Forum Fremdsprachen English how about just conversation?

English how about just conversation?


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von yoli

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck
I was wondering what the S was standing for in the Name of Pearl S. Buck. I remember her books and the fascinations I had with old China. Has anyone else read some of her books?
Is there such a thing over old Japan?
you are composing? I am always surprised at the Things you do. What genre of music is it?
I have to look up the imagine editing  thing as well. Gosh am I behind  the moon
 The Jungfrau Joch is an experience worth having. Not surprising that one has Problems with the height as one gets high up very quickly.
I will tell a bit more about the treck to the top (nearly) of the Kilimanjaro
Take care all of you
Love Yoli

RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von jacare4


this morning I woke up rather early., at about five, and waited still dozing a little until the long clock hand  pointed to the 12 and the short one to the six. Without breakfast I got into my car and drove to my friend Hans´ who had an appointment  at a clinic in Kiel, about forty kilometers away. I was lucky to find a carpark quite near the clinic.  As Hans has problems walking I sat him in the wheelchair which is always in my car´s boot and rolled him to the place of his appointment. Soon after  registrating at the clinic I was free to walk the streets of Kiel  recalling the years of my life as a student there sixty years ago. So many things and places are different now. However one traditional shop is still present in Kiel´s Holstenstraße, Ferdinand Meislahn,  selling fine clothes, especially lady´s and children´s wear. My wife used to buy the clothes for our children and later for our grandchildren in that shop.

Later this morning I could watch one of the huge Colorline ferries coming back from Oslo or Gothenburg, still moving very slowly backwards to its final parking position at the very end of the Kieler Förde, almost in city center. 

I had breakfast sitting outside a baker´s shop, in front of Nikolai church. Shortly before midday my phone rang and I could pick my friend up at the clinic and drive him back home.

This really was a lovely  sunny morning.



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von Virginia
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.07.2020, 15:12:00


I'm in a hurry, so here's just a quick reply:

I have several books by Pearl S. Buck (in English and in German). I love her style of writing.

I'm not composing music 😊. Composing is a term also used in image editing. You can translate it with "Bildgestaltung".

Take care




RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf ehemaliges Mitglied vom 20.07.2020, 14:33:08

Welcome Kirsty in our Englisch thread! The more participants we have the better!

You asked for more about our garden? Well, there is't much to tell. When we bought our house in 1978 we had already a plan for the garden before the house had been finished.
First of all we planted a "betula tristis" (Trauerbirke) near the S/W-end of the place. I love that tree and all the birds do, too. 
Next was a plum tree and an apple tree to be seen from our sitting room. And a cherry tree aside of our house. For the reverse side we needed a hidden place for compost heap; therefore we planted two Serbian spruces for each side of the folllowing compost heap. Left and right of the place (West and East) there had to be open bushes which are blossoming in spring and summer to make a friendly limit of visibility to our neighbours. 
As we were not very successful with raising vegetables in Munich, where we used to live before, we do without salads and so on now. I have enough to do when the fruit is ripe. Some year we have so many cherries that I give full buckets to the kindergarden. 
The rest of our garden is for playing with the ball or badminton or just for relaxing.
So - I'm afraid I'm not much of a help for your allotment (?) Schrebergarten. What do you plant there? Can you tell me a bit about it? And: why have you moved from Munich to Thüringen???

Greetings from Rosemarie


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von ehemaliges Mitglied
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 20.07.2020, 17:33:52

Hallo Rosemarie, and thanks for your answer.

Yes, you really don't seem to have my garden problems 😉

You don't even grumble about wormy cherries. I couldn't give mine to a kindergarten. They are all for the birds, including meat inlay.

As I reallized now, I cultivated not only hedge hogs and blind worms (with only moderate success), but also ants (rather big ones) and voles (unfortunately very successful). I don't know what to do with the ants, because they are protected (?), but they reign part of my garden meanwhile.
So do the voles underground. There are no tulips left and roses and hortensies are sickly. And you can't count the holes in my lawn! So I bought all the garlic I could get at the supermarket and peppered (?) my garden with it - Will it help? - We will see. I couldn't kill them, really.

If I just wasn't so bloody sentimental 😳

And you? - Are you playing ball and badminton with your husband or do you have lots of children around?

greetings from



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von Sila
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.07.2020, 15:12:00

Dear Yoli

Yes, I read many books by Pearl Buck. I also remember a beautiful love story between an American reporter (writer?) and a Chinese woman by Han Suyin called "A Many-Splendored Thing".
There are some historical novels about Japan by Lesley Downer which I enjoyed. 
Across A Bridge of Dreams
THe Courtesan and the Samurai
The Last Concubine
Then, of course, some novels by James Clavell about Japan
and about Hong Kong
Tai Pan
Novle House


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von Sila
als Antwort auf yoli vom 20.07.2020, 12:31:07

Thank you for your welcome, Yoli, I only just saw it!


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von Virginia
als Antwort auf ehemaliges Mitglied vom 21.07.2020, 09:58:40

Dear Kirsty,

moles can indeed be a great problem. But I couldn't help smiling when imagining you peppering your garden with garlic 😄. Let us know if it works!



RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von Globetrotter

Just a quick hello I signed up this morning and found this interesting thread. I will surely come back to chat with you, just need to get organised😃


RE: how about just conversation?
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Globetrotter vom 23.07.2020, 10:11:49

Hello, Globetrotter, It's great to have you here! Just sift through this  thread and find some pen-friends - there are quite a view interesting people with lots of experience; I am sure you can find somebode qith your interests. 
In the column on the left side you can find plenty of items of which this English thread is only a tiny part of.
But: If you intend to participate, you ought to show a bit more of your personality in your profile: We want to know how old you are, where you come from od where you live, your hobbies and so on....
Then you can easily find friends here.
Wish you good luck - I hope to meet you again !
Greetings from Rosemarie
