Forum Fremdsprachen English I love Chinglish :-)

English I love Chinglish :-)

I love Chinglish :-)
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied

The equation is simple : Chinese + English = Chinglish

In a nutshell it’s a form of English spoken by Chinese natives.
Seems harmless enough right? That said, if you come to China you’ll without doubt have a rather hilarious run in with Chinglish somewhere down the line.

They generally come in the form of warning signs at tourist spots or on the road, or perhaps in a Chinese menu. Everyday activities breed opportunities for seeing some fantastic examples of Chinglish.
If you’ve been to China, you’ll be fully aware, if you’ve not, you are about to be enlightened.Here are some impressions :-)

they mean disable man ..

my all time favorit



RE: I love Chinglish :-)
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf ehemaliges Mitglied vom 06.04.2020, 11:31:57

WoSchi you dear, that is new to me. I enjoyed the expressions very much. The deformed men Toilet….or slip and fall carefully.
I will try and find some more sentences somewhere..I hope.
Take care 
Loce Yoli

RE: I love Chinglish :-)
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
als Antwort auf yoli vom 13.04.2020, 15:54:42

here is another one :-)

Probably one of the more instantly hilarious ones you’ll come across upon first glance!
This is an interesting one to break down because in theory, it’s all correct but let’s explain:

  • 大 – Big
  • 操 – To Grasp (but also f*ck)
  • 厅 – Hall

Another one where you need to look twice and more before actually comprehending what you’ve just read!
  • 施工 – Construction
  • 中 – Middle of/During
  • 不准 – Forbid/Prohibit
  • 使用 – Apply/Make Use of

as seen on this page :-)
