Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Regenwurm
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 13.02.2014, 19:20:26
Hello all together,
I greet all for Valentine`s Day.
In my house the spring has returned. I have arranged many flower bulbs. Is always something blooming at. Later, the bulbs come into the garden.
I wish you a nice weekend

Greetings Gaby

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Regenwurm vom 14.02.2014, 21:03:00
Hello to everyone,
Yesterday we had the birthday celebration of my husband. The party took place at my home. Children and grandchildren are present. We had much fun. My flat looks like spring, because there are a lot of flowers.
Are you interested in carnival? I`m not very much. But my sportgroup celebrate on Monday befor lent (Rosenmontag) carnival every year. That´s always very funny. We are dress up. Everyone bring something for eating or drinking.
Now is the beginning of biathlos on TV.
Have a nice sunday.
Greetings to all of You.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 16.02.2014, 15:59:53
Hello to the comunity,
I've just finished watching TV: The first film was about Oregon, near the Pacific and the second about Nova Scotchia, near the Atlantic. Both states have beautiful landscapes which make me dream. Years ago we took a 5-weeks-holiday in British Columbia driving a big route up to almost 6000 km on a very big and comfortable motorhome. We will never forget these wonderful places. Four albums with hundreds of fotos help to remember the scenes and pleasant encounterings with Canadians and native people who are as well called First Nations. Unfortunately we didn't possess any digital camera then. Therefore I can't serve you with any of our
Bye for now - Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 16.02.2014, 17:26:48
Hi, Rosemarie,
I´ve never been to Canada. Neither Canada nor United States.
It must be a wonderful country. A friend of mine was in Vancouver - British Columbia. She was fil with enthusiasm. After the reunification I was in the Alps, Dolomits, Creta, Costa del Sole, Malta and Algarve. In former time I often was in Hohe Tatra, when I still able to hike.
At the moment in Leipzig takes place the "Home-Garden-Leisure-Fair". It´s a consument fair for the whole family and very interesting.
Have a nice evening.
Greetings to all of you.
Bye, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Regenwurm vom 14.02.2014, 21:03:00
Hello Gaby,
you needn't wait very much longer to put your bulbs out into the garden - spring is coming! Today I've seen a huge flight of starlings coming back from their winter quarters. Our breeding boxes are ready to be occupied and our hedgerow and trees have been trimmed in time so we wont't disturb the newcomers.
We are all looking forward to blooming times aren't we?
Have a good time outside! Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 20.02.2014, 17:13:11
Hello Bärbel,
The 'Hohe Tatra' must be a great experience, beautiful and impressive landscape - I've seen a bit of it on TV.
As you mentioned your journeys after 1990 that reminds me of the very day after we saw this sensation on TV: I was on my way to Munich when there was a very young couple driving in front of me in a 'trabi' singing and laughing and obviously having lots of fun together. They seemed to me very happy and we waved at each other.
Sometimes I must think of them and I wonder, how they got along with their new situation. I suppose many of the East-German people had too big expectations and now wish their old system back which would be a real desaster for all of us.
Mind: the present politics is quite a mess though, but I hope it will work out positivly after a while.
Just a view thoughts for tonight from Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 20.02.2014, 21:51:56
I´m sorry, dear Rosemarie. Last I read your contribution from 20.2. - 21.27 hour and I´ve never looked on the next posting.
Yes, "Hohe Tatra" is a beautyful landscape. It´s the smallest high mountain of the world with a breath of 26 km.
When I think about the fall of the wall in 1989 I still get gooseflesh. Every Monday I was demonstrating against the government, now I´m feeling as a winner of the unity, although I was 2 years unemployed (1999 - 2000). There are many people who lost their job. A lot of factories were closed. Directly after the change over 120,000 worker lost the job in a part of Leipzig. Often the whole family. This people are very frustrated. And they never found a new job because most of them were not enough qualified.
Nevertheless I don´t know that people want to back to DDR.
Life i going to get tougher but comfortable.
Have a nice week.
Bye - Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
Hello to the community,
what´s the matter with you?
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
Hello and good evening to all of you!
Maxi was wondering why there turn up no more contributions here in this thread. In my case it is the beautiful weather which keeps me off the PC. The gardening has to be done, and the spring cleaning, too. And meetings with friends in Munich. After all this I am just tired in the evening.
Today was my "social-visit" of cousin A. And tomorrow evening we are going to a Jazz-concert, which I have been looking for for a long time. It's the Mojo Blues Band from Vienna, well known even in America. And it is the first time, they appear in our region.
See you some time next week again - Rosemarie

Hi, to everybody
geschrieben von ginabeate
Yes, if the weather is so wonderful,each of us has to do so many things outside of enclosed rooms. I try to play golf as often as possible. Time pass
away so fast, the spring and summer are in my eyes much too short.
Greetings to you all, till later Regina
