English how about just conversation?
hello All
Yes I remember as well and to be truthful it sort of annoyed me. I would have liked to know who sort of liked me as I was surrounded by boys around 12m yrs. and married men.
At that time!
You know Udo Dear, don’t worry about the Chinese things. It amuses those who read it and then again if something survives more than 4000 years there has to be something about it! I, for my sake I like to be a Chinese horse
Our dear Rose just does not. That is OK.
It looks as if spring wants to come around. I was watching some people walking around as if a new freedom has been announced!
Hello to all my English friends.
At the moment I am not going to write too much here.
The response is: I've started to try my luck in the Italian language. I only learned the dialect of the Ticino area. That doesn't seem to be very helpful in the written language.
I'm sure I'll be here with you when you write. I like to hear from the travel reports and also other very different topics. I think Udo is also able to speak Italian?
Rose my love, how do you feel about it?
Then we still have Phil. Anyway, I'm sure I'll stay active in this thread. T
ake good care of you.
Kind regards Yoli
oh come on, dear yoli - we can do that easily, using both languages? I'm still learning Finnish at the moment and that's really a tough nut to crack. :-)
can you imagen: they have their own word for that feeling when you are going to get drunk at home alone in your underwear - with no intention of going out... it's Kalsarikännit! :-) O h I love it
Woschi Dear, of course I am here- and there and everywhere. I love to be busy. That Finnish language seems complicated.
it is important to know what you are wearing when you decide to get drunk!
I had a little try at Yoruba when I spent a few weeks in Nigeria. There they have words for you here, you there you femal or senior. Very complicated this lanquage as well.
Woschi you must be a proper talent when you attack things like that.
And nice you know you, to know you nice!
Dear Yoli, I ´m sorry, my knowledge of Italian is very very restricted. I can´t speak it, I can only understand a few words. For example: è pericoloso traversare la línea gialla.
My eldest granddaughter, however is fluent in Italian. She spent half a year studying in Florence. When we went to meet her we were so pleased with her. She was so helpful. in every way to get around the city and other places. Everything was so much more interesting, e.g. travelling to Arezzo and back.
I once tried to learn a few Ewe words before I went to theTrocadero in view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris where I met some good-looking men from West Africa selling "African Art" to tourists. However when they saw police approaching, they immediately gripped the four corners of the cloth containing their products, flung it over their shoulders and ran.
I have never tried to tackle Finnish. However one of the my Chinese friends got married to a Finn in Espoo. I really was surprised she is fluent in Cantonese, Finnish and English now. So are her children. I really couldn´t believe it, when I stayed with them for a few days some years ago.
well Udo, we keep going in English. It does not hurt me as it is a long time since I left that country.
I joined an English Forum where there are Ex Pat. All english speaking people. I wonder about the words they find to describe something. IT makes me tongue tied..
I do read some books in English. Here no problem, but at my age it must do.
Are you having springy feelings as well up your part of the world?
Well, Udo - I can still speak Italian quite fluently and am especially happy that I can also read Italian authors in the original, but to write I have to correct them online with a translation program :-) So just be courageous and join in - it should be for fun and entertainment and no grades are given.
I'm currently reading in english some of the original by Mark Twain that I haven't been able to do in all these years. His travelogues for Germany and Switzerland are particularly hilarious in the original.
A quote:
Some German words are so long that they have a perspective. Observe
these examples:
These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions.
Of course when one of these grand mountain ranges goes stretching across
the printed page, it adorns and ennobles that literary landscape but at
the same time it is a great distress to the new student, for it blocks up
his way; ... "
- "That Awful German Language," Appendix D of A Tramp Abroad
Mark Twain wrote a lot of interesting stories. Of course he was puzzled by some superlong words he came across in the German language. On the other hand he pretended that in order to master the German language you only need to memorize two words: zug and schlag. Mark Twain pretended these were the most useful words. For example: Abzug, Bezug, Verzug, Vorzug, Auszug, Entzug, D-Zug, Luftzug, Zugluft Überzug, hinterziehen, erziehen, zurückziehen, sich zurückziehen, überziehen, and many more.
Schlag: Abschlag, Beschlag, Verschlag, Unterschlagung, Vorschlag, Überschlag, Rückschlag, Zerschlagung, entzwei schlagen, erschlagen, etc.
Of course there are more useful words in the German language. I think Mark Twain did not really mean this seriously.
Dear Rose, did you really never get any Valentine greetings? Well, I think this is because when we were younger, this habit did not exist in continental Europe. It was but much later that florists, chocolateries and sweet shops discovered this commerce intended to make people happier. I agree that your grandson is a good boy. That he doesn´t take part in activities that may reveal too intimate personal details when chatting or other online ways of communication.
Have a good week with early spring temperatures.
Hello Udo,
It's amazing, what Mark Twain noticed in our language. We don't even recognize those peculiarities. Well, of course not, everyone just uses his mothertongue without giving serious thought to it - well, I love our language - and I still more love the Bavarian - but I appreciate the shortness of the English. There are words, which express very short and impressively, what you must explain in German more long-winding.
I miss a lot the opportunity to speak. I used to talk a lot in English, as long as I was employed or even as a member of the VHS with all my English mates and teachers. But, when the Virus will be got over I will start all over again. I mustn't diminish learning as I get older.- shallI ?
So - lets go! Good night and have s pleasant week! Greetings from Rosemarie