English how about just conversation?
Good morning, Rosemarie!
I agree that Globetrotter's profile is still a bit meager, but she only signed up this morning. Time will tell 😊. But you are writing "we", meaning you are speaking for everyone in this thread. Now I don't necessarily want/need to know how old somebody is. That's a very private information.But I do enjoy knowing the person's birthday without the year.
Hello Virginia - of course you are right!
It is not my intention to pump anybody for details!
But if you know somebody's age, interests, place of residence and so on.. it gives you more possibilities to comunicate. Don't you think so?
I just wanted to help that person to integrate herself. Rosemarie
Of course, Rosemarie, interests are very important. But I believe one should leave it up to the person to communicate personal details, i.e. age, place of residence.
Thanks for your answers I updated my profile hoping it shows a few more details.
I am not ready to write more about myself for the time being. Feel free to ask in a private chat
Your profile is fine - well done 😊. And it is interesting as well.
Thanks for updating your interesting profile! Have a good time being - Rosemarie
A warm Welcome from me to you as well dear Globetrotter.
Nice to have you aboard! We are interested in all and everything.
Of course, as Rosemary wrote, there is a lot more to this Forum as just the English part. But here we love to have a nice crowd.
Take care
Love Yoli
Greetings to you all
I was looking in the Spanish part of the foreign languages and WHO did I meet?
Our dear WoSchi and our dear Jacare. :-)
I do like to Spanish language as well, have learned it once but seldom use it.
Interesting to to know where you two learned this language WoSchi and Jacare.
Languages are useful and on travelling I am glad to be able to use them in strange countries. I have tried to learn the Arabic language. I stopped by a vocabulary of about 20 words as they all speak French.
I look again in other parts of the foreign languages as I do love them.
Greetings and
Take care
Yoli you speak Spanish as well, very good. I used to take courses at Volkshochschule but had to give up as I was travelling al the time and couldn't attend lessons. I did read a few books written in simple Spanisch instead.
Hello, dear Yoli, you want to know how i got into contact with Spanish and Spain. That was back in 1953, more than half a century ago. My elder sister had gone to Hamburg where she studied English and Spanish at a language school. She wanted to find a job as a foreign language correspondent or secretary with one of the many import and export companies. She succeeded and worked for many years with Geerts Gebrüder.
As a matter of fact in 1953 she persuaded our mother .to plan a three-week car trip to Spain, which was not an easy task in those days, as passports and visa were needed for travelling through France and around Spain. Furthermore a tryptik for the car was obligatory, which was a kind of passport for the vehicle.All these preparations took many weeks before we could start. I had to get extra leave from school, three weeks outside the regular school holidays. At a local book shop we bought a voluminous book about Spain with many black and white pictures, which showed us how beautiful Spain is and what to include in our trip.
I was 15 years old then, big enough to be charged with the tour planning..My parents had spent two years in South America in the early 1930s. So my mother introduced me to the Spanish language as best she could, not really much but enough to get along when we drove to fantastic places such as Tarragona, the Roman city of Sagunto, the thousands of palm trees of Elche, the mezquita in Córdoba, the Alhambra in Granada, Sevilla, Toledo, Burgos cathedral, and other places of interest.. What a wonderful trip. I still remember many details of it. Especially how surprised Spaniards in 1953 were when they noticed a woman was sitting at the wheel.