English how about just conversation?
Hello Udo
What a nice thought..we are real Globetrotters so you wrote Udo.*lol*
To be honest we have reduced a lot since Covid.
Usually we went away from Switzerland end of September to return again at the end of March.
The trailer for our little Smart Car we have sold. Now we still have a small trailer for the motorbike.
Have to look for a picture in a moment.
We thought that if we need a car we can hire one once in a while.
End of August and in September we may travel Germany a bit. We have friends in Erfurt and then in the Netherlands as well. But nothing has been arranged at the moment.
Well take care Udo
Love Yoli
Dear Yoli,
We also used to travel a lot more than we do now , but we have never tried to go sightseeing in a camper although one of the biggest caravan and campercar producers has its factory nearby. You certainly know "HOBBY". We used to drive to near and faraway places in our holidays. And when it was too far we took the plane and flew to our destination and rented a car which was suitable for tenting on nice campsites.
If you want to "discover" a more or less exotic area of Germany, come to Schleswig-Holstein and find your way to Northern Frisia. You will be surprised how beautiful and interesting Nordfriesland is. You can travel to the Wattenmeer, islands and Halligen.
Greetings from Schleswig-Holstein, called locally Der echte Norden. Udo
Hi Udo
it sounds real lovely that part of Germany.
We have a lot of travelling to do yet.
ON the other hand we also think about selling the camper in due course. There are too many camers around now. It has changed a lot since we started off in 2009 whe Emil stopped working.
We were on the way in so many countries and..please don't laugh, we always said when we are older we want to travel Germany. Now we are 70 and 79 and ?? we are more than older now. At least one of us...hihih
Hi Yoli, hi Udo,
The both of us are 79 and 80 - wo what? Better never safe good plans for the future - you don't know if there will be another opportunity or if you will be able to realize things which you fancied in younger years.
Travelling in Germany is probably very rewarding. Most European countries are full of culture and history, fine places to visit and stay. Really too many. When feeling it is time to eventually go and explore a country like Germany, you better pick one area or you will only get a rough idea, nothing more. This rough glimpse, however, is still worth the effort of energy and time. In 2014 my Kunming friends came to Europe, spent some days in Paris, stopped in Brussels and met me at Cologne main railway station. This station is only a two-minute-walk from the world famous cathedral. So many people visit this fantastic building every year, every day. So I was surprised and annoyed that we were sent out at 5pm, closing time for visitors. haha. So I could not show my friends the most wonderful medieval picture by Lochner. There will be no next time. Unfortunately.
However, what my friends saw of Cologne and the Rhine was already well worth it. They will never forget.
just found this in an other Forum that I write in. It is called the Pulmonery/Fibrosis News Forum, as I suffer Fibrosis of the lungs.
Have a look
Irregular heart beats:
I have used Hawthorn berry extract in capsule form along with Magnesium Taurate. others whom I recommended it also found it very helpful.
Hawthorn berry extract is very good for heart problems. Please look it up.
Thank you.
Hi Rosemary
Hi Udo
Yes age is irrelevant if one is healthy!
There is a state of mind which helps not to take things too seriously.
We have plans for September.
Erfurt and afterwards
Hoenderloo in the Netherlands.
Else we still have to plan.
But it is exiting to plan things, even if it does not fully realise.
Today it is cooler and we are invited by our Son and Daughter in Law for lunch.
Have a good day all of you.
Love Yoli
hawthorn is a most beautifulful tree when flowering. I didn´t know its berries can be used in a medicine when the heart is not beating the way it should. Probably not when it is jumping with joy. However at my age this doesn´t happen too often.
Today the summer weather isn´t too hot. The north German "Schietwetter " is bringing down the temperature to moderate 20 degrees. And it is raining obviously all day. The plants in gardens and parks are happy. So are farmers.
Yesterday and the day before I was lucky. Looking out the window I could watch deer grazing in the field opposite right between the poppy and camomilla in full bloom.
Want to see what I saw?

Hi Udo Hello to everybody
somehow I seem to see you in my mind the way you are happy, living your life and having lots of great memories. What a super picture you shot of that dear.
If your heart is jumping of joy, you have to jump with it :-)
I talked to my daughter in law yesterday. She has been learning chines now for 6 years and has been to China as well. I told her about your travels. She loves to be able to read your rapports.
Maybe in time there are more of them?
I would like to send them to Nadine (that’s her name) and let you know in due time her thoughts about them. Hope that is okay for you?
We all have noticed that Toni will not partake anymore here. He would very much like a Briefkontakt in English. Maybe someone would be interested.
As you probably know, the happiest Europeans are said to live in Scandinavia. So it is no surprise that the happiest Germans are those living in Schleswig-Holstein, just south of Denmark. And I am happy that I´m not only surrounded by happy people but being one of them. That explains clearly why I´ve never had to take medicine on the base of hawthorn berries.
If you really want me to continue telling about my travels and experiences in China, I will grasp the opportunity and do so, as nobody else seems to be interested. Of course your daughter-in-law is welcome to read it, too. I must admit, that I feel ashamed not being able to speak, read or understand a single sentence in Chinese. Nadine certainly is fluent in it, probably Mandarin. May I ask why did she study Chinese, where did she go to in China, does she use Chinese for business?
Here is another picture of the deer I saw in the field just on the other side of the busy road.