Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
Hello everybody,

it`s great that there is some movement in this forum. It seems as if in the beginning people all are very interested in writing. But after some time the enthusiasm gets lost.

Yesterday I twice wrote a contribution. But both times the text disappeared so that I didn`t feel like writing any more. This is a new try.

Some information about me: I`m living near Bremen in the north of Germany,
I`m married, have got a son and a daughter and a 9 months old grandson whom I love very much. I am an enthusiastic grandmother! Fortunately my daughter and her family live very near to me so that I can see the little boy quite often.

As I already wrote I like reading. Often I do cross-stitch embroidery for greeting cards, I am singing in a choir and like playing cards with my friends. We only play a simple game - UNO - because the main reason for our meetings is talking about different things and therefore it must be easy to find the following cards...

Today we had a lot of sunshine. But in the morning you had to be careful because there was glaze frost.

This will do for this moment - before my text disappears again.

Kind regards,

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 05.02.2014, 22:39:08
Hello Dörte, Regina and Bärbel,
Two days ago I've introduced myself to this forum, so you all know that I am from Bavaria. I am glad to learn something about the northern and eastern parts of Germany by your contributions. I love to see those fotos taken in beautiful surroundings.
Today we had our last appointment playing cards with our friends: On monday they will leave for a fortnight's journey to India. In the meantime we shall play either UNO or Skip-Bo or Rommè. And we go rambling round the lakes when the weather is good. And today it was just wonderful; so we had a little walk before playing cards.
Tomorrow is the day for my husband's cousin. She is 84 and lives on her own in a cared living?? (Betreutes Wohnen)near our house. We have overtaken to see after her, since she is slightly dement. She is a nice person though sometimes a bit difficult. But wouldn't we all become a bit difficult, if others took over the responsibility over us?
Have a good time - greeting from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Regenwurm
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 06.02.2014, 19:59:01
Hello everybody,
I would like to enter a few words here. You write a perfect English.
I write not as good in English. I am still practicing.
Today the sun was shining beautiful. I`ve worked in the garden. I removed the leaves from the beds. Now it again looks decent.
My husband ia a musician. He plays tenor horn.
I have three sons, but I`m no granny.
Please excuse my mistakes!!!

Greetings Gaby



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Regenwurm vom 06.02.2014, 21:55:33
Hi everybody,
it doesn´t matter if you are made mistakes. I know I made one sometimes. F.e. when I wrote I live in L. 73 years ago - that´s wrong! Right is: for 73 years.
We need more practise. When I read I hardly have problems.
Well, have a nice weekend.
Yours, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von ginabeate
hi,friends,its nice,that we have movement again in this forum.

At first,for me it doesn't matter how many mistakes I have. I do my best.

From time to time I go at a seminary Vhs.But not for learning more, no, only, for not to fotget this what I still know. But it's only a cours of conversation. No writing. There are 2 journalists, 2 teachers, and a Dr. prof. They all speak English perfectly. The course is C2. I am the oldest and the worst by a mile .We speak about all the news in the wold. No matter if we talk about politic, sport, chitchat, ok about all. Its the only cours I know in this form.This is the reason why I go there although it is very stressful for me. But I do it just for fun.

Have a nice evening Regina

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Regenwurm
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 07.02.2014, 18:43:04
Hi everybody,

Regina, you are fully integrated in your English Group.
It would be nice if I could also speak fluent. In school I had no desire to learn English. Now I regret it. Now I am learning English at the PC.
Today we had a lot of storm here. The garden is now full of twigs and branches. Then I can clean up everythink again. So will not be bored.

I wish you all a nice weekend

Greetings Gaby



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 07.02.2014, 18:43:04
How are you all tonight? For me it's a recreation from TV, because today I have spent hours and hours in front of the "Glotze" (stare box?). First the opening of the Olympic games in Sotchi which was quite impressive and afterwards I switched to the Semper Opernball in Dresden. Did any of you see it as well? And did you like it? You know, during the Olympic games I will feel like a single woman because my husband is going to watch every competition whatsoever - he is just a sports freak.
Looking forward to your opinions is Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
Hello to all of you,

so many new participants in this group! That`s wonderful.

You wrote of the plays you are playing, Rosemarie. Sometimes - when only three of us are meeting - we also play Skip-Bo as Uno should be played by 4 persons. I think it`s a good idea that you care for your husband`s cousin. As my parents were also dement during their last years I know that it is rather difficult to care for dement persons. You must be very patient.

As to your English course, Regina, you are very courageous to be part of this circle! It is very difficult to talk about actual themes. I guess that I would be missing many words. Anyway I could better speak English than French - as you know!

Does your husband play in an orchestra, Gaby? I like brass music. If possible I go to concerts of brass bands or solists just like Ludwig Güttler as trumpet player.

As I already wrote I am an enthusiastic grandmother. This morning my grandson stayed with us for some time so that my daughter could go shopping without stress. He doesn`t need much toys but is content with a few things. I filled a plastic bottle with two marbles. If he shakes it there is a lot of noise and he loves it!

Today it has been very stormy. In our garden now there are many leaves and twigs, too. But before cleaning it the storm must stop. I fear that will still continue this night and maybe even tomorrow.



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Praline1
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 07.02.2014, 22:03:17
Hi Rosemarie,

it seems that our contributions have crossed.

As I neither have seen the opening of the olympic games nor the "Semper Opernball" I can`t give any opinion to these telecasts.
I am not so interested in sports. But I should have liked to watch the "Opernball". I just forgot it. You see this forum has been much more important for me....


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Praline1 vom 07.02.2014, 22:40:07
Hi, to all of you,
yesterday I was watching the opening of the Olympic Winter Games, too. It was impressed and very nice. I think such a mishap with the fifth circle symbolize the continent of America oughtn´t be a reason for political argument.
I like Sport. My main interest is football. But I´m interesting in biathlon, ski jumping, figure skating, too.
Have a nice weekend.
Yours, Bärbel
