English how about just conversation?
Shame that the thread here does not move a little more!
Hello altogether,
well, yoli, perhaps i can help a little bit not to shame ;)
from time to time I look what is new here in the "language department", always a little bit of thinking to start writing more in English or French (worse than my English).
but if it could be a help that this thread won't stop, I'll like to throw a few English words in it, too, of course :)
I like languages and in former times I had read much more in English, visited discussion etc. nevertheless I would like to avoid all the mistakes which seems to like me - sometimes more, sometimes less. so if anyone recognizes a mistake (small, big, repeating), i'm looking forward to being told. to hear/read native speakers is interesting cause the differences in style and expressions - and sometimes i learn something.
Yes, jacaré4/Udo (which do you prefer here ?), I agree totally concerning the rain and I'm very grateful for all the waterdrops and like the moderate temperature.
Have a nice weekend !
Hello and Greetings Skys
I am so happy to hear from you.
It took me a while to get back to write here but now it is with a happy heart.
I thought about writing a few words of wisdom in the other part here.
Rain is beautiful ...but..
Just about now we wanted to go away with the camper in the area Emilia-Romagna.
Better not to get wet feet! But maybe in 2 weeks’ time it may be safer!
Come and have a look in Words of Wisdom.
Take care.
Love Yoli
thank you for your answer and very much for your kind welcome greetings ! :)
Yes, of course, the amount of rain is a problem. Some have too few and others too much. I had been thinking already a lot of times of the humans in other regions of the earth who have much more often such problems but what was not so much considered here before, I think.
Thanks for your hint to the wisdom thread. Despite I know it and like it, I usually only look there when I have more silence and time. But now I looked of course immediately ;)
I collect such lines of wisdom, too, not so much the short ones, which I like but they are just too many to collect. But short stories of wisdom or little poems which I find from time to time accidentally or by hunting. Most are in German but in the meantime I had begun to collect additionally some in English - and therefore I enjoyed to find the donkey story :) *got a place in my collection ;)
When I read your word about starving for knowledge I agreed and was nodding. Herzensbildung would be a fine juxtaposition - couldn't find a good English expression for it which includes the part of formation. Do you know a suitable word for it ?
Now I throw a few word of wisdom from an anonymous human in the thread and then I wish you a nice evening.
Best wishes !
you had me there. Juxtaositiin..I thought.. what the hell is that.
Now I have learned something again Thanks to you Skys :-)
What is Juxtaposition?
Simply put, juxtaposition is a literary device that places two things side by side for a contrasting effect.
For example, consider how the Yin and Yang symbol has contrasting colors. This creates a visual juxtaposition between the black and white.
But here’s the deal:
Juxtaposition is an umbrella literary technique that includes more specific types of contrasts. Oxymorons, foils, and antitheses all fall under this juxtaposition umbrella.
Let’s briefly define each:
- Oxymoron is when words have conflicting meanings. Examples include phrases like “bittersweet” and “icy hot.”
- Foil is where characters contrast. For example, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are foil characters because Jekyll is a respectable doctor while Mr. Hyde is a violent man.
- Antithesis places two opposite ideas together. Neil Armstrong said, “One small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind.” The phrases, “one small step” and “one giant leap” are contrasting ideas.
Oh, thank you, I didn't know that juxtaposition is a literary device.
I met this expression often in connection with a thesis and antithesis or something which was put across - and yes, it is a nice word and was easy to remember :)
and well, knowledge and Herzensbildung (education of the heart skills ? ;) stands unfortunately often across instead of side by side.
Hi there Skys
But also greetings to who may read here as well
We have been away with the camper for a few days in the Tessin, the southern part of Switzerland.
There were lots of Swiss People there. Now I have to be truthful!!! The Swiss people in the camping life are not half as nice as the German, the English and other nations. WHY???
Normally one arrives, says hello around, maybe where we just came from, where we may be going and if the others were having a good time.
Nothing! Nothing at all!
Normally we go abroad so it is a new experience for us.
I have to ponder why that is.
About poem’s! My bookcase is full of English poems. I used to read a lot and knew some of them by heart.
Fran Landesman is one of my favourite.
In German I do like for instance:
Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz, also Silja Walter, just to name a few.
Take care
Hello Yoli,
The Swiss people in the camping life are not half as nice as the German, the English and other nations. WHY???
puh - a good question g
Despite i can understand you very well, i do hope, that the Swiss people are not in general like these ones. Strange.
Normally one arrives, says hello around, maybe where we just came from, where we may be going and if the others were having a good time.
Nothing! Nothing at all!
Indeed i've already heard somtimes of some "special" contacts, where the Swiss didn't seem to welcome others very much. But i wouldn't like to generalize it, cause i know some very gentle Swiss, too. But unfortunately i think, there are too many who could probably behave a little more gentle.
You enjoyed your trip anyway, i hope ? Landscape etc ?
I asked the internet for Silja Walter and found a nice little movie with her, speaking Swiss German, which i like very much to listen. I was surprised, she was a nun and her poems seem to be often with a religious touch, too.
Very often i don't remember the authors of poems, just collect them and enjoy it. But e. g. Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz i know, too. Or Erich Fried i like for instance.
With a little more time, i will have a look, what is written by "anonymous", so that i can post sth here.
Wish you a nice weekend :)
It is nonsense
says reason
It is what it is
says love
It is calamity
says calculation
It is nothing but pain
says fear
It is hopeless
says insight
It is what it is
says love
It is ludicrous
says pride
It is foolish
says caution
It is impossible
says experience
It is what it is
says love
Original language version from Eric Fried
How strange! I used to read his peoms whilst n England and have forgotten him. I love the way he finds words for emotion.. Thank you dear skys
Hi Skys
I thought about the Swiss and their behaviour.
I am talking about the elderly Swiss. Now we have such a lot of folks from outside Switzerland that we have a nice mixture.
Am not at all unhappy about that!
Did you mention at one time that you are French origin? Or part of you.
Because the French are very friendly, when we meet on Camping’s.
Now I do hope that you keep well and just take care.
Love Yoli
how nice to read the poem "It is what it is says love" from Erich Fried in English. Think it is one of the most well-known poems from him. I know his poems only in German.
But inspired of the English poem I searched for the authors of some other poems I have and actually find them :)
Well, it's funny: actually the Huguenots are part of my family tree. But the more significant roots are German ones and... - yes, Swiss ones 😅
What kind of roots do you have ?
Send you some ice and cooling greetings (is already very warm here).