Forum Fremdsprachen English how about just conversation?

English how about just conversation?


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf skys vom 12.06.2023, 08:41:47

As the Huguenot community settled into English life, the word ‘refugee’ entered the vernacular for the first time. It was to be the first use of the terminology to describe the population who had escaped from persecution in their country of origin and re-settled somewhere else in hope of a better and safer existence.
 I was interested in John Calvin who I think fled France after the revolution.
I have to reread it again. Interesting though, your family tree!
With me, my mother was from the Italian part of Switzerland, speaking Italian and my father from the German Part of Switzerland.
To be honest I could neither speak German or Italian properly. So when I went to England at the age of 17, I started to learn my 1. Proper language. I stayed in England 20 Years and did my nursing training there etc.
That is why English is my language.
Have you used French at home?
What is your first name?
​​​​​​​Love Yoli alias Yolanda



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von skys

Ah, I've never thought about the (interessting question of the) point of time when refugee came up as an expression the first time in GB (or in another land) and I don't know which population could be the first group to which the expression refugee could match - probably there were many many more before an expression was found.
Well, my brother is very interested in the family tree and searched for the names etc and could actually find many of them back until the 16th century. Think there he found the oldest ones. It is quite interesting and entertaining when you see who was related to whom (and in former times you can find from time to time some strange relations, too) or how many countries are involved. We had e. g. a big part of the tree from Norway, too.
You still understand German, don't you ? Do you read and follow e. g. the German postings here in the forum, too ?
At home we spoke in German and in Switzerland Swiss German. I like and know it so well that I sometimes even don't realize, that it is Swiss German but I'm too untrained to speak it.
The nearer family of my parents are spread over different language regions, German and French spoken Switzerland and Great Britain. My mother can speak some languages and because of some holidays in Italy I learned it voluntarily in school a little. Later I learned Spanish and Esperanto by myself, but had not many opportunities to use it. Esperanto even more often than Spanish. But then I mixed Ilalian and Spanish and had to stop both.
In the meantime I would like to reactivate my French and either Italian or Spanish - and cannot decide (tendency goes to Spanish because it seems like I remember it more). I still enjoy reading it and surprisingly often still understand it. But as you surely know, understanding (passive vocabulary) is much easier than speaking or writing (active vocabulary).
Do you use French ?
So, English and French language tandems would be a good possibility - I really would like to start it, but have a little problem with the time.
But now I've got to close the windows, it will become hot today and I don't like it so much ;)

Take care
skys *a little too long today*


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf skys vom 18.06.2023, 08:54:01

Hi Skys
Interesting thoughts in your writing!
Concerning languages!
I seem to be similar to you.. I learned Spanish as well and never used it. How about writing in the Spanish part of the Fremdsprachen and start to use the language again!
French I am week in. I speak it, but writing..  OMG no. The mistakes will hurt you too much.
You still have not told me your first name. Just asking once more, then I keep quiet….lol



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von skys
Hello Yoli,
are you joking ? *saw your words in the Spanish forum gg

"Don't worry, be happy": fortunately the mistakes of others in grammar etc doesn't hurt me at all :)
only my own mistakes… *grmpf

In Spanish I have too few words present for being able to write or speak. Only by reading I recognize and remember them - therefore I should probably read more.

In French I remember some more words actively - but just looked up when I tried to write here a posting and was surprised that it was already 1,5 years ago - time goes by…
Think I'm good enough in French to realize some mistakes and could decode what you are writing ;) That's a big advantage, if you can still speak it.

So, when I start, I probably will start with French. But while reading my French posting here once again, I remembered that it took much more time to write it because I tried not to put too much mistakes in it. - Perhaps, let's see...

(And yes, you're right: I didn't answer a question *looking a little in the air ;)

*looking forward to seeing the clouds and perhaps a few raindrops...
(grammar correct here ?)

RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf skys vom 20.06.2023, 12:57:50

Wow and WOW again. That was a lovely written part in English Thank you SKYS.
I would be very happy to keep contact to you in that part of the forum.
Jacare speak Udo can very well keep up with us here. Let’s try and tempt him to join us.
At the moment everyone suffers with the heat. I am OK still.
I have been to test my eyes, yesterday my ears and soon my stomach. At the age of 80 the doctor’s don’t take it too serious anymore.
I always thought that could never happen to me! Lo and behold I am 80 and I notice that it is the truth. What if I have still a few years to live? Would I not want them to be nice?
Well. You notice I am just a bit down after those visits.
Take care all of you.


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von skys
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.06.2023, 15:38:15

Oh ? Honestly I don't know why you are "wowing" and what was lovely written but "thank you !", nevertheless it's nice to read ! :-)
And yes, I would like to keep in contact to you, too - and if we're looking gentle enough, I'm sure, Udo will drop in from time to time, too *little pushing ;-)
Now I've a Wow for you, Yoli ! I never would have had the idea that you are over 80 ! You "sound" in your lines so young and flexible agile.
Despite it is a forum for seniors there are many who sound not at all like 70 or 80 - and I don't think very much about it anyway.
I like just reading and taking the lines someone is writing, just taking the words - and sometimes perhaps the little spaces between the words g. Think, that is one reason why I like the written communication. There are some nice differences to the spoken words.
Hm…, seriously, what you've written about your doctor makes me grumbling and despite I don't want to intrude too much I would like to encourage you to look for another doctor. I had a similar problem with the doctor of my mother and in my opinion every person has of course the right to get the needed care !
An old person as well or even more than a younger person. "even more" because a younger person has often more power to find easier other solutions (and doctors). The only thing probably no one can help and we have to accept is that e. g. the eyes or ears are not as good as in the youth - that is not nice. But fortunately we have possibilities to compensate it.
Perhaps you can try to enjoy the rest of the day and the fact that you are still able to defend your understanding of live by being annoyed and down in such a situation ;-)



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von skys

PS: I just remembered some short stories I have... - one of them is this one:

You're Never Too Old
Think you're too old to try something new? To chase that dream you've been putting off for years? Consider the story of the Delaney sisters.

Sadie and Bessie Delaney were warm, spirited, and independent African-American sisters who witnessed both the birth of black freedom and the rise of the black middle class in America.
With such a unique perspective on black history, the sisters decided to put their thoughts, feelings, and memories to paper in the form of a dual autobiography. Not so newsworthy if you choose to ignore the ages at which this work was completed.
The sisters published their story at the ages of 101 and 103 years old. You're never too old; the Delaney sisters are the proof.


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli
That was a great remembrance from the Delaney Sisters. Fantastic women they were.
I agree one is never too old to try new things. I stand fully behind those words. Some days the energy is missing.
Luckily though it lies in ones hands to accept situations which are not nice or just chuck them in a bin and pretend all is well…and yes.. more often than not  it gets well.
Take care!

RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von skys

Yoli, unfortunately it sounds a little as you got such messages which are not easy to cope with. And yes, you're right, of course, it's not always easy and sometimes difficult to accept things which we like to repress. Some things are really difficult. We can only try to do our best, not more.
I wish you the best and exactly that what you can need now most.
Take care and try to keep the faith.


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli
Thank you dear skys for your kind and encouraging words.
Sometimes it just needs a few words and all is seen in the right light again.
 I am a strong person and normally the one that helps others. Just a few times in life I feel …not now please. But then off we go again to be the person we are.
How about you?
Like to tell me about your hobbies?
I am just looking for conversation. I miss jacare (Udo as well and at some times there were a few others.
