice weekend

Greetings Gaby

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
Hello to all of you,
I´m glad to read of you.
At the moment takes place the book fair in Leipzig. Yesterday I wanted to visit this occasion. I´ve been looking forwart to it the whole year. But I had a hurt on my back. So I couldn´t go. I wanted to visit some readings, f.e. Frank Schätzing, Martin Suter, Werner Schneyder, Ulrich Wickert. What a pity. 3 months ago I had a slipped disc and still problems with my back.
Today it´s raining, but the nature need it. The last days there were sunny and very dry.
Rosemarie, I hope you enjoyed the concert. Surely it was great.
Have a nice weekend.
See you later. Bärbel

Morning "The GOOD"
geschrieben von ginabeate
I leave off,because its rains cat and dogs. Nevertheless ,I had to go whith Lilly ,my dog. For her it isn't for importance whether it raims or not.So I'll take my rainclothes. It is not possible to take an umbrella because it is a very big storm.
Have a nice sunday many greetings Regina



Good morning ginabeate and to the others, too!
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 16.03.2014, 08:34:09
Having to get out in spite of stormy weather is a good thing. Even if it's raining cats and dogs - the weather is never bad, it's the clothes which are not suitable - as the English tell us. Coming home afterwards is the more fine and comforting, isn't it?
But for me this is only theory: We don't have any pet and we avoid going out when the weather isn't pleasant.
You live in or near Berlin, aren't you? Around here the sky is cloudy and the wind rather cold and the two of us form a hedgehog in our house.
Have a nice and cosy Sunday - and please don't elect the wrong
political party!
Love from Rosemarie

Hi all togheter,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 16.03.2014, 10:01:32
The last days I was feeling a bit under the weather. But the weather forecast is good, like spring. On Sunday we went for a short walk in spite of the storm.
BTW I have not any pets, too. My grandson has a cat by the name of Maxi. That was the inspiration of my nickname.
Have a nice, sunny week.
Gretings, Bärbel

Hello Maxi,
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 18.03.2014, 11:42:52
Some weeks ago you asked me to correct your English, which I refused: First of all I am not as good myself and secondly I wouldn't like to do this here in public.
But: You certainly didn't mean >the last days< - rather: the other days.. or the recent days.. // and: >I have not any pets, too< - better: I have no pets, either. I hope, this is understandable for you.
As I told you recently my husband and I went to a blues-concert. For a start the organizer had invited a duo, who did all the music in the first hour; and they were unbearably bad. But after a break appeared the Mojo-Blues-Band from Vienna. And they were really gorgeous: The audience was enthusiastic (all between 40-80 years) and asked for more and more additions. The band had a pile of CDs, but soon run out of them. They promised to produce another edition so everyone can buy it via I-net - I surely will!
Now I wish you a nice and sunny day! Love from Rosemarie



Dear Rosemarie,
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 18.03.2014, 14:52:49
Thank you very much for your help. That´s very helpful.
I´m getting more and more forgetful in my old age.
Now, I´m going to bake a cake for my guests tomorrow. I have to hurry up.
Love from Bärbel

Re: Hello Maxi,
geschrieben von Regenwurm
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 18.03.2014, 14:52:49
Hello all together,

Rosemarie, you are a good English teacher!!!

I write determined very many errors. Please excuse this.

Bärbel, we also have a cat. Our cat`s name is Lucky. A dog is also part of our family.

Today I rode a bike. Every Tuesday I go with my neighbours bike.
In a farm cafe we ate delicious cake. The weather was not good, but the bike ride enjoyable.

Greetings Gaby

Hello to all of you!
geschrieben von Maxi41
I want to wish you a nice Sunday evening. Yesterday there was a family celebration. I got the book "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho for my birthday - a sweeping story of love, loss and longing that spans the world. Recently I read "Aleph" by the author. I was a little bit disappointed. "The Alchimist" and "Like the flowing River" I liked.
At the moment the weather is like April. Nevertheless we went by bike in the midday.
Greetings from Bärbel

Re: Hello to all of you!
geschrieben von chris33
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 23.03.2014, 17:14:12
yesterday I cleand out my bookshelves and -surprise!!- I found a long lost book.
I was so happy to have found the journal which was written by my favorite American poet and novelist (May Sarton) "At Seventy".

I remember that I bought the book about 10 years ago and afterwards I felt, that I was not too interested in the journal. meanwhile I have turned seventy years of age myself and now while reading it, I am glad, that may sarton lets me share her thoughts,critical perceptions and private moments with her.

Right now I am very tired and my warm bed is waiting for me.

Have a nice evening and may the day be sunny tomorrow - spring is in the air..

