English English jokes
just got back from FRance
Why do the French like to eat snails so much?
A. They can’t stand fast food.
found on twitter
Is this meant to be a joke or rather his hope to get rid of his mother-in-law?
Why does he publish the full adress and when she'll be at home, I wonder!
It was the sales pitch of someone who wanted to sell his old house under the address in last year - many people went there to see it and he could sell it soon
What a shrewd fellow! I wonder what he would think of for the opposite situation: If you have to select a solid tenant out of hundreds of applicants.
don't you worry .. his mother in law has never lived there :-)
they are always funny those mother-in-law jokes..we could fill many pages with them
HAHAHAHAHAH if it weren't so pathetic and insane! .....
a true little story
a girl applied to Hogwarts as first choice on her UCAS* form.
This reply from them is awesome...
* UCAS ist die zentralisierte unabhängige Stelle, welche im Vereinigten Königreich die Vergabe beinahe aller Erststudienplätze organisiert. Sie wird zwar oft mit der Zentralen Vergabestelle für Studienplätze gleichgesetzt, jedoch liegt bei UCAS keinerlei Entscheidungskraft über den Erfolg einer Bewerbung.