English how about just conversation?
Dear Virginia,
you are lucky, you´re expecting 20° tomorrow, whereas unlucky people like me living in the northern regions of Germany have to cope with degrees below zero in the mnorning and 7° as day´s highest. What a difference between the north which seems just south of the Arctic and lovely Bavaria.
Later this afternoon I will pick up my daughter from he station. She comes already today and will help us over the weekend and on Monday when I have my first eye operation.I hope my eye-sight will be improving so that my way of driving will no longer scare other people. Anyway we did a lot of shopping this morning, in order to avoid starvation during next week, when i have to keep away from the steering-wheel. The other eye will be operated in May.
Dear Yoli,
have you ever seen an oystercatcher bird? That is a very beautiful bird with lots of red. A long pointed red beak. red legs, and red around the eyes. In recent years oystercatchers have discovered new breeding places away from coastal areas. Now they prefer flat company roofs more in the interior. Here they don´t catch oyterrs. They mainly feed on earthworms.

Dear Udo,
I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your eye operations and hope all will go well and the results will be satisying.
Keep away from the steering wheel and please do not starve! 😊!
The last two weeks I have prepared our garden for the spring, I'm happy to be finished.
Lupa likes to be with me. 💓.
Tomorrow at 12:36 I have an appointment for my first covid-19 vaccination, I am happy to receive this although it is 30 km away and 60 km (Virton) there and back.
We have also a lot of sparrows where we feed, I have the seeds in a plastic cupboard where mice have now settled,😐 I had to clear out and clean everything 😊.
Dear Udo, I wish you all the best for you eye operation on monday 👍.Phil.
Dear Phil
Will Lupa wait in the car while you are queueing fot the fun of getting vaccinatead? I got my first injection in the afternoon of my birthdy end of March. I did only have to drive for fifteen minutes, then it took more than an hour to get the procedure completed,. I was puzzled by all the burocratic steps that were involved.
My garden doesn´t need much attention. It is mostly full of wild growing plants. Now it is at its best with yellow everywhere: daffodils and forsythias. My wife and I love our garden like that.
Has Lupa the right to enjoy running in your garden?
Have a joyful weekend. Udo
A loud Jodel from Switzerland.
So nice to hear what is happening in your life.
About eyes! I had both my eyes done cataract and I wanted one to be able to see for near and the other for the distance.
It works beautifully for me. I like to read in bed at night and during the day I manage to see OK even to drive the car.
Udo..toi toi
Virginia, you have to wait a while yet. I will write here just a bit bigger letters for the moment. Hope it does not nerve you.
Please be careful not to bend over in the first days. They do not tell you that sometimes.
Udo dear, I have never consciously seen oyster catcher bird. I will look out for them in proper places.
Phil, I am so happy that Luna is feeling less pain. I can tell you that cortisone is a great drug. She does have cortisone? I love the picture of her in your profile photo.
We have no garden of our own. But out of the window I can show you a lot of nature. Will go and have a search in the internet in a mo.
Just take care and great to hear YY Phil, that you are having your vaccination. My husband Emil has his first on Monday like you too.
@pschroedI don't like to leave Lupa alone in the car, depending on how she is lying, I suspect that she is in pain. She likes to lie fully stretched out. Phil.
Dear Phil
Will Lupa wait in the car while you are queueing fot the fun of getting vaccinatead? Udo
I got my first injection in the afternoon of my birthday end of March. I did only have to drive for fifteen minutes, then it took more than an hour to get the procedure completed,. I was puzzled by all the burocratic steps that were involved. UdoI was at 14:15 back home this morning, the meeting was at 12:36 , the vaccination procedure took about twenty five minutes.
In belgium it is going very fast, the doc asked only , about allergic reactions. Phil.
My garden doesn´t need much attention. It is mostly full of wild growing plants. Now it is at its best with yellow everywhere: daffodils and forsythias. My wife and I love our garden like that. Udo.I wrote "garden" but our is only large fenced in meadow, with any fruit trees, indended for dogs. Phil.
Has Lupa the right to enjoy running in your garden? Udo.Yes, but the running time is over since a year, after the morning walks (about 1km) she is only lying on the terrace, we´re very happy that we found a way where Lupa doesn't hurt too much.
We knew it, 2013 when we took Lupa from the asylum, she had also the kennel fever, she turned and turned and was very difficult to calm down, that of course was also very bad for the joints Phil.
Have a joyful weekend. UdoThank you very much Udo, you too. Phil. 👍
Thank you Yoli, we are really happy that Lupa has still a good time , the next two week we visite the vet, I asked him about cortisone, who knows what's to come.
Phil, I am so happy that Luna is feeling less pain. I can tell you that cortisone is a great drug. She does have cortisone? I love the picture of her in your profile photo.
We have no garden of our own. But out of the window I can show you a lot of nature. Will go and have a search in the internet in a mo.
Just take care and great to hear YY Phil, that you are having your vaccination. My husband Emil has his first on Monday like you too.
The first astrazeneca ist injected 😊 the second is scheduled for the third july.
My wife is not yet convinced,she wait what is happen to me ,if I survive 😉, she'll get vaccinated too.
Good succeed for you husband, it is really nothing, the injection needle must be very fine.
Have a nice afternoon. 💗 Phil.
Pardon Udo, it was the kennel kollor. Phil.

Just a short meesage:
Your thought to to use bigger letters is very sweet, but you don't have to: It is very easy to increase the screen view with the key combination "Strg" and "+". To decrease use "Strg" and "-".
Good day to all of you
I just looked down from the balcony and noticed that one of the three lawns I look down from has not mowed the lawn.
The whole lawn is yellow. There are lots of dandelions. It looks beautiful. I just made a photo of it all.
I dare not tell them how I love it. They may think I am being sarcastic.
We live in a block with 15 other families.
Years ago we used to have a lovely flowery balcony as well. We put petunias in the boxes, mostly just one colour and we were proud of how it looked.
We used to go away weeks at a time and always had to ask neighbours to look after the plants. 1 -2 weeks we managed with a watery system. But no longer noway.
Then we thought maybe artificial plants! They looked good as well. People were surprised because they flowered so well.
Nowadays we have nothing there.
Sadly so do lots of the folks as well. It seems as if the habit of making a colourful balcony has passed here in town.
Well I am off to visit a lady in a nursing home. She is called Elisabeth and is 96 years of age.
She had enough of life and told me she was ready to go home!
IT is a bad situation for old people in homes. Mostly alone in their own rooms! She used to love to recite poems. Sometimes even big ones like “Die Glocke” von Goethe.
Well let’s see how she is today. I let you know.
Take care and bless you